Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 3 {Scarlett Johansson}

Today we filmed our skit about the Millionaire Matchmaker and Hollywood Dish, and I must say Scarlett Johnansson is just a DOLL. She's really friendly and super nice, but apparently her and Bobby had some rivarlry back in the day so Bobby's not the lead in any scenes with her this week...Bobby hasn't really been up to talking about it but that's what it comes down to. I'm not sure what happened whatsoever between them. So, every since I started reading online about Conan and his crazy mishap with NBC I started talking to Kristen and Bill about these kind of things because they've been here for a while and Seth's not here for the moment. They said NBC does those kind of terrible things eevry now and then and you just have to make sure you have a good lawyer for when they screw you over, and Kristen said, and I quote "And considering the amount of fan power you have over this show I would check over that contract again just to make sure you know EXACTLY what you signed up for". That's exactly what I did, I went straight down to Lorne Michaels and asked if I could have a copy of my contract, he agreed and I took it into my room and scanned it closely. Everything seems to be fine but you never know, Kristen apparently had a law suit over breach of contract with NBC as did Seth. I honestly didn't know what kind of legal battle I was entering when I agreed to be on an NBC show. Obviously I'm not going to put down NBC because I work there but it seems awfully fishy what's going on. I was talking to Julian about it this morning about how awful it was for Mr. O'Brien and he said that he had met Conan on several occasions and he really was a nice guy (actually Julian was on the Late Night show 8 times). But yeah I definitely want to meet up with Conan tomorrow if I can catch him, I'm in school from 8AM-3PM so I might be able to run by at lunch or something. Maybe I'll now be in Update...

The whole little movie The Strokes and I filmed in Europe is 1/4 of the way done, I just watched the NYC to England Part 1 and it was pretty good. In the beginning it says it's directed by Steven Speilberg. A completely true statement. I actually want to someday meet Steven Speilberg, he seems like a really intelligent man.

Okay so before I was hoping to meet Conan O'Brien tomorrow, but now...I'm just down right excited to meet him, from his exclusive blog here's his latest posts:

The day has come where Christina Essenelle requests me to find her. It feels like Clash of the Titans but with an audience.  

According to the ancient Mayan Calendar, this year Txlaquatl falls on a Mxipoltec. about 13 hours ago via web

 I'm going to New York tomorrow to tie up some loose ends at NBC, anything I should do in particular? about 22 hours ago via web

More disturbingly, I received emails from producers of SNL and some of the corporate fat cats saying "Don't meet Conan whatever you do DON'T MEET CONAN". That's appalling, I won't name names but I can meet whoever I want to, and if they want to fire me on it SO BE IT but they and the rest of the world knowns I am the face of SNL now. Hence the last name, ah smart choice wasn't it? Although I don't want to get into any fights or be on anyone's bad sides so I think I'll meet Conan outside of NBC or something. Who knows, I might not even get to see him. It all depends where I'll be. I feel like something bad will happen if I meet him though, like the end of my career at NBC will all start from this, not to be rude to Conan but the emails were quite intimidating...well I must be off to bed! Julian says goodnight as well...night!