Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anne Hathaway hosts SNL

Tonight’s the night! Anne’s been really upset and excited today because she’s had such a fun week but it’s also over for her. This is a reason why I love SNL because the fun is never over…it’s just keeps going and going…SNL is like the energizer bunny. Soft and cuddly. NOT. Oh speaking of things that aren’t, SNL writers aren’t lazy. They already have chosen all the scenes that we’re doing this week. I say chosen because almost all of them aren’t new. There are only a few different ones including Update and the Cold Open. Which I think is kind of lame for the writers to just have a remembering episode but as long as I’m in it just as many times as I usually am. Like if I’m only in it once this week and Amy and Tina both have 4 scenes EACH then forget it I might as well take the week off. By the way in case you haven’t noticed…I’ve had this week off for Thanksgiving. I’m sure you have noticed considering all my posts do not talk about school. But you’re smart you knew that…right?

Earlier today Kristen begged Julian and I to babysit up until 11:15 tonight and I stupidly agreed. I think I only agreed because I was watching Adventureland and her and Bill were in that movie. However during babysitting I got lots and lots of texts from Jimmy (Fallon).

1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:14PM <There's a man here for you>
REPLY <Who?>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:16PM <Mr. Veidt?>
REPLY <I don't know who that he a fan?>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:19PM <No he says Lorne sent him to talk to you about business affairs.>
REPLY <Who takes care of business affairs at 10 o'clock at night? Wait, WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM??>
Oh and the cast party was AWESOME.
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:24PM <I was walking by and he asked me for your room!>
REPLY <Mmmhm I bet, are you fucking with me Jimmy?>

1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:27PM <No i swear...i'm not sure but I called Lorne just in case and he said Veidt is clear, when will you and Julian be back?>
REPLY <Supposedly 11:15, knowing Fred and Kristen most likely 11:30. Where is this guy from?>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:34PM <Oh okay, he says he's from Veidt Industries.>
REPLY <Cool..sorry you have to put up with him for now I'll be home...soon.>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:37PM <Oh no he seems like a cool guy. Not your type though.>
REPLY <What's my type??>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:40PM <Oh you know.>
REPLY <Know what?!?!>

1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:44PM <Christina he's BLOND>
REPLY <Oh right I'm allergic to blonds I forgot>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 22:58PM <Trust me he's not your type.>
REPLY <Seriously explain that to me because I just do not get it.>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 23:18PM <Well, I just see you as more of a funny guy kind of girl, brunette, clean-shaven or slightly scruffy you know?>
REPLY <Oh well when your examples are Julian and Andy I can understand that assumption...what are you and Mr. Veidt doing??>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 23:26PM <Oh we're just hanging freak.>
REPLY <You are>

1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 23:32PM <...we're doing that skit now, you and me. No backing out now essenelle>
REPLY <What skit?>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 23:34PM <Sully and Denise? You just made a sully and denise reference!>
REPLY <...should I be scared?>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 23:36PM <Haha you should be scared>
REPLY <Wait really?>
1 NEW MESSAGE FROM Jimmy Fallon AT 23:38PM <Nah it's just a scene nothing more really>
REPLY <I'm on...! Bye!>
After the show I spoke to Mr.Veidt about the business affairs that I was unaware of.
I'm sorry to have met you so unnannounced and during your show, I can assure you our meeting will not continue on this pattern.
Oh no it's not problem, I more confused as to what business affairs I have to attend with you.
Ah yes, well, Lorne Michaels tends to think that you're rather popular now, as do I, and he thinks that a little marketing would do you some justice.
Marketing? How so?
Well marketing is basically a term where-
Oh no, Mr. Veidt I know what marketing is. I may not have paid for my education but I certainly got one. I was confused as to what you would do in your marketing scheme. 
My apologies Miss Essenelle, and please call me Adrian.
Yeah call me Christina...Miss Essenelle...
Well for our 'marketing scheme' we would promote Saturday Night Live but you would be the face of it, plus we were thinking of making SNL trading cards as well.
Oh cool! But I don't think I would be as arrogant as to plaster my face on the walls of buildings to promote SNL. Just promote SNL with it's logo. Or NBC's logo.
Well it'd be killing two birds with one stone. Your ratings would go up and your celebrity would go up as well.
There's more to life than being popular Adrian.
I appreciate that.
I'm curious, aren't you the 'smartest man in the world'?
Not self-proclaimed.
Exactly, I don't want to be the self-proclaimed image of SNL. It's rude and arrogant, people may think what they want about me but I won't share my opinion about it unless necessary.
You seem to have given this a lot of thought.
Yeah and considering how packed my schedule is...
Well I'll get back to you on a trading card deal with you and the others, I'll be sure not to put anything egotistical on the card.
Yes I want to proofread it!
Oh but of course.
Well it was wonderful meeting you Adrian.
Yes, here's my card.
You know where to find me! Literally.
(laugh) most indeed.