Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 2 {Tina Fey}

Today we filmed Brownie Husband the hands down FUNNIEST commerical I have ever filmed, watch it Saturday Night at exactly 11:34!

For the past few days Julian has been joining me to bed, most probably because he always comes in asking for us to leave and i Turn him down so he just goes to sleep with me, but last night was magical. I twisted my neck from something and it hurt to turn around. So when I was laying in bed and Julian sat down next to me and it hurt to even look at him, which of course got him to ask what was wrong. I then said through my pillow "My neck hurts" and him being the cutest most perfect boy in the entire universe sat on my back and massaged my neck for a full 15 minutes. His fingers washed over me like morphine, and the effect was instantaneous. Literally after a few seconds I relaxed instantly and my pain was relieved. We then made out and went to sleep. Just like old times huh? OH, JULIAN HAS SPIDER HANDS. Seriously, he's 6"1 so I kind of expected but it's crazy!! They're perfect for the piano but still...it's weird.

Auditions were today! Now, I signed up to go 2nd because I like getting back home early but NOOO some stupid rich bitch with a silver spoon up her ass decided to cross off my name, and normally in "Broadway, we wouldn't be nice enough to even LET you audition! But you can go last." I was suppose to go at 1, I went at 5. AND I had to stay the entire time because once you go out you can't come back in. Nasim and Abby were 20 and 21, Bobby, Keenan, Andy, and Bill were 3, 4, 5, 6, Kristen, Fred, Jenny, Will and Jason were 54, 55, 56 and 57,  and I was 167. So, it was quite lonely because Keenan, Andy and Nasim had to leave at 3 to go film, which meant Fred, Kristen, Will, and Bill had to leave to go mediate it. Jenny had a meeting with her therapist and she wasn't aloud to go along so Bobby went with her, which left me with Jason and Abby. It got awkward. Abby left first. So, Jason the little sweetheart he is stayed the entire 4 hours. If he wasn't dating Jenny I'd think he was flirting with me...but he is dating Jenny. Would I date him if him and Jenny weren't dating? I would ONLY if Julian and I weren't dating, or if I really REALLY hated him for some reason. So no not really.

Today we had a fire! School didn't burn down though....unfortunately...Abby, Nasim, and I were stuck with our sexy science teacher for 2 hours and all we did was talk in innuendos to him. He understood all of them and fired them right back. Such a silly...sexy...handsome man. Oh if only everyone on SNL read this blog...I would be dead....haha. Teacher would be fired and Julian would punch me in the face and then havesex with me. So nothing too bad! Speaking of Julian, he has the most amazing handwriting, in fact he's a caligrapher! I caught him writing thank you notes to the whole cast (things we get a lot, more on that later) and he was writing in pen every little intricate detail. It was truely incredible. Which leads me to my next point! FAN MAIL. Oh my GOD do I love fan mail! There's always at least 10 letters from somewhere and we all read them outloud whenever we can, I've gotten 4 fan mail before and the one I got today was the cutest thing ever!

To The Newest Edition of the SNL Family: Christina Essenelle <3
You are so AMAZING!! I can't believe I'm even sending this letter obviously you know how amazing you are toherwise you wouldn't be on the show but I LOVE you! Literally you are like the coolest person ever, if i were to fly out to new york and you saw me I would just DIE because you'd be looking at me and thinking about what I was doing and I'd be thinking about you and all your scenes and you helping those kids and you being trapped in that adoption place and the mean old lady!!! It's like Cinderella! GOSH I'm soooo jealous. My mom only lets me stay up to watch the show because she knows what you do and how clean and pure you are and what not because you don't drink or do drugs like the rest of the SNL people do. ANNDDD Your last name IS S N L! That's SOOOOO cool!! I wanna change my name to that but then it'd be weird cause it doesn't really go...but i'm visiting new york soon and i have a tour to the building you work in so I hope I get to see you!!! I know you still go to school and all so maybe you might be there and maybe JUST MAYBE YOU'LL SEEE MEEEE. But I'm sure you won't even read this but then again I read on your blog that you gave that kid a dollar cause you felt so bad so MAYBEEE. I LOVE YOU YOU'RE AWESOME HAVE A GREAAAAT DAAAYYY

Your Number 1 Fan
Elizabeth Essenelle # 2

So Elizabeth this one's for you!