Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 1 {Anne Hathaway}

So I spent 5PMyesterday-8PMtoday hanging out with ZE STROKES but not all of them for the entire time, it started off as Nick, Nikolai, Julian, and I from 5PM-11AM then Fab showed up and then we met up with Albert when we went into Union Square and messed around. It was a jolly good time, but it had to end. There was filming today! They filmed the Miley Cyrus Show and Camel Tame commercial. So I have yet to meet miss Anne Hathaway but I am excited to! I watched Phone Booth and Pineapple Express in the last 24 hours, two very good movies I had already seen phone booth which is just an awesome psychological thriller and Pineapple Express was hilarious.I hope Seth Rogen hosts the show soon I want to meet him!

TOMORROW IS THE NIGHT PEOPLE! Watch Conan tomorrow at 8PM and 10PM on TBS. And it's not just me in the episode it's Christina Essenelle, Tom Felton, and ZE STROKES!..I get to fly first class too which is exciting SHIT. WOOT. Which also means I am not filming tomorrow or Thursday. SPEAKING OF THURSDAY, I still have no plans, and I even brought it up today with The Strokes asking what everyone else is doing and no one really said anything. I'll probably end up in my room going over lines or watching TV which I'm completely fine with, I mean I can't ask people to drop everything that they've been doing for years and years! So yeah I'm completely fine with that option, I think Julian's flying to Denmark to see his mom but he's been pretty discreet about Thanksgiving which basically gives me the heads-up of "No you're not invited". Which is pretty lame considering how "in love" we are but I guess some places are just too private for girlfriends to see. Is it frustrating? Yes. Do I feel shut-out by the person who says they love me? Of course. Am I going to say anything about it? Probably not. Why? Because I don't know until the day after-thanksgiving what's going to happen. *sigh I'm on Conan tomorrow! Maybe I'll just stay a day extra in L.A., Conan did invite me to his house if I had nowhere to go. Yeah speaking of which

So I should see you Tuesday then?
Yes that seems to be the plan.
Wow NBC must really hate me I'm stealing you away from the show mwahahaha.
Yeah and there's no filming on Thursday due to Thanksgiving!
Oh yeah what're you doing for Thanksgiving because of the whole orphanage thing?
I'm not exactly sure yet, no one's really offered any home up so I'll probably just stay at NBC.
Hey you can come on over to the O'Brien residence. Of course my children get to play with you.
I'm not sure whether that's sexual or not.
I guess you'll find out. (laughs)
Thank you for the offer I just might take you up on that,
We'll talk more tomorrow but my wife is home. Let the boredome begin...NOW! (he's joking everyone)
Haha, see you tomorrow Coco.