Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 5 {Tina Fey}

Today, is the hottest day in September and God knows why. Today I had an interview with NME and it was great! Really nice people, really great air conditioning. They gave me the link to it so I'll just put the questions and answers on here!


Q: What'd you think of leaving NYC for the first time to Alaska?
A: It was a great cultural experience! Alaska, unlike everyone else's perception of the state, isn't always convered in snow...that was the first thing I noticed to be honest. Then after that it was how absolutely gorgeous it was.
Q: I'm sure alaskians will just love that.
A: Yeah, maybe I can be their spokesperson.
Q: Sounds like a good idea! Now, out of all the cast members who would you say you're closest to? If you were to give a boy and a girl. And why?
A: I would say, Seth Meyers because he was the first person I met and he immediately took me in a basically called me his own, plus he's hilarious and I love his personality. Girl wise, I would say Nasim Pedrad because we just clicked immediately and she's so freakin' funny. So yeah I would say those two are my best friends, although it's funny because Seth really isn't that fond of Nasim so it's not like we're the three amigos or anything.
Q: Ha ha, that's too bad. How was your first time on Weekend Update Thursdays?
A: It was a blast, the audience was great-a little weird but-great.
Q: Out of all the scenes you've done on SNL which would you say is your favorite and why?
A: Definitely Roomies, with Nasim, Andy Samberg, and myself because it's a true story. While I was dating Andy, Nasim and I would hang out and Andy would greet me with a Hey! And Nasim and I have this thing where whenever someone says Hey! We respond with "HEY IS FOR HORSES AND CHICKENS AND FISH, HIT ME THREE TIMES AND I'LL GRANT YOU YOUR WISH, 1, 2, 3 BARRRACK-A-BACK-ABACK-A-BACK" and it continues until we end with a "BARACK OBAMA". Everyone on the cast hates us for it, but I personally think they're jealous just because we have such great inside jokes.
Q: Very funny, now not to be all "gossip-savy" but why did you and Andy Samberg break-up? I don't want to get the wrong story from tabloids.
A: Ha ha, it's okay. It was hard to date someone who was constantly gone doing interviews and magazine shoots and it just got to a point where I was having more fun being his friend than his girlfriend.
Q: Kind of hypocritical don't you think?
A: I'm sorry?
Q: You said it was because he was always on interviews and not with you, yet yesterday your new boyfriend Julian Casablancas was here for an interview yesterday and here you are today.
A: Well, interviewer, little did you know, I was standing outside that door yesterday for Julian and there he awaits today.
Q: Really? Well I stand corrected! Do you think Julian is a suitable match for you?
A: No comment.
Q: What can we expect on Saturday Night Live tomorrow?
A: Lots of laughs and Tina Fey!
Q: And one last question, what do you think of your fans?
A: I love you guys! You're really sweet and keep on watching SNL!

It was super fun! I hope to have another soon, by the way Julian says hi. And Voltron says lick