Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 3 {Jeff Bridges}

No filming for me today unfortunately, I've been low on the filming this week. But I have a scene tomorrow. Today they filmed Kardashian Holiday and General Store. I always love the Kardashian scenes because Nasim does an amazing job as Kim. I LOVE HER. At around 12PM I went to Tyson's hotel room (Nick was in his room as well) and we went shopping for an hour together then Nick left to go bowling with a bunch of people then there was a sound check thing at the Irving Plaza so I reconnected with my Strokes at that point, then after that I wanted to hang out with Tyson more so I went back to his hotel room. Let me try and explain just how much fun I had with Tyson.

So as I was finishing shopping I was really watching was he was buying but he did buy a bunch of stuff and he said that it was for "fun later" so I was a little scared at that statement because it sounded like something sexual. So at around 4:30PM Nick came by and picked us up and Tyson, in the car, handed me a brown paper bag with a lot of stuff in it and he said don't open it until I text you to. So he dropped my off at one end of Central Park and Tyson was dropped off at the other and when I got the text I opened my bag to find: a old cowboy belt equip with two silly string shooters in the gun holder, a cowboy hat, a red poncho, goggles, two glitter guns, and a note saying "Get ready for the fight of your life". I walked around extremely cautiously and then after 5 minutes of walking to his end he shoots my in the face with the glitter gun and I get him right back with my glitter gun. It ended up with us on the ground completely out of glitter and silly string and we got up looking like a love child of cousin It and Edward Cullen with all the silly string trailing from us and glitter attached to our bodies. It was a good day. At Tyson's apartment we filmed some little video blogs for his audience. One was of Tyson saying Santa over and over again and me popping into frame like a happy little elf, another was of him being mad at TRL for not putting The All-American Rejects as number one so we made a video saying he'd get naked if the fans did so, and the last one was of us covered in glitter and silly string just talking about random crap. Oh Tyson you wacked out fruit loop.