Thursday, November 11, 2010


I love my boys.

My first time on a boat and I did not get sick! On the boat I finally had a decent conversation with Nikolai, the only stroke I haven't talked to for hours on end. Most of the Strokes and company wanted to stay inside but I loved being out on the water and Julian is the best so we stayed outside bundled in blankets. So far we've checked in the hotel and we walked around Dublin for a bit. Our tour bus can start on it's own! Yay for that! The Strokes are playing tonight at 9PM and it should be crazy as hell because the Irish people we've seen so far (it's only 6PM) are drunk as hell. More on that later.

About an hour before the show Nick and I became extra good friends by watching videos on the internet. Why we watched them, who knows but it strengthened the relationship two-fold. Albert came over for one of the videos and Nikolai, Fab, and Julian were out getting food. Nick's such a fun guy, he rocks my socks. I must say, every since I left 30 Rock I've been missing it more and more...I mean they're my family at this point and not waking up to go to school with Nasim, Abby, and Bobby and playing video games with Jason and Keenan and watching TV with Seth, Bill, and Andy and eating dinner with the rest is just strange...I mean, I don't have anyone else besides them, and Julian. But I still have him with me so I'm sane.

The show just finished and they were amazing as usual. And again...the poor mikestand I seriously think Julian needs to talk to someone about his anger issues with the stands. During the show Ryan was getting all sentimental asking me if I loved Julian and how we met and such. It was funny because Ryan's really cool but also really touchy feely. Personally not my kind of guy but definitely my kind of friend. After the show it was madness. We walked back to our hotel after a few drinks and such and just everyone was piss drunk. People were pissing in the streets and chanting Irelandish folk songs...madness I say! Tomorrow we're driving up to Belfast to play there, exciting, exciting, exciting!

Today is Wednesday and Fab and I took a lovely stroll through Dublin today! It started off as a morning walk and then turned into, hey let's get lunch! We actually ran into Nikolai and Nick near the park and decided to go on a tiny merry-go-round. In fact, we didn't see Julian or Albert until we went back to the hotel to pack our bags! (around 3PM). And then we were off to Belfast (nothern Ireland). It took about 5 hours by tour bus to get there but it went by extremely quickly because we were all joking around and stuff. On the bus Albert kept taking videos of us doing random stuff like Nick playing guitar and Julian and I looking at pictures from way back when (don't look at his jeans...!) and us all joking around about Brian and how he goes crazy on their guitars when they're not looking. Which is completely true, when I was backstage he was shredding on Nick's guitar and actually broke a string doing so, so he had to replace the string before anyone noticed...very funny. I don't really know Bryan too well but he seems like a cool guy, really shy though. LIKE NIKOLAI. Don't get me wrong I love Nikolai, he's just so freaking QUIET. If Julian were that quiet I don't think we would still be's hard to always be the person starting the conversation BUT the thing about Nikolai is that he's not quiet when you're alone with him he's really REALLY opinionated. Especially about the views of the band I fell like he's almost arrogant in that topic but he's still one of my better friends.

Julian and I have definitely been really close on this trip, I don't know if it's because he feels territorial because all of the guys are sexually frustated at the moment or if he's just extra loving because he's...well...Julian! To describe Julian...hmm...definitely loving like DEFINITELY but he's also my best friend. I feel that I can tell him anything and know that he'll still love me in the morning, and I never felt that way with Andy so I know that breaking up with Andy was definitely a good idea. I mean, have you felt that you meet millions of people in life...and then you meet that one person who just get's your goat? GOSH I'm such a girl. But I was even talking about love with Ryan, he said and I quote

I feel like if you met the entire band and got to talk to them for at least a half hour each...there's no way you'd be with Julian.
I don't know, because if we're going off looks then of course I wouldn't be, don't get me wrong I think Julian is the sexiest man on the planet but if I were to choose one of the Strokes based on how they look I would definitely choose Nick, Nikolai, and then Julian.
If Julian broke up with you and a week later Nick asked you out what would you say?
No. Because I would still be upset about Julian. And I don't know...I can't imagine Nick and I together. Sure I've thought about that possibility but this trip if anything has made me realize how much I WANT to be with Julian and how much I don't want to be with anyone else. Like, at this point I can't imagine myself with anyone...except for Leo DiCaprio I can definitely see that.

I'm so sentimental. And by sentimental, I mean mental. The Strokes and I are trying to see who will fall alseep first and knowing The Strokes and me, it'll be first Me, then Fab, Nikolai, Nick, Julian, Albert. Seriously Albert is awake ALL THE TIME. I didn't think he actually my mind he seriously could have been a vampire. Oh Albert, he's still been upset about Agyness but we've been making fun of her a lot so he laughs with us on that. For example:

What do you call a whore with a penis and a vagina?
Oh look it's Agyness's home (points to dumpster)

I was THIS CLOSE to winning the who can stay up longer contest. I got in second place and Albert won. Julian got third then Nick, Fab and Nikolai was the first to fall asleep. I think the only reason why I beat Julian was because I had black coffee about an hour before hand, I went to bed around 3AM...and Albert won just because he's a vampire and NEVER SLEEPS. Although Fab was the first to wake up, then Nick, Nikolai, Julian, Albert and me about 2 hours after Albert. I probably would have slept in longer if Nick didn't sit on me to wake me up. After we got our bags we got in the tour bus which I am still currently on! We're making our way to the ferry and Julian says Hey.

We're another ferry to Scotland which means this is my last post for Ireland! I'll miss you Ireland and your crazy drunks and greeness. We had fun Ireland...we definitely had fun...this ferry is COOL. Slán Ireland!