Well my December folder definitely has the most posts than any other month, and that's because a LOT happened in December, let's re-cap:
I went to Kristen's niece's/nephew's band concert
Jimmy Fallon hosted SNL
Fred's Birthday!
I went to Albert's gingerbread house making party
NBC Writer's Strike
I witnessed Nick and Julian fighting in the streets
I text Ben Stiller for his jacket back
Writer's Strike ends
Robert DeNiro hosts SNL
In Transit is finished being made
Matthew Goode sends us an interview
I go to the Elementary Schools to perform
Paul Rudd hosts SNL
Kristen announces that I am one of her bridesmaids
I meet Robert Downey Jr.
I meet The All-American Rejects, Owl City, Nine Inch Nails, Anberlin, and Passion
Julian and I answer fan questions
I help Paul out
Christmas Eve party!
My very first Christmas!!
I go see Little Fockers and meeting Cillian Murphy after
I get Coco and Quilliam!
I get attacked by gangs of the Narrows
I die
I'm revived
Seth's Birthday!!
I go watch The Strokes at Smithnions
Ah December we've had our laughs but for the moment I must leave you and head into January and 2011...I would love to recap 2010 but I've only blogged about 5 months of it.
Bye 2010, we've had some crazy times...