Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 1 {Paul Rudd}

Paul Rudd is the coolest guy on the planet. Today we filmed Cat Cuisine and Message from Mastercard, two skits in which Paul and I are both not in (weird cause he's the host right?) so we got to hang out today with my good friend Jorma from The Lonely Island. Super random and fun and awesome. Although it was kind of ruined by Kristen's cynicism about the holidays and apparently she freaks out every holiday because she thinks that life is terrible or something. I gave her a hug and told her I loved her which cheered her up, and it's not like I was lying or anything because I really do love her, as a friend. Fred was trying to counter her ridiculous arguments which just ending in a screaming match. They still love each other don't worry, Kristen can just be really unreasonable at times.

Matthew freakin Goode actually did what very little hosts on SNL do. He went through with the SNL Interview process. Usually when an actor or actress wants to be on SNL they have to give an interview which will later be submitted to us, this doesn't happen very often. While I've been on the show I've never seen a interview from the maybe-host (but in Mr. Goode's case he's DEFINITELY the host) so here's a transcript for his little interview. By the way, some of it might not make sense because Mr. Goode was kind of'll see the weirdness;

You know what don't worry about the wine, oh hang are going to be greeted by some peter with a huge smile. (smiling wide) I'm ready...(comically drinks the wine with two hands).
So what's the first thing you can remember?
 You know as far as I'm concerned my first memory was watching Daily Thompson win the decathlon Olympic gold medal in Los Angeles which is 1984 and you're like 'How can I possibly not have a thought before the age of six?! that's just weird!'. 
What's your view on sports?
You suddenly take an interest in things that you've never cared about before, it's like "Oh my God it's the semifinal of the Judo and there's an English person there, brilliant! (points to an imaginary screen) Come on slam him down! Or whatever it's called!". 
If you are chosen to be on SNL what's one thing you definitely want to do?
Kiss Christina Essenelle, it seems like a lot of the male hosts on the more recent episodes have had their on camera kissing with her and I'm most definitely going to jump in on that action. You know this going to be really awkward now if I ever see her, (to the camera) it's not me it's the wine! (takes another comical sip and likes the rim he then laughs to himself) Oh God she's going to think I'm an absolute freak...
Do you feel like drugs should be banned? Or what are your thoughts on that?
Why does everybody just get on drugs, make it fair, you can take whatever the fuck you like and let's see who's the quickest. Seriously, jam it in, see what you got! 
(laughing) any childhood memories you want to discuss?
I remember seeing Harvey when I was very, very young that had quite a stupendous affect on me really. Because I kind of thought, uh, "That's work Jamies Cherring being brilliant and also the idea that you could have a best friend who's 6 you know, 7 foot rabbit. That was quite cool. (takes another sip of wine).
What do you remember about yourself as a teenager?
 I was a bit of a book coward, I used to shut myself away. I was a day boarder at my school so I'd finish school and I come home and I would generally eat 5 packs of crisps, you know 7 carrot buns and 2 pints of milk and then I'd go upstairs and was just like "I've got no one to play with now my brother's gone away" so I'd sort of, if you'll excuse the expression, 'entertained myself' uhm, and let's face it I was probably doing a lot of that as well. Ahem! Anyway (makes a popping sound with his lips).
Who on SNL would you be most excited to work with?
Well I just spilled my guts about Christina, I would say Kristen Wiig or Bill Hader because they're very humourous and are extremely quick witted and I'd love to work with them. Bobby Moynihan is amazing as well.
What was your first acting part?
First Part, oh God...I think it was prince charming...I've got a horrible, not actually that was at the little school my mother made me play some sort of singing rodent in 'Wind in the Willows', (sarcastically) one of my finest performances (comically takes another sip of wine).
Who was your first kiss?
 Michelle Halphert was her name she was the old minx and yeah, well I had a kiss on stage, I don't think, it wasn't particularly enjoyable...but it was my first. 
What are your views on women and on acting?
On women and on acting, I don't think I wasn't hugely hooked on acting at that point, uhm, but then again I think, I think the thing that I love was that my mother di-did direct Alice in Dramatics so it was quite an extraordinary world with people smoking and laughing and drinking, it was quite exotic. I think auditioning is brilliant, it just scares the hell out of me.
If you had to pick a favorite song, what would it be?
I'm definitely a huge Deathcab for Cutie fan even if they are American, they just have really passionate songs. Also the Decemberists are brilliant as well, and that's not just because they're British...
Who was your favorite director to work with?
 So yeah the director of Matchpoint; Woody Allen was like "Well, uh, could you be here at this time at 9 in the morning and someone will come meet you in the square, it was all so secret, and I was in the rain and I started smoking and I was like "You may be Woody Allen but hurry the fuck up it's pissing out rain out here" sorry pardon my french. And so I looked like a drown rat when it was time to meet him and the meeting lasted for about a minute and a half and he basically sort of summed it up and said "I just wanted to kind of see what you looked like in the flesh and now I have, So thanks very much!" and I was like, "...okay!". 
Is there any inside information you have about Woody Allen?
He hates blue, he doesn't like sunlight, that's right it's coming back to me now...
Well thank you so much Matthew, and we'll hopefully see you on Saturday Night Live!
Good cause my final sip is right, let me get it out of the way...on camera. (kissing the glass) I miss you...Yes!

By the way I just got back from a Comedy Sportz Match and I won!! Yay for that...oh and I AM OBSESSED WITH DEATHCAB FOR CUTIE....OH MY GOD