Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 2 {Paul Rudd}

Today at school for my drama class we went to the elementary schools to perform our Holiday scenes, very few of them knew who I was but most of the parents did. It was nice, although stardom is nice too. After school Julian walked me home and I was at first asked by Paul to go out and go do something but it was all a plan to see if I forgot that I was filming something today (and I did forget because I agreed to go with him). This is all because yesterday (or the day before whichever) I was talking to Paul and he tried to convince me that he knew the filming schedule better than I did, and I said that since I'm new I love knowing what I'm working on and I know basically everyone's schedule. Sometimes they call me "Secretary" and then I hit them. Although today Paul got me because I thought I wasn't filming anything today, WHICH I PRETTY MUCH WASN'T. Because filming usually implies working at NBC but for the Digital Shorts it's always with Akiva and Jorma so it's almost always at their locations and not ours. So Paul: 1 Christina: 1. The Digital Short is really random, but a lot of fun. It involves me stumbling through New York city and I catch up with Paul on the way. Also I got to meet Mario Batali during the skit. Oh and Paul McCartney sings during it with Paul and I in the background..and then Mr. McCartney has a tiny harmonica solo with Paul and I dressed in red cowboy uniforms and Mr. McCartney in a blue one! Really fun, definitely one you should look out for, other than that we filmed Meryl Streep on Ice Show today with Abby, Jason, and Taran. This is Jason's only scene this week because he's opted to not work. Whatever his pay loss...

I had the weirdest dream last night. So I was walking on the streets of New York City and I watched Robin from Teen Titans die from a bullet wound. And I was pissed, so I killed his attacker with extreme brute force, (I also had rock powers by the way) and ripped this guy limb from limb (it was Slade for you titan fans) and I even tore off his face and drenched him of his blood. Then the rest of the titans started to corner me but at this point I was glowing yellow with intense power (like Terra you titan-nerds) and I was untouchable so I destroyed them as well because the didn't care that Robin died and then Julian showed up trying to stop me and I just ignored him, then Superman showed up and tried to stop me but not even he could and I killed him to and blew up the whole town and a few near it as well, then Death (Satan) showed up and was going to take me to hell so I flew away from him and he chased me for a while and then I went into the center of the earth and went through the core of the earth thinking that he would die in it, but he didn't so I made a little rock bubble around me and I went to another dimension to escape death. I wound up in the NBC building and death still found me there too so I went through some buildings and then Death kicked my through the floor into a room with all noxious gas and I passed out and I woke up in hell. Hell was dark, maroon red colored, and very cavernous. When I first woke Death was staring at me and told me about hell, I don't think he said much but I saw Hitler behind him walking around and some weird prison guys were following him around him like his posse or something. Then I got angry because Death said he took my powers away and so I couldn't escape. Then I tried to climb the walls and off the stalactites and the ceiling was really high and I fell trying to escape and I hit my head. I would have died, but since I was in hell it was no use. I woke up in another cavernous room but with Jinx (teen titans) staring at me dead in the face. She said that she was here to show me something and then she would go because she could leave Hell whenever she pleased. So she took me to this hallway and to a room that had a silver plate on it that said "Robin" on it and then in parenthesis it said "Dick Grayson". So I opened the door and Robin was there and he hugged me like a lover would greet their lover. Then the place was starting to deteriorate and I asked Jinx to take us out of Hell and she said no at first but then said yes, and some of the Hell guards tried to stop us and one got Robin by the shoe but Jinx had a firm grip on his chest. Then I closed my eyes and opened them again to a hill top in Ireland (the one Fab and I rolled around on) and I was at the bottom and Jinx was at the top. I smiled at her because we had made it from Hell and it seemed like it took me forever to get to her, but I ran up that hill smiling like an idiot. Then when I got to her she held out her hand and held Robin's R-patch and it hit me that Robin wasn't with us and the smile faded immediately from my face and I asked "what?" and she said that he didn't make it, but he still made it out of hell...but into purgatory. So I said I would go find him and I made it to purgatory through my rock bubble thing and as I was about to find Robin NASIM WOKE ME UP.

Talk about a cliffhanger