Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 5 {Scarlett Johansson}

Yeah I know I'm late, Thursday I was filming all day and I was being pounded with homework and Friday was the saem schpeal but I also went to a Comedy Sportz match (competitive improv{we won!}) and then went with Julian out to dinner and then to HARRY POTTER 7 pt. 1!!!! IT WAS AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING. Literally I cried...GOD IT WAS SO GOOD. Seriously, everyone go see it, but if you haven't seen the 6th don't bothe because then you don't know what a horcrux is...harry potter fans for the win. We have our guest for next week and it's Anne Hathaway! Very excited about that I hear she's very sweet. Also it is true I am on Conan next week, I'm not sure which day though, most likely monday or tuesday because of Thanksgiving thursday. Speaking of Thanksgiving I'm not sure what I'm doing. I've never celebrated Thanksgiving in my life so I'm not even sure what's suppose to happen! I know that families eat dinner together but, like I know I consider SNL my family but they have actual BLOOD families to attend to, I know Fred and Kristen are going to Fred parents house, Seth is going with his brother and parents, all the n00bs have their families, Abby has hers, Nasim is actually flying out to Iran or something, Bill is flying out to Oklahoma, Bobby is going to see his family in Eastchester NY, Andy is flying to California, Keenan is also flying out to California but to have it with his friends not family, and Jason is flying out to Virginia. So I don't know maybe I'll do something with Julian although he has family in Denmark too...haha heck maybe I'll go hang out with Nick Valensi!

OH LORD. Our Digital Short this week is the funniest thing ever, it was originally going to be something stupid about Model UN but now its not and I'm excited because we did it randomly. Basically what happened was at around 5PM Conan was watching TV with some of us and I leave the room get Bill and Andy to film the conference room and do my thang. So I walk into the room sobbing quietly (Bill and Andy are filming) and Conan notices,

Christina, what's wrong?
They...they fired me.
They said that since I didn't listen to them about talking to you that I am fired for insubordination...
No no no they can't do that they just can't that's-
It doesn't matter Conan! I should've listened to them...(tears streaming down her face) SNL is my life it's my name!! Where else am I suppose to go I have no home!
(taking her arms in his hands) I'll get you a lawyer there's no way they can fire you over this, trust me I will do everything in my power to stop this. (he looks to the doorway behind him to see JULIAN with his hand over his mouth as KRISTEN whispers something to him {UNSCRIPTED BUT PERFECT})
(she cries in his chest) I have nothing besides this show, I'm not allowed to even be anywhere near a camera for the next 2 YEARS!
Christina I...
You did this to me! You did! I'm so stupid oh God oh God I can't breath...
I know (zoom in on a tear from HIS face) I'm sorry I'm so sorry...I'll fix this I promise you I wil fix this
Do you feel bad?
Of course I feel bad, I feel like the worst person in the world...everyone kept saying that us meeting that something bad would happen but there's no way they're firing you there's no way, Christina please don't hate me...I didn't think it would ever escalate to this...
Turn around...
Turn around. (he turns around to see BILL and ANDY filming him) You're this weeks Digital Short!
(his jaw drops and he suddenly gets angry) WHAT. I hate you guys you're all the worst (he pushes CHRISTINA away from him) Oh my God...!! I was about to get my lawyer on the phone and try to find a job at TBS just in case...AAAH! You made me CRY. I'm such a softie.
(she laughs) I feel like we're going to be best friends.
(he sighs and puts on grimace) I know. (they both have their arms around eachother and give a thumbs-up happy expression)

I AM SO PROUD OF JULIAN. After Bill and Andy turned off the camera Julian told me that he walked in and saw that I was upset and was about to say something but Kristen got ahold of him and told him what was going on and told him to make a shocked expression because he was on camera. Oh I hope we get some good reviews on this episode...poor Conan! I felt bad about it, but he had filmed me for TWO HOURS just not paying attention and doodling on my notebook and then put it on his website, so in response I made this digital short. DON'T MESS CONAN DON'T MESS.