Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 9 {The Mighty Boosh}

Today is THURSDAY! My posts have been coming at weird times, so I just might title them with TODAY IS __________ DAMMIT! We've starting filming EPISODE 2: JOURNEY INTO THE SUBCONSCIOUS OF HOWARD MOON. In this episode I am not just Stephanie...but someone else! Very exciting. I'm in 5 of the 7 scenes. For a new character that's freakin' amazing, although I feel really bad because this is exactly what happened with SNL. People like Nasim and Taran were being gypped scenes which me being the new comer got more and now I feel like I'm gypping Mike and Dave of scenes. Although...I think they're okay with it.

Today we filmed scenes 1 and 7 (the Nabootique scenes) which I am definitely in but only as a far away shot and I have no lines (scene 1) but then in scene 7 I'm washing a car sexily while wearing jean shorts and a tube top. You'll see why in the episode. It's AWESOME. Noel and I have these two really cool characters that we made and then Rich plays himself for one of the characters. After filming Noel and I made his couch have shells all over it by glueing them onto the chair. It looks very beach-y. Ha ha, well we're going to dinner with Julian's crowd (girlfriend and kids), toodles!