Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 1 {Amy Poehler}

After the interview with NME SNL and myself have received several interview oportunities, one that SNL did take with Larry King in which Jason, Bill, Kristen, Andy, Seth, and Amy talked to Larry about the 36th season and all of that excitement. I received one from Nardwuar. My first thought was "sure more publicity sounds great!" but upon further inspection (mainly Julian's dabbling) this guy is suppose to be a real sneaky guy! He's suppose to try and get someone to say thing they're not suppose to say and get them to look dumb on TV/Youtube. At first I was a little hesitant to take the interview but the competitve side in my goth the best and I agreed to interview with him today at 6. I am scared, but I want to shove some things back in his face like Sarah Palin's "Gotcha!". However when I told everyone about the interview they all gave me pitiful looks and Julian and Jason said they'd come with me for moral support. Shouldn't be too bad right? Oh also, filming was great today, we filmed a short scenes literally only 1 minute with Justin Timberlake (LOVE HIM) and a commercial that got unfortunately pushed back two hours (I'll explain it later). But the commercial was fantastic! You'll love it, I wasn't in neither scenes today but I watched both of them and they were really, really funny.

Tina Fey is part of a show called "30 Rock" a.k.a. 30 Rockefeller Plaza a.k.a. the NBC building so we get a lot of mix ups with their cast extras and ours. In filming Bosley we accidently mistook several extras from 30 Rock for ours and it pushed us back 2 hours when 30 Rock producers called asking for their old gentlemen back. Although I don't see why they just don't share! I love the NBC building and all of it's craziness although if I were going to complain about anything about the building I would say that the elevators are kind of slow and break-down all the time. There's plenty of them, in fact we have an elevator BANK but it's just half of them are broken 90% of the time. So getting from the first floor to the seventh for filming is sometimes difficult and definitely getting from the first floor to the 17th is even more difficult. Because I can walk 7 channels of stairs but not 17...that's just painful. But as for overall appearence it's gorgeous. By the way, yesterday I was watching America's Next Top Model (ANTM) because it's always in a constant loop on Oxygen on Sundays (I really only watch for the end picture because they're pretty) and Vanessa came in and she smacked herself next to me on the couch and grabbed my arm and creepishly whispered in my ear "I LOVE THIS SHOW" and now we're friends. Weird how things turn out, huh? She's super nice and really sweet so I hope she's always like that!

Katy Perry is such a delight, she's super fun and super flirtatious...had to drag Seth away from her just because he WOULD do something dumb like kiss her. I'm pretty sure she's engaged/married to Russell Brand who is awesome so maybe we'll see him at the show! But yeah she was here today and she was really nice and made us cookies. So officially she's the second coolest musical guest (gotta give #1 to taylor). But tonight is HOUSE! Out of all the shows we watch consistently I love House, then Glee, then Bad Girls (<--My guilty pleasure). Remember me saying how I loved my english class because my teacher slightly resembled Julian? Well that is out for the count because he just got a haircut today. DAMN. There goes my A for sexing the teacher. KIDDING.