Monday, December 6, 2010

Yelling Sooths the Soul

Y is officially off my list and now all I need is U, X, Z. I think.

So I just came back from a gingerbread house making was really epic. Although the party hoster (ALLLBERT) got stabbed with scissors. Quite scary actually, it was a girl named Rachel who did so, it was pretty funny though. I need to figure out christmas gifts soon because I've got a lot to give...

I'm not sure why the last 5 of these posts have basically been the length of a twitter message but I apologize for it...maybe tomorrow's will be better WHO KNOWS. Although, Robert De Niro is hosted this week, and he's an amazing actor, and P. Diddy is our musical guest so I'm really excited about that as well because I hear he's a really caring guy.