Saturday, September 11, 2010

School Life

Being an actress? A- Being a student? D+

Nothing in life is easy, and for me school is the single hardest thing I've done. Partially because I had to sneak into school, partially because I really couldn't take my homework "home", and mainly because I hated schoolwork. Unfortunately, when living in New York City, if one can sneak into a school it isn't a very good school and has lockdowns, bomb threats, and fire drills on a regular day basis. Oh there's a test today? Lockdown for 3 hours. Oh forgot to do that homework assignment? Fire alarm set off, school searched for 2 hours. Don't like your teachers? Bomb threat, school searched for 5 hours. So, not only was the schoolwork unpreferable. But it was also not available 75% of the time. In first grade (assumed age of 5-8) we experienced 9/11. That was a kick in the face, and if you asked me for my opinion on that mosque being build I say Hell No. In honor of today, I say God Bless to the NYFD and NYPD and Rest In Peace all who lost their lives that day.

Back on topic, I used to hate school, but now good God I love it. When you have people like Nasim, Abby, and Bobby cracking jokes and doing impressions in every single one of your six lightens up the mood. Plus, when you work with a friend on homework and school work it makes things easier. My schedule is tough though. 1st Period- Acting Class (All 3 of us) 2nd Period- Science (Nasim and Abby) 3rd Period- French (Abby) 4th Period- English (All 3 of us) 5th Period- History (All three of us) and 6th Period- Algebra (Bobby and Nasim). Out of all these classes I think my favorite is either Marine Science or English because 1) Our Science teacher used to be a male model and 2) Our English teacher is SO much fun to make fun of. This is Bobby's last year so next year it'll be just Abby, Nasim, and I and whomever else is on the show that is young and still needs to be in school. But it sucks for filming to be in school full time. On SNL we film Monday through Friday, two skits a day, one at 10am and the other at 3pm. So, since we're in school we can only be in the skits at 3pm, however it is extremely hard to cast scenes without putting one of us in the 10am slot. This means that none of us can exeed 7 scenes a week and about half of the scenes cannot feature us in them. So, we sometimes break this rule and leave school at 10am and film our scenes first at 10am. You might be asking yourself, why not just film them later ater the 3pm filming? Well 1) 3pm filming is usually for longer scenes so we're done filming at 7ish and then the lighting is bad if you're outside. 2a)Yes, we can recreate lighting indoors but every critic in the book has said that our indoor scenes aren't as funny as our outdoor ones because the lighting is so clearly fake. 2b) A lot of the people working with us (not the actors but the crew) have jobs after 7 so we really can't ask them to come back because we had schoolwork. And since viewers rave on Bobby he's in more than 5 scenes a week and will probably have to make up some work next year because of all the 3rd Period and 4th Period work he's missed.

I was reading online about what people thought about the Feautures on SNL. Mainly good posts but some bad and one of my favorites that pretains to this topic was "You guys are SOOOOO funny. I love Abby Elliot and her Angelina Jolie impressions and Jenny Slate's HAI LOW bells. I think it's stupid that you have to still go to school but do teachers still give you the same amount of homework if you have a lot of filming to do?" -WTFgurl32. Well, WTFgurl32 thank you very much for your comment, and I will answer your question with another question, does the world exist only to accomidate you? NO. Teachers hate us, and I mean really, REALLY hate us (it's because we're outgoing). We do our work, but we're so sarcastic and witty that teachers often feel threatened by us. As their own retort to our non-existent jesture they assign us double the work. Instead of just reading The Cruicible, write an essay on it. It's quite cruel, but when you have 10 writers on your staff who would do nothing but want to help you sometimes the work load isn't that bad. For example, when the writers are ahead of their A game and have already done their work for the week, they have nothing else to do but sit and watch reheasals. So, naturally they ask if I need help with anything and I give them a prompt. Do they write the whole thing for me? Heck no, 9 times out of 10 they map out the essay for me to write. It's not like I would force them to do that. To be honest, I once asked a writer to do a homework assignment for me that I felt so bad about not doing it myself and I turned it in with a note on the top saying "Give me an F I am a cheater". I got it back with an A saying "It's okay, I didn't really pass through college." Coolest. French Teacher. Ever.