Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 4 {Tina Fey}

As you may know, Weekend Update is filmed in front of a live audience on Thursday AND Saturday. So, Jason, Seth, Kristen and I got to sweat it out for the Thursday 3:30 crowd. A weird crowd indeed. But everyone laughed at the appropiate times, I would say Seth and Jason got the most laughs, then myself, then Kristen because Kristen's character wasn't as popular as some of her others. But she was very funny nonetheless. I got a huge round of applause when I sat down and that made me very, very happy. So I believe Seth was right when he said getting close with the fans was a bad idea. I got 17 letters today from people around the United States saying if we ever met that we should be best friends. I love the letters thank you! But I don't think I can actually hang out with all of you...nonetheless remember all of you! But thank you nonetheless.

Tonight is the Goo Goo Dolls/Green City Ordinance/Switchfoot Tour concert, and I'm going with Keenan and Will! I've heard of all of them and I think I like Switchfoot the most but Goo Goo Dolls is always a classic. We leave at 7pm so I'll get back to you on how the concert was. Onto a different topic, putting Nasim and I into a group together is never a good thing. Our English teacher has no idea what is in store for him...we were asked to be in groups that he numbered off and Nasim randomly made her way into my group. And we had to talk about the Puritans and their crazy effects on people. It was weird. Plain and simple. And weird....I forgot to mention this yesterday but Julian was asked to do an interview on his new album and the strokes in general and he invited me to come along! It was today at 4 and it was great! In fact there were several paparazzi following us there and we might be in some magazines this week for fashion styles again. Maybe! But while I was there the interviewer (a guy at a computer typing up questions) asked if I could come back tomorrow and do the same thing! So I'm very excited about that, I know it's not going to be as amazing as Jimmy Fallon's show but I'm willing to talk to anyone who asks me a question. Julian's interview was also typed up so I'll just copy and paste the interview into here and the video will be on youtube later on today or tomorrow because I believe they're adding some clips of Julian at the studio or something.


Q: What part of the music process do you enjoy the most?
A: A recording is great cause it's, um, you know it's a stage where you kind of see things take shape and see things come to life, uh, unfortunately it's also the time where you kinda will never enjoy that piece of music again cause you gotta hear it 1000 times but uh, I think in general stage 1 of any process is my favorite.
Q: What was your goal in making Prazes For The Young?
A: Um, I guess it was to get the, capture the catchiness of modern music, um, but the same time kinda, uh, get like a power and seriousness of classical music or older music, um, I think I mean in general the goal is to inspire I guess I mean that's what art is suppose to do.
Q: How was it working solo as opposed to working with the band?
A: With uh, this record, you know I'm able to chase down any kind of idea, I can do whatever I want so it's fun, um but I wouldn't want to do that with the band, uh I think that uh is more of a collaborative, it's a group effort so yeah I like them both differently.
Q: How is The Strokes' 4th album coming along?
A: I think it's gonna be, I don't know, everyone always says it's the best yet,  I have no idea I think it's going to be pretty good, I'm excited to hear it, and make it.
Q: What bands are you listening to nowadays?
A: Ummm, there's actually a lot of cool bands out these days, I feel. Bay Roots, uh Telepathy, uh Dirty Projectors, Beach House I don't know I feel like there's more than like 5 years ago I didn't really know if there's that many bands that i loved but now I feel like there's 10 great bands at least.
Q: What is your favorite song of all time?
A: Probably change is gonna come.
Q: See any good movies lately?
A: Up, star trek, that's two movies
Q: Any final words for the fans?
A: Love you guys! Hang in there.

Sooooooooooo yeah! My interview is tomorrow and I'll get that sucker on here too, Toodles!