Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 3 {Jimmy Fallon}

Welcome December! Holidays are coming up and I have to figure out what I'm giving everyone because I'm definitely giving everyone a gift. Well maybe not too many people...35 Max. By the way last night I had dinner with ZE STROKES (or was it the night before...?) and it was fun, ANYWAYS

Today we filmed Sully and Denise! Oh after school Julian drove me home and walked me into the set again and after I got costume, hair, and make-up on I was ready for the scene, all lines memorized and I was ready to do the scene. So we started it off well

Hey Tommy you got enough light? Focus it. Alright, this is Pat Sullivan this is my girl here Denise (puts arm around her) I'm here in my basement at Lexington mass.
Go Minutemen! Go Minutemen!
This tape is our official submission to the producers of Survivor.
Yeah please disregard the previous tape we sent you, that was suppose to be for our own private use. (they laugh, look at each other and then make-out)

And then we had to stop because we accidentally smacked into each other too hard. We tried again TWICE and couldn't get it right, so, we were asked to go practice in another room. Since Julian's okay with me saying whatever I want about Jimmy as long as I don't go run off with him....he's a really good kisser, JUST SAYING. After we got the quick-tempo of it we were good. And boy were there a shitload of takes. But it was even funnier when we had to stop for 10 minutes because Jimmy had a boner. YEAH, you think you had a weird day? Ha think again. You think you had a awkwardly satisfying day? Yeah think AGAIN.

I'm in an improv match this friday! (Comedy Sportz) you should definitely go, tickets are 5 dollars at the door and I'll be in the first half against THE BOYS. Get ready and get rolling folks.