Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2 {Jude Law}

I love him...I love him not...I love him...wait do I?

The Video Music Awards (VMAs) were amazing! Lady Gaga got a record breaking, 13 nominations and 8 awards! Enimen got two, personally I think to get nominated is incredible! But people's expectations are a lot higher than mine, considering the fact that I grew up with nothing...literally. It's actually quite interesting. A dollar is a penny to these people, but then again what can a dollar really buy you nowadays? Ah well, life's tough. Last night was very VERY interesting. And I know this is labled day 2 but I think at this point it was after midnight, so DON'T COMPLAIN. Although I'm sure you wouldn't even if it was before midnight. Speaking of midnight, why is that the name for 12am? It's not even midnight it's first thing in the morning. Whatever, whoever made the word is dumb, or challenged. Anyways, so last night there was only 3 things I wanted to talk about, the VMAs (which I already have), this black dude, and Julian Casablancas (the freakin' funnest name to say).

The whole SNL cast and our guests were walking from the VMAs back to the NBC building when these two black men were stomping behind us. Then as they approached we moved aside and the one on the outside smacked his shoulder into mine and I collapsed onto the ground and skinned my knee, the first to their knees to help me were Seth, Jason, Nasim, and Abby, and I looked back up to the black guy and he spit on the ground next to me (to which Keenan and Amy yelled out a "HEY!") while the man yelled at me "WATCH-IT BITCH" and immediately Julian pushed the man back and said "Hey! Apologize you sorry peice of shit!" and he got back up in his face saying "And what if I don't faggot?" and Julian punched the guy in the face and they were tackling eachother. Will and Fred tried to pull Julian off of him, but the bouncer at the club near us ran over and dragged the black guy off of Julian. At this point Kristen and Jenny were huddled in the back of the pack and Bobby was at my aid as well. Will explained the situation, and Seth backed him up and the bouncer took the black man into his custody and called the police. Julian stood up dusting off his clothes and everyone turned to me, I had tears in my eyes because I was scared and in pain. Will and Fred had also apparently asked the bouncer for bandages or napkins of some sort. He came out a few minutes later with a bunch of band-aids and Nasim and Abby backed away from Seth who was applying bandages, Jason who was picking out bits of gravel from my gaping wound, and Julian who had a hand behind my head looking me dead in the eye with compassion.

Once, Seth and Jason were done, Julian helped me up when Jimmy, Bill, and Tina walked up from the VMAs (we had left without them because they were going to stay for a little bit.) they asked why we were still here and then he noticed that everyone was circled around me (Except for Will, Fred, Kristen, and Bobby who were now talking to the police) then he looked down to my bandaged leg and asked what happened. I laughed and said "Another time". Then I turned to Julian and he asked if I was going to be able to walk, I said of course. But as I took my first step, the second I put pressure on it I nearly hit the pavement. Fortunately Julian had caught me, and 3 hands were held up behind me just out of reflex. I could only imagine what Andy what've done if he were there. If he were here. I miss him...Julian still had me in his arms and he then picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. "You don't have the privilage of walking anymore" I laughed and didn't even try to fight him off. I rested my head on the palm of my hand and talked to Seth, Nasim, and Amy for the entire walk home. That's a lot of blocks to be carried! We made our way home in one piece and Julian placed me in my bed, at this point it was about 2 in the morning. Then this conversation (my next talking point) happened

(softly) You know, you're really something Christina.
(suddenly serious) What'd you mean?
I honestly have never met a girl anything like you.
(quietly laughs) You make it seem like its a bad thing!(pause) Well it's a two way street, you're pretty amazing yourself.
(laughs to himself quietly) I just can't understand it...
Well it's pretty simple, you're funny, smart, nice (cut off)
No, not that...I just can't understand that in, one universe, nine planets, 204 countries, 809 islands, seven seas, and I had the privilege to meet you.
(blushing) Oh Julian...stop it...
No, I'm serious.(jokingly) Do I have to prove it by song?
(laughing slightly) You just might have to.
Alright give me a day, I'll write you a masterpeice.
(smiling sweetly) I'm looking forward to it.
(laughs while getting up) Well, I better get to work. (leans down to CHRISTINA and kisses her again on the forehead) Don't get yourself in too much trouble now.
Ha ha, I'll try. Goodnight Julian.

That's pretty much what happened this very early morning. Then I went to school with Bobby, Abby, and Nasim at 8am and the whole day was quite...normal. After school we walked home just with eachother and Abby and Nasim had a scene to film at 3 so I tagged along because I wanted to meet Jude Law. He was already done with wardrobe and hair & make-up, and he was GORGEOUS. He was talking to Seth about the script when I tapped him on the shoulder, praying to God he wouldn't be angry that I interrupted his conversation. He turned around and had the nasty-est look on his face then when his eyes landed on mine his frown turned into the biggest smile and he said "Hey!" and lifted both his hands up as to gesture "here she is!". I smiled back hugely and extended an arm, saying "Hey! I'm-" and he cut me off, "Christina Essenelle, the new girl in town! How're you? I don't think I have a scene with you until tomorrow, but nice to see you now...!" we had this very...nice conversation, he seems to be really nice, but really fake and gay at the same time. Although he's gorgeous so who cares right? Just like Andy....and Julian....

Kristen being the little devil asked Julian and I to babysit her neice again, and probably will again soon. This time the two older boys were away with their Step Dad, and it was just the youngest one. We actually had a lot of fun. We watched TV and played with his Batman toys, Julian was the one tickling and playing with the little one while I cooked dinner. We then played with his moms dolls from when she was a kid and we mashed them with some of the little one's toys. Julian was Robin,(although the kid put a little black pollypocket jacket on Robin because it looked more like Julian's leather jacket) the kid was Batman, and I was this polly pocket doll. Basically Batman and Polly Pocket teamed up and killed Robin and threw him in an old purple easter basket. Then the little kid through Batman in the basket with Robin and left because he had to go to the bathroom. So of course Julian shouted back "BATMAN NEEDS TO PEE TOO!!" . So I smacked him on the shoulder playfully and said if he was going to yell he should yell for something that's important. Then he shouted again "THERE'S POVERTY AROUND THE WORLD". Fortunately the kid didn't hear.

Jude Law has left for today, and I called Andy to ask how he was doing. Nasim is mad at me because 1)I now hang out with Julian more than her, and 2) She thinks I'm cheating on Andy with Julian because it's "so obvious he likes you" and 3)'It's not fair that I get all the guys'. Number 1 is true, but 2 and 3 are SO beyond false. I would only be cheating on Andy if 1) I loved Julian or 2) I had sexual relations with him. Which I have had neither. 3 is false because Fred loves Kristen more than me so HA! I still freakin' adore Nasim, and I don't think she's actually mad at me. I explained to her number 2 and she said "Well but EVERY GUY LIKES YOU" so I think she accepted that 2 was false and went on to 3. Tonight is the night I'm going to get my specially made song by Julian...he's performing it in the conference room with everyone so it's obviously not some sexy song or anything which'll DOUBLE prove number 2. So take that soceity.