Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 21 {The Mighty Boosh}

Bonjour, aujourd'hui c'est mercredi! How're you all? Good? That's awesome. Not great? Talk to someone about it. Just not me, I get too many emails a day as it is. I GOT MY DATE WITH JULIAN (my boyfriend) CONFIRMED. It's Friday. And he's staying with me until WE leave for the weekend for Japan! So move over Julian Barratt, there's another Julian (my boyfriend) in town. From now on Jules is my boyfriend and Julian is Julian Barratt. Basically The Strokes are in New York City right now getting their things settled, making sure everything is okay yatatata, then The Strokes are staying in NYC and Jules is coming to London for my weekends. I think it's so cool that he doesn't care about airfare, but maybe he'll get some frequent flier miles at the same time. Jules was originally just gonna stay with me the whole time until Japan but then I have work and Paul said he didn't want more people on the set that would be distracting. Ah well. Any amount of Jules is enough for me.

Oh I also got my senior schedule for school! It's

1: Government/Economics
2: Concert Choir
3: AP French
4: English Seminars
5: Advanced Drama
6: Trigonometry/Probability/Statistics

So! Today we filmed scene 6 (another long scene) which was a lot of fun. It was just Julian, Noel, and I on set today so it was very mellow. It's funny Noel isn't in scene 3 but Howard thinks of Vince and so Paul put Noel in front of a green screen and had him dancing and prancing in circles. I watched the entire filming of that bit, it was hilarious. They had him wearing flow-y fabrics and...oh it was just funny. Noel at one point tripped over himself. It was wondrous.

I'd like to take this moment to describe my character of Stephaine. Paul wanted to pull an Alfonso Curon and force me to write an essay about my character and I was all "FUCK DAT" but now I'm doing it so whatever.

Stephanie. Stephanie is a 20-27 year old woman who went to college but dropped out and had to support herself. She's very artistic and worldly. She has lots of street smarts and is very witty and very attractive. She says very characteristic and sarcastic lines that evoke humor from her audience. She does what it takes to get the job done even if it means embarrassing herself. She likes to be outrageous and yet has a subtle awkwardness about her. She has a very witty one-liner personality. The relationship at the end of series 4 between Stephanie and Howard is very friendly. They are comfortable enough to hang out alone together and they have a nice familiar feel to each other. Similar to that of a brother or sister. The relationship at the end of series 4 between Stephanie and Vince is very close. Vince's personality of being a borderline simpleton with fashion sense and ebullience plays off of Stephanie wit and intellect. Their more of a team than anything. The trio of Howard, Vince, and Stephanie define the Mighty Boosh.