Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 5 {Jeff Bridges}

It's going to have to be a weird schedule for the today and tomorrow since it's technically a holiday and we shouldn't even be working, but it's SNL so I don't know if you can even call it "work". Today I filmed It's a Wonderful Life and Jason and Vanessa filmed The Miley Cyrus Show. I have nothing against Vanessa but I personally don't like the Miley Cyrus Skit except for the clips from her "TV experiences". This morning I woke up at 10AM and helped make the desserts for tonight's Christmas Eve Party, or as I always used to call it Christina Eve. It was Kristen, Jason, Abby, Fred, and Nasim and we made a pound cake, brownie cheesecake muffins, magic bars, and something else but I can't remember. Oh, Jeff isn't spending Christmas Eve or Christmas Day with us but we're seeing him tomorrow night for the show of course.

At 12:30PM Julian and I went out to lunch at Hammilton's and then we decided to go RACECARING at Lizard Racing Course in Queens. If you know Lizard's you know it's an indoor race track so Julian and I suited up in full on pantsuit and helmet and we went around 4 times and had an absolutely amazing time. The funniest part was whenever one of us would get in front of the other we would turn to the side and block the other and the people letting us go on the track would get mad. It was all in good spirit though. I'm not sure if it's a SNL tradition of they're just really nice but everyone was given a time slot after midnight to put their gifts under the tree for everyone. The only presents under the tree now are those from Lorne (mainly envelopes and small boxes for the n00bs and me). Speaking of the n00bs, after Paul and Nasim broke up...Paul been really sad. He has hooked up with any of the sluts at the after parties and he's been seldom to stay in his room. Well once I got home I went to his room to see just what the hell was going on.

(knocking) Paul it's me Christina, are you there?
(opening the door his hair is messy and face disheveled) What.
You look like hell.
Yeah and you look like a princess, what do you want?
What's been happening to you? We never see you anymore and we miss you...
Ha, yeah right.
No seriously what's been going on?
I just broke up with my girlfriend am I suppose to be happy-go-lucky?
Paul, that was like a month ago. 
Yeah well we went out for longer.
Yeah, bout a month and a half and all you guys did was hook up-
Look if you're here to make fun of-
NO! You're right, I'm sorry I'm here to understand why you don't hang out with us anymore.
I'm fine by myself.
But we want to hang out with you.
Well we don't all get what we want now do we?
(sighing) Paul I'm not trying to be intrusive but-
Well you are.
Okay, but I don't want to see you alone all the time.
How could you see me if I'm alone.
That's not the point Paul, why are you so evasive?
You're really doing this aren't you.
Yes I am.
(sighing) Come in.

He told me everything. How Nasim was the last of a bunch of bad relationships that left him with nasty thoughts and how he thinks that he can't love someone like they do in movies. He's also been very upset because his childhood dog just died in his hometown and he loved that dog like no other. After the whole schpeal he was crying but he's going to be okay. We left his room together and into the main room for drinks. I think Paul and my relationship just blossomed into something more and I'm really glad I talked to him. YAY PSYCHOLOGY!

The SNL mailbox has been flooding with packages, I caught sight of a few of them and they were mainly marked "To Andy Samberg" or "To Bill Hader" so they're going to get quite the surprise on Christmas Day...For tonight's Christmas Eve party we were given names from out of a hat of everyone that was going to the party and we were to get them gifts no more than $20. Although when you pulled a name out of this giant hat if you had already gotten them something for Christmas you had to pick again, so at first I got Alec Baldwin, then Nikolai Fraiture, and then finally I got John Karsinski whom I've never met before. This should be fun, by the way I just want to give a shout out to Aahs! Gift store because I must've bought over $250 worth of stuff and everything was great and perfect, I highly recommend this store. Hows that for marketing.