Sunday, November 14, 2010


I had to actually look up where Mallorca was, because eventhough I 'went to school' my geography is not up to snuff. It's an island in the mediterranean that is 'owned' by Spain. On our little private jet flight to Mallorca we all watched Spiderman 2 which was AMAZING. Seriously the only reason why I didn't watch it was because I heard it was terrible when 100% it wasn't. I love James Franco and Kirsten Dunst so it was fun watched them, and Sam from Burn Notice was in it as well as Joel McHale. Very funny man, I love the Soup. I never want to be on that show though...yeah speaking of being on TV shows, I was on TMZ the other day. In case you don't know, TMZ is a show where they talk about celebrities and all the crazy stuff they're doing. I'm not sure of their names but here's the banter about me from last week's episode I believe (Lorne literally just sent me the email).

Julian Casablancas, I think has the coolest girlfriend in New York City. 
That's The Strokes' lead singer and Christina Essenelle from Saturday Night Live, correct?
Yeah The Strokes' lead singer. (flash to clip of us talking to paparazzi halloween day) 
So what do you think of Lorne Michaels firing Jenny Slate?
It had to be done, I mean there was no other way for her to be on the show if she was pregnant with his baby. (flashes back to MAIN GUY with his mouth agape and MAN 1 laughing)
She's kidding, she's being sarcastic. (flashes back to interview)
But, Lorne gives us no details as to why he fired her.
Lorne consults his magic 8 ball on every decision he makes so I wouldn't be the one to know.
It's name is Lauren.
Speaking of which I have to go read my tarot cards if you'll excuse me.
Haha, okay.
So, Christina leading Julian down the street because he's completely drunk another reason why she's the coolest girlfriend ever, he gets to drink-
So you still can't drive yet?
Well I can it's just I can't drive slow, I have a need for speed and NYC doesn't like that.
Wait a minute, she said this?
And then we said, what about on the freeway do you live dangerously on the free way? And she goes
I live freely on the freeway.
And she's super hot.
There's that too.
He's got like one of the best live's in the city.
Yeah he really does.

Well at least I'm known for being a good girlfriend as oppose to some crack whore or something. But I guess people at TMZ love me because of my blog which is why I thought that question about Jenny was so ridiculous because 1) It was literally 2 months ago and 2) I already talked about it on here! Although I like the positive publicity I've been receiving nothing but...well at least everything I've seen has been good, I'm sure after they read about Rocky Horror they'll be something in the magazines about my influence children or something. And to that I say "The whole point of the show is to dress-up, bite me". After the flight there was a lovely round of applause for the captain who got us in Mallorca safely and we departed to our next and last concert of the trip. The concert started a half hour ago so I'm just chilling back stage. For some reason Hulu has stopped working, which means my life has stopped working. Seth and Fred have been emailing me ideas for the show this week with Scarlett Johansson and Arcade Fire. This week I'm in a skit about the Millionaire Matchmaker and the commercial of the week and that's all they told me. feels weird to add a bit about SNL! Oh boy this week is going to be fun...

After the show was over we all rented motor scooters and went around the town riding like mad men....mad men...Jon Hamm...oh so Nick's been giving me "nougie's" every now and then and apparently there is some trigger for it but I can't figure out what it is...ah well I'll figure it out eventually.

We're about to get on the plane to go back to America, you know what that's time for Christina's sentimental bit of the blog post!

It's going to be weird tomorrow waking up to Nasim or Seth instead of Ryan or Fab...and it's going to be especially shitty to be going back to school...I have so much work to make up...but it's going to suck because I don't want to NOT see the Strokes everyday but I also don't want to not see the SNL cast everyday. I want both, and I pretty much can't have them. Maybe I can make a schedule, because obviously from 7AM-6PM I'll be with SNL and then maybe 7PM-10PM I can be with Strokes? Ugh, I don't want to go back to America...I want everyone to come out here, it's so beautiful here. The architecture and the people are so different, I love it here. Especially here in Mallorca I mean, DAMN this is a nice ass island. Just saying...You know when SNL + Julian goes to France it's going to be the same thing (hopefully). I just can't live without the other, and sooner or later another group of awesome people are going to come along and I'm going to never want to part with them either! Well, I don't know, because my new friends within the Strokes are one of a kind. Like I would never do the things I do with Nick (not sexual you pervs) with someone else. It's funny I view friendships now as sort of a game of chess.Where Julian and I are king and queen (lovers), Nick and Nasim are my bishops (best friends), Fab and Seth are my knights (protectors/best friends), Albert and Jason are my castles (home bases/good friends) and then everyone else are pawns (good friends). And that whole little schpeal in no way means I favor Nick, Fab, or Albert over Nikolai I just happen to talk to them more. But it definitely means I favor Julian over them, sorry! *sigh* I have to get on the plane...nooooooooo don't take me I won't claws are in the ground you won't take me away from here...I guess the only reason why I am leaving is because I will Julian with me, in the SNL part of my day and The Strokes part. At least I'll always have that. So, in response to the Julian post on here, I love you too :)