Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 3 {Jon Hamm}

Yay Cumomo...I think? I'm not too much a fan of the democratic party but with the whole damn state to argue with I try to not be so conservative with my thoughts. Today we filmed two scenes, one of which I was in and that would be the digital short with Rhianna which was VERY humorous. Oh by the way, today I was walking home with Jules and I saw someone beating someone else up in an alley way (like in the movies) and I stopped and yelled "Hey stop that!" and they looked up and I noticed that I was yelling at the wrong person. The person being beat-up was the bad guy, the woman on the floor I just then noticed was the victim and the guy beating up the bad guy was the hero...costume and all. I then appologized and said "Keep up the good work". Confused as to why he was wearing a costume Julian then turned to me and said that he was part of the Watchmen. I having not read the comics or seen the movie was confused. Basically these people in NYC decided to impersonate the people from the orginal Minutemen and fight crime and what not, minus of course Doctor Manhattan and Nixon. So the man I saw in the alley was Nite Owl II. Interesting...