Sunday, September 12, 2010

Taylor Swift hosts SNL

Every perfect night is followed by a coffee in the morning

For some reason the line up tonight put me in the first 7 skits so I'm already done! I'm going to go over all the skits that we did because I just want to point out some key points in all of them. In the beginning we had the News Election with Kristen, Fred, Bobby, Bill, Jason, and Keenan. This was a huge crowd pleaser because Kristen does such an amazing impression of Greta, however I was suprised at how not pleased the audience was with Jason's impression of Glenn Beck...I thought it was spot on. Next was Taylor Swift's Monologue which was flawless. Everyone got every reference she made (which is a huge plus) and the only thing we were worried about with the monologue was that no one would understand what Bill and Jason were mouthing but thankfully that was not the case. After that was Roomies with myself, Nasim, and Andy. That one was great as well but in the beginning I think people just accepted the fact that I was some crazy chick that loved Nasim and didn't think it was as funny, but fortunatelly they started laughing after our barack-abacking. You could literally hear everyone backstage groaning at Seth's script. After that was Carter & Sons BBQ with Bobby, Andy, Fred and I and that was another hit. What I loved most about that one was that Bobby was the lead and he did such a good impression of those dumb hicks in those commercials! Everyone laughed. Then 3-minute commerical. Then we reentered with Penelope with Kristen, Andy, Will, Bill, and mysekf, a skit that we have already done before with Kristen so immediately when she entered the stage people started laughing because they had seen it before. Although, Taylor had skipped over one of her lines and it cut Will off for a second which really screwed some of the scene up but it still worked nonetheless. After that we cut to the Digital Short of Firelight which was so far the biggest laughs we got, I'm not sure if it was because everyone was in it or because it was just so perfectly executed. While backstage getting ready for our next skit which only Bill and I were in I was in my dress and heels and make-up and it was time to put the wig on and someone had completely trashed it. All the ends of the airs were frayed and sticking together, it was a mess. So the hair stylist did the best he could and I had to go out and ignore it. I don't know if you can tell the difference between the wig from the actual interview to the commerical bit, but the commerical bit has the better wig. Thankfully no one booed me for bad hair or anything. Otherwise the skit was perfect. We worried slightly that I would break character at the spitting because I had while filming but I did not. Then 4-minute commercial break. We just finished Weekend Update with Seth Meyers and after watching the screens in front of me it seemed to have gone well, although people laughed harder at Abby's Sarah McLaughlin than Fred. Now we're on Bunny Business and it's nearly's going over well as well. This is good! Everyone's having fun, and understanding the references...the last thing you want is an episode where no one gets what you're talking about. Now we're on The View. The episode is going to have to run over again because we still having another commercial break, 2 skits, and a song...

Right before Weekend Update we had some technical difficulties. Boy was Seth freaking out. Seth's only had technical difficulties once and that was a while back during! one of his updates and it was just computer issues where the tech guys couldn't find/accidently deleted one of the photos Seth was going to use in an Update and when it came time to show the picture they panicked and put a picture of Obama with a Hitler mustache hoping that people would laugh anyways so Seth wouldn't notice. Luckily people did laugh but the joke he set up was gone and people thought that Seth had misread the teleprompter. Which sucks because that made Seth look stupid. 4-minute commerical break. Soon enough, Amy told Seth of this malfunction and the tech people responsible were suspended for a while, but came back only to quit.

I heard Lorne and Jason talking a little bit before the show and I believe Jason is going to give Taylor an after-show Interview that Will'll film. If it's true that Jason really is in love with her then maybe I can intercept Will and ask if I can snag his filming rights and watch how Jason asks these questions to Taylor because he is right that it's not fair to Abby that he date her while love someone else. That's screwed up. I'm dating Andy, this means that I don't love anyone else! People nowadays...N

Now we're on Scared Straight Program. Which is a fan favorite because they know what they're going to get. Jason in a police uniform. Bobby, Andy and Bill in chairs. Removal of Bobby's shoe. Bill breaking character (he does it every time!). Keenan in a pant suit, and references to old movies. It's a great skit, because 1)Bill ALWAYS breaks character and it's funny to watch the master FAIL. Just kidding. HE JUST DID IT! I KNEW HE WOULD!! Oh's okay. Now we're onto The View with Keenan, Fred, Andy, Kristen, and Nasim. Another fan favorite, and I don't know if it's the brillant Whoopi Goldberg impression or the fact that Fred is a cranky wench.

The amazing thing about SNL is that they really know how to throw a party. Drinking, games, and mayhem are always on the agenda at the SNL after-party but the cool thing is that it's not restricted to people just in/working on the show, invited guests and other people in the NBC building (that we like) are more then welcome to come too! Like Amy and the rest of Parks and Recreation cast comes over, Jimmy Fallon usually comes over (that man is hilarious) and sometimes Tina even comes over too, but lately she's been filming some movie with Steve Carrell. Although the week after next I believe she's hosting with musical guest Justin Beiber...hopefully thats not a dud like next weeks expected dud. Jude Law and musical guest U2. Don't get me wrong U2 is amazing but Jude Law-no matter how handsome-is not fun to work with apparently. But you never know maybe he has become less of a drunken idiot then last time he worked with SNL. Taylor is playing the guitar and in 4 minutes I come out for the ending clap...who should I hug first?! Uh oh, 12:42...only 2 minutes...everyone's trying to get out of their costumes as quickly as possible as to not walk out in them...12:43...Andys yelling at me to get off the computer...12:44!!!