Saturday, September 18, 2010

Jude Law hosts SNL

Today is Saturday! What does that mean you say? That means it's the most hectic day of the week and there's no time to post anything! So, every at the studio is OUTRAGED. Utterly and completely PISSED OFF. Why you ask? Well, our censor board of supervisors (whom of which we hate) removed 2 scenes from tonight's performance, two of which were Jenny's and now she only has 2...which really, really sucks. Also, Bobby was knocked down a scene and so was Fred and Bill. Truely unfair because now we have to have two extra Pearl Jam performances. Which puts a little too much pressure on them because know they have to play extra songs which I'm sure they won't want to play and they'll have to lip sync it and someone will find out and then Pearl Jam will look bad and it'll come back to us for making them play so many songs. Which SUCKS. Ugh. Here's our line-up

Massa: Bobby, Kristen, Andy, Bill, Jason, Will
Monologue: Jude Law
Prius: Abby, Keenan
Secret Word: Bill, Keenan, Fred, Kristen, Jude
Broadview Security: Bill, Myself, Andy, Will, Fred
Spain: Nasim, Myself, Jude
~Pearl Jam Performance~
Boombox: Andy, Julian, Bobby, Fred, Myself
Weekend Update: Seth, Keenan, Jerry Seinfeld!!!
Twilight Zone: Bill, Nasim, Abby, Bobby, Jenny, Jude
~Pearl Jam Performance~
Audition: Bill, Andy, Nasim, Bobby, Jason, Jude
Underground: Nasim, Jason, Bobby
Secretary: Fred, Kristen, Bill, Jude
Ravish: Fred, Myself, Bobby, Jenny, Jude
End Clap

Unlike last week's episode I have to actually be participating, for not all my scenes are back to back in the beginning. Although 2 of mine are filmed so I don't have to be on stage (Boombox and Broadview Security) Speaking of Boombox, OH EM GEE! Akiva and Jorma are SO funny. Jorma is just this freak and Akiva is SO sexual. We basically became best friends on set. Andy was just his usual Andy-ness, although you could feel the awkward radiating from everyone's body when Julian walked on set. Clearly, Jorma and Akiva were slightly more aware of Julian's emotions than Andy was. Basically how this whole Digital Short came to be was that the record label for Andy's group "The Lonely Island"  had bought this big house, kind of looked like the one from Fresh Prince of Belair, and to break it in we decided to film most of our scenes there with lots and LOTS of props. I think the funniest part of the whole shoot was that the whole thing was suppose to be techno or grunge if you will, so Julian dressed as himself, and Andy dressed in this ridiculous giant silver sneakers, black dress pants, red shirt, black vest, silver trench coat, this crazy blonde buzzed wig, and ray bans. Super funny. Bobby played a nurse who stole old people's money and Fred was a spanish dude doing the Bart man. Although we had some really cool sets because Andy was doing some of his lines in front of stacks of boomboxes and there was glitter EVERYWHERE. I still have some in my hair and mouth.

I had a SAT Prep class today and it SUCKED. Everyone in the class is so arrogant because they're smarter than me and got an actual education whereas I faked my way into mine. Abby, Nasim and Bobby felt bad but they really couldn't do anything about it. I started to cry just at the helplessness of my situation, and I just felt...dumb. After the SAT Prep class I saw Julian and he noticed that I was upset, so of course him being the cutest thing in the universe got sad as well and tried cheering me up. Saying how everything would be alright and that everyone in that room didn't make nearly as much money as I already had and just...nice things to say. Julian is many things, and I'm happy sincerity is one of them.

Jason and I have been really close lately, he broke up with Abby just today and I'm assuming he's still hooking up with Jenny. Speaking of hooking up, remember when I said I had glitter in my mouth? Well, Akiva gave us all sparkles to blow into the camera and so Andy and Julian creepishly started to lick them (as a joke, people!) and Andy started to spit them on the ground cause they stuck to things better with saliva. After coating eachother with spit embelished sparkles they snuck up behind me and stuck a hundred spit sparkles on my face, I screamed and told them that it was gross. Then of course Jorma and Akiva came up behind me with a bucket of sparkles and dumped them on my head. It took a consecutive 2 HOURS to get every sparkle out of my hair. Although I think they actually ran out of sparkles...oh, so Julian was just about done with filming when on set in front of the rolling camera he and Andy beckoned me to come over and Jorma shouted out my name. I went over and Akiva behind the camera said "Christina, Julian and Andy wanted to do a slow-mo scream wanna do it?" I gladly agreed. Then Julian and Andy got on either side of me and Akiva counted down...3....2....1....and both Andy and Julian spit about 600 sparkles into my mouth and all over my hair and face. Jorma and Akiva were laughing hysterically and I couldn't help but laugh as well. Julian pulled me in and kissed my forehead in a "You're fine, shut-up" kind of way. Was I mad? Yes, did I really care? Not really.

Julian's the kind of person who will sneak up to you in the middle of the night just to watch you sleep and kiss you sweetly during nightmares. I woke up the other night while he was consoling me for a nightmare that I was having. Having my head on his chest and his arms around me is such a sweet comfort that it's hard to even explain it. He's just...amazing. I'll write more after the show/party. More on that later!

And by the way, today is Jason's birthday! Happy Birthday Jason!! We all sang to him happy birthday during the end clap and had an even more intense after party because of it!