Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Remember when I said Julian was giving out thank you notes to the oportunity they provided him? Yeah, well I didn't think I would get one too!!
Dear Christina,
So basically in every letter it says "Hey thanks kthnxbi" but you're just so damn cool I'm gonna write you something 10X better. I'm gonna write you a song. (Don't fucking sing that i'm not gonna write you a love songggg shit cause it's gross) But uh, you're gorgeous and I wrote this while thinking about the crazy antics we get on Ludlow Street! 
Everything seems to go wrong when I start drinking,
Everything seemed to go my way last night.
Everything seems so wrong to me this morning,
I know things'll be brighter later tonight.

On Ludlow Street,
Chinatown's coming on Ludlow Street.
Porta Ricans are runnin' on Ludlow Street,
Soon musicians
will haunt it, On Ludlow Street
Red Indians once hunted,
And it's hard... to just move along.

While I surrendered my ego you fed yours,
All my fantasies died when you said yours,
I have dangled my pride to forget yours,
Will my mind be at ease when you get yours?
We'll find out, soon enough.

It started back in 1624,
The Lenape tribes would soon get
forced from their home.
Soon we'll all get pushed out now,
as soon as I get sober.
I remember why I drank it all away,
On Ludlow Street.

Nauseous regrets are calling me on the phone,
My shoes they seem to be my only home,
The only thing to last will be my bones,
Oh tonight you'll hear the animals
next door to you moan.

On Ludlow Street
Faces are changing on Ludlow Street
Yuppies invading on Ludlow Street
Night life is raging on Ludlow Street
History's fading.
And it's hard... to just move along.

While I surrendered my ego, you fed yours.
All my fantasies died when you said yours.
I have dangled my pride to forget yours.
Will my mind be at ease when you get yours?
We'll find out soon enough.

While they defended their ego, you fed yours.
All their fantasies died when you said yours.
They have dangled their pride to forget yours.
Will their souls be at ease when you get yours?
We'll find out soon enough.
I'll found out soon enough.
Hope you understood every word of that, 90% of it was inside jokes....haha you're hilarious, let's go sing at a bar.
...Let me explain. Today we were walking back to the NBC building, and to get their we cross Ludlow Street, a pretty normal street where nothing really happens...except today. There was a chinese parade from china town except some freaks set one of the dragons on fire by accident and the puerto ricans were the first to scream and run. During the whole ceremy there was a guy with a mega-phone telling us about the Lenape tribes and how they suffered for us and what not. So megaphone guy: this blog post is for you. In the beginning it talks about things going his way last night, well that's because he opened up to me (finally) about why he cut down immensly on drinking. Apparently, Jules had gotten so drunk once, he beat a man to death and has neevr forgave himself. I was a little shaken myself but I know what alcohol can do to people. He told me right before we went to sleep and he was sobbing in my arms. I've never seen him so true to his words. It was the first time we truely understood everything about eachother, every emotion. It was a....true moment.
My first tabloid!!! I'm excited in a bad way! Julian and I were on the cover of US Weekly (in those little boxes) and it was a picture of us from yesterday, him bringing me to school and under it said "Essenelle and Casablancas Dynamic Dress Duo?" and if you flip to page 57 it says

Newest Edition to popular late night show, "Saturday Night Live" Christina Essenelle is seen (right) with new boy toy Julian Casablancas going to her school. From what we know, Christina has nearly no clothes from the move from the adoption center to NBC so has she been borrowing from Jules? C'est chic! Julian and his skinny jean and band tee-shirt look is wonderfully supported by Christina's skinny jean and low-cut band-tee-shirt look. Matching sunglasses and hair styles is always a plus but, Jullian! Wash your hair!! Looks like another US Weekly do for the Essenancas!

Essenancas? Honestly and truely US Weekly? I really hope that doesn't stick, least it's better than Samsenelle.