Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 4 {Cillian Murphy}

Today was a emotional roller coaster. But it ended in a big positive way. So I woke up at around 9AM and went straight to filming Down by the River. I LOVE that skit because I play this super DGAF chick who was caught smoking pot and Cillian Murphy was my inspirational speaker trying to get me and my brother (Bill). Nasim and Fred played our parents, I'm not sure why Seth didn't just give Nasim's part to Kristen considering they're nearly MARRIED.

After that I had lunch in NBC's food court with Jason, Bill, Tina, and Jack. Love my 30 Rock friends, they've been off for a while now they haven't had a new episode since the 15th...ah well. After lunch I went with Julian and Seth to the police station, I had to go TALK to the guys. I did and he got really emotional apologizing like crazy because he didn't want me to press charges but I most certainly am. People need to learn from their mistakes and this is not their first offense. I'm thankful that I'm ALIVE. So yes I am 100% pressing charges on them. Ugh. That was the down point of my day because I don't like getting people in trouble but they definitely deserved it. After that we filmed Killer on the Loose which was most definitely based off of Cillian's performance in Red Eye. And in one of the scene Cillian grabs me and throws me up against the wall saying how I lost his ketchup bottle and now his whole existence is flawed. Although when he threw me up against the wall he did it a little too hard and I passed out. When I woke up everyone was around me saying I had been knocked out for 10 minutes, Cillian felt SO bad. He was practically crying he felt so bad. Although what REALLY sucked was when the NBC nurse came over to check my blood pressure it was 60 over 40 and I wasn't physically able to film any more scenes so I was taken in a WHEELCHAIR back to my room and Cillian joined me until Julian showed up then we drank hot chocolate and watched movies on my couch and Jules' dogs joined us too. I love those dogs but they can be a hassle at times. Especially Balki because that mo-fo rips everything up. Voltron is a lot sweeter. Anyways, I have to go to the NBC nurse to go check my blood pressure to see if I can go to his concert at Smithnions. Wish me luck.