Saturday, November 13, 2010

London Part 2

The world's most dangerous roller coaster; my life.

We flew to England at around 12:15 and landed at around 1 and immediately took a big ol' taxi to Gulliver's World amusement park. Out of sheer excitement that we were getting to go do something extremely fun we all jumped out of the van in a rush and Nikolai accidently slammed the door shut on Fab's hand. He screamed. Someone noticed and got some people from Gulliver's world to give him some ice and gauze so secure his probably broken fingers together. Nikolai felt so bad that he paid for Fab's ticket in and promised to massage his feet everyday for the next month. After that drama happened we went to the 'World's Most Dangerous Roller Coaster' and paired up for seating. Obviously Julian and I, Fab and Nikolai, and Nick and Albert. IT WAS AWESOME. We were screaming the entire way down. Very fun ride I recommend it for those thrill seakers out there. After that we hit the bumper cars and then went on the log flume. A couple of people recognized us from press pictures and so they really knocked into us for those bumper cars...for me it was more of a crash course for my soon to be aquired driving skills. Get ready New York City I'm applying for a permit soon! It was funny on the log flume because we actually got stuck (Nick, Julian, Me, and Albert {in that order on the log too}) and they (Nikolai, Fab, Ryan) all made fun of us...log flume was fun though! I also recommend for less thrill seakers. We stayed till 5PM and then we had to go to the London Airport to go pick up Matt (a friend of Ryan's {also our replacement for Fab for the next few shows}) and now we're at the hotel just chillin' out. The Strokes have a show tonight at 10PM so we'll probably go get dinner, go to a party, go practice, go to another party, watch a movie, and fall asleep/pass out. Being completely sober is actually more fun than it sounds. Watching your friends act like idiots and making fun of them for it is a helluva lot of fun. You should try it sometime.

At around 7PM we went to go eat dinner (I got Ahi Tuna) and then we watched Spaceballs on the TV and left to go rehearse for tonight! Right now it's 9:48PM or in Europe it's 21:48...military timers...Spaceballs was actually really funny, and not in that stupid 'Vampires Suck' kind of way but in an Austin Powers kind of way. Although freakin' Julian wouldn't stop being so damn cute that I had to actually pause the movie and get him off me. CUTENESS ALERT MUCH. I was actually reading through the September column of this blog and I realized something...I talk a lot about A LOT. Well it just goes to show, love knows no boundaries. Although I was also reading closely and I noticed that I get a little too descriptive in one of my posts so I'll remove that for publicity purposes. Anyways, the concert started 20 minutes late because the previous band took FOREVER. So they're up there now and should be done at around 11PM. Good Luck!! DON'T BREAK THE MICSTAND.

The show was another great show although it was really hard for Fab to play because of his hand and all so at this very moment we're in the hospital to see what happened to his hand and to see if he can play. It's just Fab, Ryan and I though. It wouldn't just been Fab and I but seeing as he can't drive with his arm and I can't drive period, Ryan tagged along. We got back from the concert at around 2AM and went to bed at around 3AM and apparently at around 5AM I was shivering in my sleep (so Fab and Nick say because they were randomly awake at the time) and so Nick got up to get me a blanket but stopped when he noticed Julian take of his shirt, place it on me, and kiss me on the head while holding me evening closer. I (apparently) immediately warmed up and calmed down. Now THAT was a cuteness alert. But then again all my entries are cuteness alerts. It's 10:10AM now...I'm tired...and this'll be the second to last paragraph before a new entry! We're going to Holland (Netherlands) today at 11:30 (when we have to be at the airport) and the plane leave at 1:15 and we should get there around 2:45 giving us just enough time to make it to the 3PM show there, and then immediately after that we're going to Sweden to play there twice. A lot of planes today!

Fab broke his ring finger and pinky finger AND he broke his wrist. Nikolai is going to DIE. Not really, but poor Fab! The doctor said he won't be able to play at all in Holland, Sweden, or in Mallorca. I'm at the airport now eating an Egg McMuffin, I did not choose it every just went to Micky D's! Mickey...hickey...anyways! We're all being pretty DGAF right now which makes me realize how close of friends we are at this point. See if we were just aquaintences we would think that the silence is akward and someone would try to stir up a conversation but since we're so comfortable with eachother we're fine with not talking. Julian and I are watching the Office on my computer and Nikolai fell asleep on my adorable, and of course he started the shoulder sleep train because Albert is now falling asleep on Nikolai and I'm just resting my head on Julian who's resting his head on my head. Fab and Nick are boys my boys...! Well we're going to watch 30 Rock and then I have to turn the computer off for the flight so this is my official last post for London...GOODBYE LONDON! I'll see you again...someday...someday...