Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Open wide here comes...original sin.

It's 9:56pm my time 2:56am British time...and the flight was actually pretty good! I mainly slept on Julian's back (sort of) and filmed a lovely interview with Ryan. Ryan's actually a pretty funny guy...when we left the plane Julian noticed the lack of people rushing to hug him so his shouted out, "American tourist in England...!" Oh Jules...since we're only staying in our hotel for just tonight and tomorrow night we all decided to share 2 rooms...the one I'm in has two bunk beds 1 with Nick ontop and Julian and I on the bottom and the other Fab on top and Albert on bottom and then Nikolai is sleeping in another room with Ryan, Adam (Green), and Kimya (Dawson).

It's now 3:49pm and this morning I woke up at around 8am due to doors being slammed. I looked across to see who had left and it was Albert. So I left the room as well and followed him down the hallway to see that he stopped, slumped into a corner, and started crying hyterically.

(softly) Albert...?
(whiping face) Oh hey...
Albert what's wrong? (sits on floor)
I loved her Christina...I didn't even do anything wrong...
(takes his head and places it on her shoulder and consoling pets hair) shh...shhh...it's alright...no one's got it all Al.

And we stayed like that for a while, later I played a song for him on the keyboard (when I say keyboard I mean the band's keyboard, I am keyboardless)and that really cheered  him up. Albert's so delicate...poor kid. After that we decided to go out and get some air and went to go see the sights of London. A.K.A. Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Golden Hinde, and Tower Bridge. It was a lot of fun! We also went to this tourist shop and I got a little button that when you push it it says "I'm british yeah?" in a british accent. Then we went back to the hotel to get the rest of them, Nick and Nikolai were at the pool (which is ridiculous because it's 44 degrees outside {42 in NYC}) and Jules and Fab were STILL sleeping. I woke up Julian in my usual manner and woke up Fab with my amazing British button. That was fun in more ways than one. After that we rounded up the troops and went out for lunch and then went to Hyde Park just to mellow out. Then Nikolai had to get new headphones because he forgot his on the plane and so we went to the Westfield mall and then we went back to the hotel to take showers. I'm still waiting to get in the shower, but after this we're going out for an early dinner and then their rehearsal at John Henry's is at 6:30pm and performance at 8pm. WOO, one heck of a day, and it's on 4:21pm!

Just finished the show at John Henry's which was AMAZING. You know I've never seen Julian perform with his band before...but they were great. Julian doesn't like mike-stands...at all. And when I talked to the band about it, it seems like Julian beating the shit out of the mikestand is usual...? Weird. Funny...but weird. So, backstage there was this coffee maker and Ryan asked me to go get his coffee since I was right next to it, and for some reason I decided to unplug it because it was started to overheat and I got nasty second degree burns off the side of the coffee maker. Now it looks like I have two big vampire bites or glaring eyes because my arm touched the vent. The boys all made fun of it and put angry eyebrows on it and a mustache...I'm so clutzy sometimes. Tomorrow we're going to Ireland via ferry...a.k.a. new blog post! Although we are coming back to London so I'll be back...I love it here...


Oh God...
(knocks) Housekeeping.
Who is it?
(knocks) Housekeeping.
Go away Nikolai.
Who is it for real?
(knocks) Housekeeping.
(knocks) Open up man.
Go see who it is.
I don't know who the fuck it is.
It's Nikolai. (CHRISTINA gets up and opens door then goes back to lay down with JULIAN) Alright Alright...

 Oh Nikolai...after that we went to breakfast and went to go check out the tour bus. It's AWESOME. It's got like 500 seats and a bunch of tables for playing games and stuff. The only bad thing is that it won't start up on it's own and we have to push it...Yeah...but it's all funny fun. And we're getting another one is Ireland so hopefully that one can start up on it's own... And then we took the tour bus to the ferry and said goodbye to London...for now! Cheerio mates!