Saturday, September 11, 2010

Movie Excursion

The difference between seeing a movie by yourself and seeing a movie with your friends is huge. The difference between seeing a movie with your good friend and Amy Poehler is huge. I just came back from Vampires Suck with Seth, Amy, Kristen, and Jason and it was HILARIOUS. The movie itself was stupid and idiodic, it was basically the Digital Short we just filmed on Monday which you will watch tonight..very funny! Very dumb! Very cheesy! Very's interesting seeing the different reactions from the bunch. Seth was disgusted, Amy was delighted, Kristen was confused, and Jason was content. I thought it was pretty funny, especially since the guy who played Jacob looked exactly like Taylor's Boyfriend *cough UH I mean Taylor Lautner!! Not Taylor Swift boyfriend...what was I talking about!

Anyways, there was a big protest down by Ground Zero today. It was interesting to see all the people fighting for what's right, and it was also interesting to hear the quite rebuttle of the timid other side. No one on the SNL cast likes the Mosque, most of us hate it and/or have no opinion. Most of us agree that Obama is a terrorist muslim as well...quite the humorous bunch we are...I find that swimming before the show calms my nerves, we have an olmypic swimming pool on the lower floor so I just simply float and go over lines in my head. Although I like to float alone, so everyone thinks I'm out protesting.

I'm super upset that Taylor's leaving after the after party. She has been BEYOND awesome, and if you read Angel in the Night and watched a recent backstage video with Taylor and Jason you'll see some weird love relations going on...maybe that's who he was talking back...and that would be interesting because the only thing they have in common is being nice...Ah well, I'm sure they'll figure something out. I'm going to catch dinner soon with the rest of the gang. More on the show later.

The schedule for tonight!
Fox News Election
Taylor Swift Monologue
Carter & Sons BBQ
SNL Digital Short-Firelight
Hollywood Dish
Bunny Business
The View
Scared Straight
Driving PSA
Ending Clap