Thursday, November 11, 2010


My boys aren't the brightest...

I'm on the ferry! I've decided to stay inside since it's drizzling outside. I don't think I mentioned this but last night we watched Remember Me and it was AWESOME. Really sad and powerful but also really lovey dovey so none of them really watched it...but I did! I'm not really a big fan of R Pats because of Twilight and all but I definitely liked him in this movie. OH so last night around 1AM I was shuffling through Julian's folders of stuff he writes and I found two that I just fell in love with, I don't remember everything word by word and I can't put it up here because it's not published or something. But the lines that stuck out in my head were:

Oh you're the pretty smartest captain of the team
I love you more than being seventeen

All the girls could never make me love them the way I love you

Gotta love my Jules. Right now I'm sitting at our table in between Nick and Jules and across from me is Nikolai, diagonal left is Albert, and then Fab and at the head of the table is Ryan. I've been talking to Kimya Dawsom a lot, she's pretty DGAF about life in general and she's really artistic, she says she wants to draw mustaches on us tonight...Albert is making weird noises and yelling at Nikolai who's trying to watch The Bourne Redemption and also trying to ignore Albert who's screaming even louder now....where is the camera when you need it! Nick, Ryan, and Fab are playing cards and Julian is napping on my shoulder, I'll probably play cards with them soon for the next game but I thought I'd check in first. Nick loves Europe he thinks it's gorgeous here, and I can't say I disagree, New York is so urban and here there's just wide open fields and farms and what not. It's a really amazing cultural experience for someone who's only been to New York City and parts of Alaska. So thank you Strokes! I now know more stuff and am more culturally...cultural.

Off the boat and onto the road! Well not immediately, we got off the boat at around 12:30PM and then went to an arcade and played some games there and then walked to another tour bus, and to get there we had to pass a bunch of farms and one of them was full of cows and Adam walked up to them and they all ran away...poor Adam...hated by all animals. Now we're on our 6 HOUR tour bus ride to Edinburgh we got on about 15 minutes ago so we've got a long while's away to me...

We're playing battleship, I'm kicking Julian's ass....1 hour later...we're playing monopoly...Julian's kicking my ass...1 hour later...I'm playing the piano...

Okay enough with the damn dots. I'm backstage in Scotland waiting for the Strokes to go on and I decided, hey why not type some shit up. Fab was pretty loner-esque on the bus, he seemed more content to write in his little diary than to joke around with us, but I think he's just homesick (as am I). However when Albert and Julian were reading OUT LOUD all the damn fanfictions about the Strokes Fab bounced right on over...I was a little bitter about it because, picture this you're surrounded by 5 guys, 4 of which are single and extremely sexually frustrated because they decided not to masturbate while I'm around which is ALL THE TIME, and one decides to read out sexual stories that include themselves, me, and other celebrities. Do you know how awkward it was to listen to a Nick/Christina fanfiction?? OR a Julian/Fab one!? SUPER AWKWARD. Yeah they were all laughing their asses off until they stood up and realized their pants were feeling a little bit more tight than usual. Oy
Nick, Albert, and Fab are completely shitfaced right now. Like I've been babysitting them for the last 4 HOURS and I've never seen someone so drunk in my life. They kept playing with knives and crap and I had to take them and hide them just in case they hurt themselves. Fab several times requested for cold ice water with lots of water and lots of ice but it had to be sprite. Here are some texts I received during our tour bus ride (* are my replies)

1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:32PM <Qu'est-ce que tu fais?>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:35PM <Oh Christina...>
*1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Chrisina Essenelle AT 18:33PM <Oh Julian...>

*1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Christina Essenelle AT 18:37PM <Haha I'm playing with your drunken friends...why are we texting!?>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:41PM <Because I'm too lazy to get up...come here>

*1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Christina Essenelle AT 18:42PM <I feel like if I leave someone will die...>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:43PM <Haha i'm coming over before they rape you>
*1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Chrstina Essenelle AT 18:45PM <It's not rape if I consent>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Julian Casablancas AT 18:46PM <Har har har>

Right now I'm backstage with Ryan battling out who knows the lyrics to Strokes songs more.We're video taping it and playing it against the music videos soon. I'm excited to win, the challenges were Juicebox, Reptilia, Heart in Cage, Soma, and 11th Dimension. I know for a FACT that I won Reptilia, I watch that video almost everyday, it's in my top three favorite Strokes songs along with Modern Age and Heart in Cage (and of course following those would be Juicebox and You only Live Once). Ryan oh Ryan...YOU'RE DEAD TO ME.
CHRISTINA                                                                                                   RYAN
REPTILIA                                                                                         HEART IN CAGE
SOMA                                                                                                    JUICEBOX

Votes are in Ryan, YOU LOSE! MWAHAHA! The Strokes just finished and came back stage to watch them, their thoughts:
Yeah Christina definitely nailed Reptilia, and Soma was just funny as fuck.
ALBERT don't know every single word to Heart in Cage?! Off the team.
Soma was beast, Christina's my idol.
Haha I'm surprised you even remember 11th dimension that one time I played it to you before you went to bed like 2 months ago...haha sexy lady.
I feel like my vote's going for Ryan's Heart in Cage because he added my sick drum-solo, I'm sorry Christina your's was SUB-PAR. 

Ryan says the only reason why I won was because 3/5 of the Strokes are completely drunk. We're gonna go get false mustaches and terrorize Scotland, toodles!

Yeah I said the last two things as a joke except that's pretty much what we did. Kimya gave Albert, Fab, and Nick mustaches and other facial hair styles and then we went into town and were just This morning Fab and I went on our morning walk to some of the random hills of Scotland. We had a little race up this hill and I slid on the wet grass and dragged Fab down with me, so yes I won the race! We then walked up to the top of the hill and looked at the view, and it was amazing. You could see so many little towns and other hills, everything was so green. Then Fab and I wanted to fall down again so we laid down on our stomachs held onto eachothers hands and rolled our way down. The only thing to cushion our stop was a bunch of lovely bushes! Fortunately Fab told me after he picked at my hair that there was a spider in it...unlike me who screamed at the giant one in his and ran away. It was a large WHITE one what did you expect me to do!? After that we got some coffee for the rest of the gang and got back at the hotel at around 10AM to Nikolai and Julian still sleeping, Albert and Nick playing patty-cake (?!) and Ryan drying his hair. Very odd scene to walk into. Fab punched Nick and woke him up and I jumped on the pull out bed in which Julian was sleeping on...he didn't even flinch. So I woke him up like I usually do when I'm all lovey-dovey and romantic. We then went on the tour bus to which Fab ATTEMPTED to sing and everyone gave him the awkward "Why even try" look. (KIDDING I LOVE YOU FAB). Then Julian jumped on Ryan's lap and yelled "Like a son....I ADORED YOU LIKE A SON!!!" to which Ryan replied "I'm scared...I don't wanna go home...". After that we made our way to BBC Scotland and went for our interview, Julian and I walked up to the building five minutes later because of well...couple-ness and so Albert and Nick tried to convince Julian that he had to do the interivew by himself because the "Luck of the Dice". In reality two of them would be interviewed and the rest would just watch. I hope it's Nick and Fab because they seem to give good answers that the interviews actually like as oppose to Julian and Albert's...although before we went in we had a nice CLOSE dance with Albert and Julian with me in the middle and Julian behind...The interview was horrid. The interviewER was even more horrid. She was just...rude! It seemed like she was patronizing them with her questions, here are some questions/comments that she made: (It was Julian and Nikolai who did the interview)

(when talking about the hype the Strokes have) what do you think you've done to sort of deserve it?

Cause the impression comes across as you got together you made 'Modern Age' and then you conquered the world.
(laughter between all 6 of us) That's such bullshit...

Well you meantioned the old album there 'Is that it'.
Is this it!
Ha ha, is that it? Ha ha no actually it's 'Is this it'
Is that your ethos to all of this?

Well we look forward to seeing you again at the Gig on the Green and listening to your album 'Is that it'
Is this it.
I'm interpreting it how I want.
That's okay. Of course, my fault. That would explain it, you stubborn bastard. (MY MAN)

JILL (after interview was over)
You were a nightmare! You were impossible to interview!
You lot!

I don't know if it's just me and I'm blowing this whole thing out of proportion but you can see for yourselves if we even get this video on youtube...after that we went onto the tour bus and made our way to the airport to go to Gulliver's world meaning BACK TO ENGLAND! Also meaning goodbye to Scotland....did you know there's a Deaf and Dumb institute in Scotland? We passed it on the way to the airport and it was the craziest thing I've seen...almost as crazy as the dream Julian was telling me about. Here I'll let him tell you: Last night at one point a lot of it was like the party we were at..and at one point there was like this giant man...from like the hill people of the 1600s...this giant goodlooking guy with like a swastika on his forehead...and he was doing a speech and he's like 'YARR AND WE WILL TAKE THE CAR!' and then his heart just went BOOM. And it scared the shit out of me even in the dream, and I woke up and I was just Ah was just...NASt.

Well Scotland I must part ways, but we've had fun! We had our laughs...and our cries...but I'm on my way, I'll see you Saturday! WRITE SOON!