Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sing Off

Every now and then, we have a sing off since everyone on SNL is required to be able to have a nice singing range and not sound like dying cats. Except for Andy Samberg because he's just that cool. That was mean I take it back...sort of. Here's the line-up!

1. The lovely and talented BILL HADER
2. The always sexy and powerful KRISTEN WIIG
3. The man behind the madness FRED ARMISEN
4. Thebeast in the sheets and out NASIM PEDRAD
5. That sexy guy from across the street JULIAN CASABLANCAS

I'm going to assume that Julian's going to play my original composition then, I just have a feeling...

Hey! You should come to the "Sing Off!" tonight!
Sure, sounds like fun!
Yes, geez take it easy killer.

You're coming tonight right?
Yes Julian you asked me before. Why do you want me to go so bad? Nothing waiting for me there is there?

I mean clearly he has to play that song right.

(time elapse: 3 hours)

He played the song he wrote for me! It was...amazing to say the least. Although there was a repeated phrase that stuck out in my head "How could you be so perfect for me?" I think he likes me. Wait no, I knew he liked me but I didn't think he'd actually say anything about it because of Andy and everything. After he was done singing I was practically on my knees and his last notes were 1....0....9. I turned to Nasim and gave her a pitiful look and Kristen leaned over and said "If you don't run after him I will beat you with Will's testicles" and both Will and Fred turned over and said "HEY!" so I chased after him and before I left I saw Seth's pulling out his phone. I ran down the halls as fast as I could to Room 109. When I finally got there there was a black and white dress on the door that had a sign on it saying "Try me!". I went to the nearest bathroom and found Jenny in there putting on make-up. After saying hello and putting on the dress I walked out and asked if I could use some of her make-up. The this conversation errupted

So, where've you been lately?
Oh, you know me..just hiding...
(laughing slightly) You're not serious are you?
No I am... (suddenly breaking down in tears she holds up a pregnancy stick) at the VMAs someone drugged me! Someone gave me Roofies Christina! God knows what I did last night... 
(looking at the pregnancy stick) Well you're not pregnant...wait but Jenny! You were with us the ENTIRE night!
What'd you mean?
You left with us to the VMAs, sat with us, partied with us, and left with us. 
Yeah and then what?
Then...we split up...I don't know Julian carried me to my room.
Why did he carry you....? Nevermind that's beside the point but, I think I did something after that because I don't remember the VMAs at ALL.
How do you know for sure you were drugged?
I went to the hospital and did one of those tests...they said there was a large amount in my blood...oh God Christina...
Come on let's take you to someone.
No! I can never show my face again!
(forcing her out the door) First person in the cast we see is helping you, get over it.
Jenny, trust me the more you tell people the more insignificant it seems. 
(seeing ABBY down the hall way, she throws JENNY into ABBY's arms) Jenny explain to her! I have to go!

I made my way back to Julian's room and knocked on the door. I heard him call out saying that the door was open. I opened it and saw him standing there in a full on tuxedo, he looked adorable. I gave him a huge hug and he closed the door behind us. In front of us sat a beautiful picnic waiting to be devoured and loved. I smiled hugely because of all the effort he put into this. Andy would never do something like this...would he? He prepared a salad course (which was fantastic) and orzo salad course (which was delicious) and a dessert course (full of chocolately goodness). We were talking happily until a little bit after the dessert course

 JULIAN're dating Andy aren't you?
(long pause) Yeah...
(another long pause) Why're you dating him? He's not even here half the time and do you think he's all by himself at those parties and clubs? Christina he's not worth your time...come on I know you know there's something between have know. I didn't write that song for someone else, I know I'm perfect for you...I just know it...Christina please...
(standing she turns away from him) I-I just don't know. I can't...I don't know...(she walks to the door, JULIAN grabs her arm and she turns to face him. He notices she has tears in her eyes)
Christina... (looking into her eyes deeply) If you love him I...I understand it's can't say that there's nothing between us I mean, you came here...instead of some other world- 
(smirking) -then pissing on your casket.
(lifting up her chin) Now there's the Christina I remember.
(looking down she realizes something) Julian...I-
(he presses his fingers against her lips shushing her) It's okay...I get it, I thought the song would change your mind though, but I guess-
(kissing him on the cheek) trust me Julian, the feeling is mutual...I just can't process this emotion yet...if that makes sense (turning she opens the door, she gives one last fleeting look at JULIAN who has his hand still on his cheek where she had kissed him) Goodnight.

And I left.