Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hello Sweden! Or as zey say SVEDEN. How ah you? Gewd? Gewd. It's sunday morning so obviously I had a crazy night. Let's relive it shall we?

At 8PM we left for Sweden and got there at around 9:15PM and immediately went to practice at the show. The show itself was really rad, like the crowd was great and the vibe was great but again it was slightly depressing because they came to see the Strokes and they got four of them and Matt. Ah well, BLAME NIKOLAI. Just kidding, poor Nikolai has already taken to much rapt for it...After the first show they came on again at 12:20AM but from the time period of 10:15PM-12:20AM, Ryan, Fab, and I were all getting tickets to go see the Rocky Horror Picture Show (live audience)! Fortunately they had just enough seats, literally it was nearly sold out and we got the last 7 seats. Ryan and Fab had already been there but the rest of us...we were all virgins...oh boy! I didn't get to see the second performance of Ze Strokes but I'm sure they were fantastic as always. When they got into the car thinking that we were going to find a hotel we through bags of sexy clothes at them and told them what was going on. They were excited alright! Although the outfits...oh God they were so damn funny. Albert was wearing a black bodysuit with silver sparkles all over it (Frankenfurter dinner scene), Nick was just wearing a gold spandex (Rocky), Fab was a butt-head and only wore fish nets a speedo and a shirt and jacket. Still sexy though. Nikolai was by far the best, he wore Frankenfurters costume that he wore for 80% of the movie, Julian wore high socks with a garter belt and a lacy bra under his leather jacket, I wore nearly the same thing (socks, garter belt) but I also wore big black boots and a red lacy shirt. Very provacative night. We were seating in the middle and these stage hands put big red V's with lipstick on all of our cheeks (minus Fab and Ryan) and I got a heart right above my breast. Julian nearly punched the guy while he was doing so. initiation started. Everyone who was a virgin had to get up on stage and be humped by stage hands, definitely a fun experience. Then everyone who was 18 and younger had to sit down and the MC picked three girls and three guys to go up on stage and do Supreme Virgin Initiation.

Alright how about you miss with the red hair...oh you right there next to the short guy...oh and what do we have here? We've got a celebrity in our mist! Christina Essenelle PLEASE come on stage. (claping from the audience and pictures start flashing) Alright now all the girls I just brought up, choose one male to bring up with you. (of course seeing at The Strokes were the most attractive of all the men there Julian {me}, Nick (short guy), and Nikolai (red head) all got chosen) Wow, four Strokes on stage, this should be interesting...ALRIGHT Men get behind your women and women look straight because at this moment we will be placing a condom somewhere on their body and you have to find it using ONLY your hands, no talking, no pointing and no licking...and yes it might be just where you'd think we'd put it...mwahaha. Alright is everyone done? Okay, now everyone have your sides to the audience and on the count of three find the!

And sure enough I searched for that condom like my life depended on it, obviously crotch first (1) because it's mine and 2) it seemed like it'd be there...) but no, it was in his armpit! And Julian and I WON. So after Nikolai and Nick sat down it was just Julian and I and they told him to lay down on the floor and I had to stand over him, one leg on each one of his hips. Then a bunch of stage hands grabbed Julian's legs and arms and two grabbed my arms and thrust Julian into me three times. I have never had so much fun in my was just so damn FUNNY. Oh God did Julian have the biggest fucking boner after that...but it was cute the MC asked everyone for a round of applause and Julian wrapped his arm around me and kissed me on the side of my head and everyone awed. Man was I blushing though...a lot of people took pictures and most likely videos of us so you can probably see that whole thing on youtube. I haven't even checked for it yet but I know that Ryan got it on video. The rest of the night was just so much fun, there's one scene of the movie where they say it's the most boring and that you should hook-up with the person next to you so I did that and then after the show we got donuts, and went shopping. We didn't get back till 5AM and crashed in the nearest motel we could find. We woke up around 10AM realizing that we were about to be late for the concert at 11AM so we rushed for check out and got a taxi and made it just in time for the concert. Julian must have been horny again because he keeps on grinding with Albert, Nick, and I...not that I mind or anything but I think Albert does...the concert was so crazy. There was about a thousand people there AT LEAST. Very good publicity for The Strokes considering it was sold-out (as were all of their shows). Now I'm on the PRIVATE JET for the Strokes waiting to fly to Scotland again.

Which means it's time to part Sweden! It's been really fun, SERIOUSLY. Definitely one of my favorite stops on the trip. Adjö Sweden! Ve vill meet again!

By ze weh, today iz Vanessa Bayer's birzday! Happy Birzday Vanessa!!