We went out to lunch in Coppenhagen and then it was all sound check at Rosklide after that. I feel like being on tour with The Strokes is a great way to get to know Ryan Gentles because you spend SO MUCH time with him because he's not playing and NEITHER AM I. Although Jules and I did talk about me being a keyboard synthesizer for The Strokes...imagine that...I don't think I would because people already associate me with The Strokes enough that I wouldn't need to accompany any keyboard/back up lyrics to them. They're brilliant on their own.
This is so exciting, at the moment they are working on The Mighty Boosh set. Jubee and Noel are in London and they're sending me pictures JUST FOR YOU GUYS:
Doesn't the set look wonderful?
Time Elapse: 4 hours
Another amazing show! Nick stole my jacket for the performance (a new ritual that started in Norway but I didn't think would continue). I'll put pics up of each performance and each clothing article. Unfortunately I cannot write a lot because I have to go hop on a plane to Poland...wonder what the place is like. Norway is still my #1 favorite.