Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 4 {Jon Hamm}

Including today, 3 MORE DAYS TILL TOUR. I'm very VERY excited to finally get to see the world. And on this trip we aren't going to France which means I'll get to still see it all with the cast then. Sadly because the Strokes are going on tour I won't get to see Jules very often for the next few days because they're practicing like crazy. Nasim and I visited them after school and they just were going nuts. Although Ryan (their PAL) said that when I showed up everyone played just a little better which made me blush...Recently I've been addicted to this game called "The Sims". It's pretty much pure creation and I love it. I've already made a family of 8 people which include: Kristen and Fred married, Julian and myself married, Seth, Jason, Abby, Nasim and then we have a dog and a cat and that'd be Julian's dog Voltron and Kristen cat Lemon. Speaking of Kristen and Fred being married they FINALLY have the date for their wedding (they've been engaged for over a year now) it'll be on January 7th 2011 in VEGAS! What a scandal...and speaking of scandals! (I use that phrase too much), look what I found...!


After being booted from SNL in September, Jenny Slate is no stranger to drinking. Her first DUI resulted in a fine and some community service, her second caused her to get her license suspended, a larger fine, and higher car insurance. However this being her third offense, her license was revoked and she now awaits a trial to see what will happen next. Reported officials state that Slate will either have to go to a long sentence at rehab or serve jail-time. Having so many offenses against could also hurt her chances into getting in other comedy sketch series like Makiomo Inc. or Tuesday's Hat; two places in which she has applied to. But with so much attention on the crippling star no one is going to want to hire such a mess.

It's truely sad that Jenny has taken such a turn for the worst because she wasn't like this on SNL...she was quiet and liked to be in her room (similar to that of Vanessa Bayer...) but she was still extremely nice. I'll most likely be attending her trial with Jason (who is no longer seeing her) to hopefully give her some courage to change her dangerous and fatal ways.

Jon Hamm and I just played the longest game of Super Smash Bros. Brawl to date. It was 99 lives, no items, and low damage ratio, it took us 2 HOURS and Jon won. However Jon only won by 1 LIFE, AAANND! he had 223% (a lot) so I wasn't far off from winning! He had a celebratory dance by shoving his crotch in my face. Jon is such a boy sometimes... oh and more news in the travel department! The day after Christmas we're (everyone at SNL and probably other NBCers) are going to Mammoth, California! Another state I have yet to go to. Another very exciting trip....I am just traveling the damn world aren't I?