Sunday, September 19, 2010

After Show Antics

I don't think we've had so many technical difficulties in one episode. At least three times we had to cut to another commerical because we didn't have some of the videos lined up properly. All the videos were great, and all the scenes were great as well. Keenan was a big hit tonight. During our Twilight Scene Pearl Jam decided to come onto the set (during the performance!) and be the scary creature haunting Jude Law with Bobby, it worked out perfectly and Bill even changed his line to suit the random occurence. Talk show with Ravish was another huge hit, very happy over that one but if I were to pick a favorite moment from the whole episode it would be at the end clap when Julian and Bobby came running out and douced me with sparkles and we played on the stage with them for about an hour. People even stayed to watch, most likely will be on youtube later on tonight or tomorrow morning. Currently I am in bed and it's 12:03, I literally just woke up with Julian still sleeping next to me. I don't know if I've mentioned this already but the background to my laptop is just a bunch of pictures of's beautiful.

The after party was great! Our week's host is Tina Fey with musical guest Justin Bieber which should be interesting. It's interesting because half the world hates him, and the other half (being teenage girls) love him. But you have to be 18 and older to come and see the show should be interesting. I left a note on Julian's forehead saying that I'm going to the class...he's so cute when he's sleeping...

(time elapse 8 hours)

Just got out of the shower, and ate dinner already, and before that I saw a movie with Jenny and Jason! "Easy A" total chick flick but super funny. Jason just kind of watched it with a grain of salt...poor Jason. I'm in a bunch of scenes this week so I'm very excited about that! TODAY IS JIMMY FALLON'S BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday Jimmy! Man there's been a lot of birthday's the week...  More on it later, I have homework to do. Toodles!