Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hello Holland! Or as ve say HALLA-LAND. Every building in Europe is so archaic and beautiful, someday I want to live here. Maybe not in Holland but possibly Ireland? I had so much fun there...that and Scotland. The show just finished and now we have all this free time until 8PM when we have to go to the airport. We're not even going to a hotel we're just wandering with our's actually a lot of fun. We've been smacking eachother with our bags and have been pushing eachother into these dutch girls. Holland is pretty chill. People here are weird though, I've never seen so many street vendors for random talent acts. We stayed for one of the acts of a guy doing backflips with his cat...thank you Holland for these random moments of awesome...and thank you Nick for teaching me some guitar! I can play Hard to Explain on the guitar now. Julian is pestering me to let him write his own little post so the one after this one will be ALL JULES.

The show at 3PM was good! It was a little sad because it wasn't just Ryan and I backstage but Fab too. You could just see in his eyes as he watched Matt play how upset he was...poor Fab. Then after that we hung out with some drug dealers and german reporters and watched Albert, Fab, and Nick get high off of hash. Super fun (sarcasm). Nikolai was with them but not smoking and Julian and I were playing with their dog. After that the not high people dragged the high people into a taxi and we left for the airport! You know I wish I could have stayed in Holland longer but it was fun while it lasted! Doei Holland!