Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 22 {Summer Tour}

I got off the plane at about 1:45AM and saw my beautiful wonderful boyfriend texting on his sexy iPhone (product placement? maybe) and he wasn't even wearing sunglasses. I felt very special, even more so when I noticed all the freakin' cameras flashing in my face. It was funny, Julian is never lovey dovey in public, it's just not him, but it had been a week and he stood up and let me jump and hug him for a solid minute as I breathed in his sweet scent and he held me as tight as he could. Then as a crapload of more people noticed who we were Julian grabbed my face and gave me the longest, most passionate kiss of my life, and to the awes of over 30 people. He then handed me some sunglasses (read my blog I see...) a hat and took my hand as we casually left the airport. I'm not even going to both putting a picture of that because it's all over google, look it up: "Essenelle at Italian airport" should do. It's funny, when we were walking down to get a taxi and we were holding hand I grabbed his arm too and clung to him like he was made of diamonds (which he inherently is). When we got into the car Julian gave him the address and we made-out in the backseat for about 20 minutes. Ride well spent.

We got to the hotel and socked the door. You know what happens next. We were in there for about...2 1/2 hours? It was well deserved. You'd think it'd be short because of all the wait but no...very awesome. We were listening to music and a Strokes song came on and it got a little weird then..but then once the song was over we resumed. Why am I telling you this, my GOD.

We went out on a fucking gondola. A mother fucking GONDOLA. God Julian is so romantic. Or cliche, either one. It was really sweet though, we couldn't keep out hands off each other. Sippin' expensive wine under the stars. That's the life I want to live when I'm done with everything. Living in Europe, doing nothing, being rich, and having kids be awesome. My kids wouldn't live in Europe though, I feel like American schools are better for individuality. Sorry rest of the world. Not to be all futuristic n' stuff with Jules? That'd be magical, we'd have the sexiest kids on the planet. But actually. I felt a little bad about not really seeing Fab, Albert, Nick, and Nikolai for more than an hour that one day but...I'm not in love with any of them so why would I? I know Nick had a little fit over that because know Nick.

I left very slowly and sadly. Julian and I had an actual conversation at dinner that was verbatim "You don't have to go...quit the show" "I just might...missing you sucks...". Although I then realized how ridiculous that would be to drop an amazing show just to be with my boyfriend who I'll definitely see sooner or later. I'm a romantic what can I say. It was a teary goodbye at the airport and not many people recognized us so the goodbye was more heartfelt than staged.

I guess this is it till Portugal huh?
Yeah... (she becomes teary eyed and he starts to frown and hugs her tightly, she cover her face in his chest) Ugh, I'm gonna miss you so much.
I love you more than anything. You remember that. 
(sarcastically) I'll try. 
I got you something when we were in Scotland.
(incredulously) Shut up...
(JULIAN goes into his pocket and removes a heart made of ceramic material) It's got our names on it and everything.
Did you make this?
On the first day, I'm actually surprised you didn't notice. But I fired it in Scotland. Your stuff is done by the way. 
You are the cutest. It'll be in my pocket at all times. (she kisses him quickly on the lips and then without saying anything she goes back and kisses him again more passionately)
(resting his head on hers sweetly) Go, you'll miss you flight.
Now is that REALLY a bad thing...
Go on miss popular. I'll see you in Portugal. 
I love you higher than the skies-
-deeper than the oceans...
(smiling she hugs him again) Bye Jules.
See you soon. (she wipes her eyes and grabs his hand, squeezing it once before letting go and getting on the plane. He doesn't leave the terminal until her plane leaves, and then places his hands in his pockets and walks out, rejoining The Strokes in their terminal for Spain)