Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jimmy Fallon hosts SNL

Tonight is the night! I filmed 6-Bee yesterday as well as hung out with Vanessa and Abby as well as played in a competitive improv match and won my half but lost the second...ah well I wasn't even in the second half! All my SNL people and Strokes people were there and it was very VERY fun. I got lots of "You were fabulous"s and "Can I have your autograph?"s. Lots o fun. The show went great! There were a LOT of girls screaming during my kissing scenes. It was really fun though because I knew the audience was loving it (and most likely the press by tomorrow). There was only one mistake and that was that during Siamese Twins he was suppose to grab Amy's boob but he couldn't reach it so he grabbed her shoulder. It still worked out A-okay. Oh my God Weekend Update was a SMASH it, especially with the pie throwing bit. There were only suppose to be 2 pies but there ended up being 7, it was pretty awesome overall. I didn't attend the after party though because I was just so tired. We got such good feedback from the show, I'm so proud of everyone. GAWRSH I LOVE SNL.

IT'S FRED'S BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. We threw a HUGE after party for him because Fred is the man and everyone loves him and we all made cute speechs and what not and it got all mushy and cute and what not. Twas awesome.