Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 4 {Jude Law}

Secrets amoungst friends don't last long when you live with them

I have good news! Finally we have a band for Saturday Night!! Pearl Jam has thankfully taken the spot of U2 and we can finally stop freaking out. Plus Pearl Jam is great so it's not as though we got a sucky band or something. Now, on the agenda for Day 4 I've got to talk on: 1)last night, 2)Andy at lunch, 3)Homeless chicks, 4)Filming, 5)Jason 6)Auditions.

So, last night at around 11 there was a knock at my door. I yelled to just come in and it was Julian, gawking at me because I was already in bed. He kept poking me telling me that we were going to go party. I of course refused because I was tired and had school. He kept asking to go and I would give him the same answer. He then climbed onto my bed and gave me the cutest, saddest look I've ever seen. While he was asking he kept raising the stakes, i.e. If I kiss you on the cheek will you go?, to which he would kiss me on the cheek and I would refuse him still (IT WAS HARD!!) then he would get closer and say 'If I kiss you on the nose will you go?' and I would again have to refuse him. Next he said 'If I kiss you on the lips would you go?' and before he could kiss me I turned away knowing that I would give in if he did kiss me on the lips. He then said "Ohhh I see your weakness now!" then he stood up on my bed legs over my body and started to tickle me so that I would look at him and kiss him. It worked. We kissed for a solid minute and he then whispered "Now will you go?" I bit my lip and put my head in my pillow saying NO!. He would then tickle me and eventually he stopped saying that the Tickle Monster had gone on vacation to Malibu. And he left. A few minutes later I noticed the light fill up the room and didn't say anything, assuming it was Julian/Tickle monster ready for round 2. Instead Julian jumped on my bed and wrapped his arms around me and said "If you won't come with me, I'll just have to stay with you" and he kissed the back of my neck" I giggled and a few minutes later stated "I know this is going to sound super weird feels so nice in your know...feels safe" he didn't say anything for a few seconds then leaned up to my ear and said "That's not weird at weirdo" I laughed again and fell asleep in his arms.

Andy decided to come to lunch at my school today. He was all boyfriendy and it didn't feel right...Nasim, Bobby, and Abby now think that Andy and I are still dating partially because I told Nasim that there was nothing between Julian and I, just that we were really good friends. I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I want to be with Julian, I don't want to be with Andy anymore. But how could I leave him just because Julian persuaded me that he was better than Andy? And isn't it unfair to Andy that just because he went to two press conferences that I would break up with him? I mean...Andy said he loved me...but I am getting sick of his constant drunkness...this is all too much, I honestly can't handle two love-sick puppies at once. I don't know how to break up with Andy...I mean I still want to be his friend...maybe we can just separate just in case things with Julian fall through...yeah I think I'll do that tonight.

The NBC building guards have really been pushed to their limits this week. There has been a rapidly popular trend with homeless chicks lately, I think that they believe they'll get the same ride I did just because they're homeless or an orphan. So, I decided to take some initiative and took one of Amy's mega-phones and told them that they have to quit with the nonsense. Since most of them were only doing this because of me they actually left. It was the single most empowering moment of my life, I've never felt so influential. But I think it's ridiculous that kids would be RUDE and think they'll get what I got. What I got what a miracle, and I don't think that everyone gets that nowadays. Hopefully tomorrow they won't be back with more numbers trying to burn down the buildings while wearing I hate Christina T-shirts.

Filming today was slow. Jude Law was gone for the day because the two things we filmed did not include him, every thursday is Weekend Update's with Seth Meyers' film days because it just always has been like that ever since Weekend Update existed. And this morning at 10 Abby and Keenan filmed a commerical so it has been a very slow day. But we love slow days at SNL, because whenever things get hectic, stuff gets broken and people get angry. Speaking of people getting angry, Jenny is seeing a therapist for her paranoia which Abby gladly goes to her with. Thats the thing with Abby, she is such a sweetheart and cares about nothing else than to make someone happy, or just to brighten someone's day. In Conclusion! Filming is slow, Jenny is being helped, and Abby is awesome.

(time elapse 2 hours)

Jason, jason oh sweet jason...we've grown so fond of eachother over the past few hours...He's in a similar situation to mine except worse. He was dating Abby while dating Jenny. Kind of like how I'm dating Andy but so clearly dating Julian. Well, we decided to help eachother out. So now I'm not dating Andy anymore (officially) and he's not dating Abby anymore, but we've decided to keep Jenny and Julian low key for about a week or so, because it's polite. Both Julian and Abby are clueless, how they should be at this point. But I'm still fond of him deeply. Now my ratings of people are so used to be Andy Samberg, Seth Meyers, Nasim Pedrad, Abby Elliot, Bobby Moynihan, Bill Hader, Jason Sudeikis, Fred Armisen, Kristen Wiig, Keenan Thompson, Will Forte, and Jenny Slate, but now it's Nasim Pedrad, Jason Sudeikis, Seth Meyers, Bobby Moynihand, Abby Elliot, Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Will Forte, Andy Samberg, Jenny Slate, Keenan Thompson, and Kristen Wiig. But again the first 3 are 10s etc. OH, Today is Amy Poehler's Birthday!! Happy Birthday Amy! We all went to a bar and had lots of fun, I'm probably the only one who remembers it.

Auditions for Comedy Sportz were today. Every on SNL is required to be on a sketch comedy team whether it be high school league or adult league. At the end of the year the two leagues face eachother, but auditions were today and I think I did well...still super nervous though because I know Bobby, Abby, and Nasim will get in but it'd be super awkward if I didn't...AAH! And the list goes up monday (A.K.A. NOT TODAY OR TOMORROW) Well I've had enough freaking out for one day, I'll probably write again tonight about more antics. But for now I must go to dinner. Toodles.