Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 1 {The Mighty Boosh}

Lay her down! Should we call an ambulance?

The whole month of July and August is gonna be strict Day__ {} and I'm VERY content with that. I'm gonna be making BANK this summer. But it's not all about the money. I mean COME ON. Ha ha, it's all about the money. Aw, Strokes reference...I don't know how I'm going to get through a WEEK without Julian. I remember Las Vegas was hard! And that was only a day and a half! Oy. I gave him the biggest kiss goodbye.  It's funny he didn't want me to leave and I didn't want to leave...well I did, but I didn't want to leave HIM I wanted to be in London but it would've been great if he could've came with me. Sometimes I think I'm too in love with Julian, but hey if he feels the same way then I'M DOWN.

(holding onto CHRISTINA he speaks as he leans on her head) Are you sure you have to leave? I'm gonna miss you so much...
I know...are you sure you have to be on tour? (she laughs)
Call me any chance you have, which I know won't be much.
I will, I have to go I love you. 
Man...you're career is just starting up and I'm struggling to keep mine alive...have fun.
You are a rotten liar.
(kissing her on the lips) Have fun, I love you so much.
I love you too Jules. Go have some good ol' fashion Strokes fun. Just you and the boys.
Things are gonna get crazy. Write me little notes on your blog. 
I know and I will. Bye love.
Bye Christina.

That was your note Julian. I arrived in London at 11PM. The flight was good, not too much turbulence. I exited the plane a little disoriented because it was a little late. But I received such a nice reception outside the terminal:

(CHRISTINA exits the terminal and outside is a man wearing sunglasses sipping a cup of coffee holding a sign that says "Essenelle". There are several people with cameras waiting outside the doors and once CHRISTINA steps out they all ask to get pictures with her and she kindly agrees) Oy Christina!
(jumping into NOEL's arms he spins her around and then carries her through Heathrow) Noel! I've missed you! Where are you taking me?
To the car before more people recognize you.
I think more people are going to notice me if I'm being carried through an airport.
Yeah maybe...(he places her on the ground and gives her a hat and sunglasses) I brought you these! I also have makeup in case you want a stache.
No I'm good, I would never want to hide from people...
Yeah but you tend to cause sort of a disruption.
Hey when are your vacation days! We should plan ours accordingly.
YES WE SHOULD. Mine our...hm..lemme think I think mine are the 13th, the 17th, and the 22nd.
Those are mine now too. You're staying with me right?
Yeah, if that's alright with you.
Of course! Did I tell you I want you to be British for the show?
Oh God, you're really gonna have to teach me then. 
(laughs) Alright! (he opens the car door for CHRISTINA and the gets in himself)
Geez, I thought you wanted me to drive.
Oh right...different side in America.
Oh this is gonna be hard to get used to...but I will!

Then we went to Noel's place. It was very nice, very mod and vibrant. Fortunately there wasn't that problem of "Oh there's only one bed and I don't want to make you sleep on the couch you're the guest" "but it's your house" "but I'm trying to be polite..blah blah blah" because there WAS another. TIAL. It wouldn't even matter if I did sleep in the same bed as him because he has a big queen size bed so we'd be back to back at opposing sides. SO TAKE THAT! Tomorrow we're working on scenes 1, 3, and 6. I got word from Paul that I'm allowed to send you all my lines for the Boosh. So here they are for episode 1: Medicine of the Woods.

Alright! Sorry for the racket I'm just unloadin' here.
Yeah I do make a bit of noise with these heavy things.
No, I'm alright. Thanks though. (she dusts off her hands and walks towards the two of them) My name is Stephanie.
Yeah from Whales.
So what're you two like? Do you work downstairs?
(laughing) Oh nothing.
Yeah it's alright.
(pointing to HOWARD, to VINCE) Is he gonna be alright?
Understandable. But yeah gimme a ring and we'll go do something.
Oh I dunno...I like to shop, fix meself up y'know? Partying.
(chuckling to herself she closes the door) Cheers.
(disoriented) Wh-what? Vince! What're you doing here?
I...(sighs) I was getting medicine for Naboo too. I thought that if I got Naboo better that you all would like me more...plus I need a job so i thought this was a sure-fire way of getting me in. I'm really sorry Vince.. 
Yeah...are you alright? 
It's almost midnight! We only have 10 minutes left!
Go to hell you demon unicorn.
Howard you saved us! 
NO HOWARD DON'T! (thousands of puppies and kittens litter the room and attack HOWARD with hugs and kisses. He laughs as everyone now plays with the little animals) I told you not to open it...they're not mine. 
Well apparently there's a zoo nearby who's looking for animals...(they all give her strange looks) I NEEDED THE MONEY!

That's just the first episode. But to be honest they only have 3 episodes written right now. The fourth is still in the shop...but that's okay. Anyways I think I'm gonna hit the hay. Night kids. Noel says goodnight as well. Oh no wait now he wants to say something:

I think I'm the first one to use this font and color EVER. Yeah, so it's about 1 in the morning over here...we're gonna head off to sleep. As a message to me mum: Hey. It's been a while hasn't it? Not really huh? Did you like seeing my junk in Pete Sweet? You did? Oh wonderful. Anyways I outta sign off. Goodnight to all the masses!

I love how I titled this Day 1 but wrote nearly 3 pages about last night. Man, first day on the job and I just fuck everything up. I woke up at around 7:30AM and ate a grilled cheese sandwich, had some water then went with Noel to the studio. We got there at 8AM and immediately we watched over some graphic designs of what they wanted to do for some of the characters for the episode. That took about 10 minutes then Paul King (director) brought us over to some of the storyboards that were written and so we were standing for about 10 minutes and...everything started to go black and I turned to my left and grabbed (if it's a mighty boosh post assume Julian is NOT my boyfriend) Julian's arm and said "I'm going to pass out" and he didn't look at me but laughed and continued to watch Paul and then I, still clinging to his arm, feel down and he grabbed me and slowly brought me to the ground (from here on out is what everyone else said what happened) he was now panicking and carried me over to a table and sat me down on one of the stools there. I became somewhat conscious. At this point Noel was holding onto me and he searched for my phone and gave it to Mike telling him to call someone on my emergency contact list. Then Noel said I needed air and I had my arms around both of their necks and so I walked a little bit forward and passed out again to a point where Julian realized that he needed to carry me outside. Mike Fielding then got Julian (my boyfriend) of the phone and kept him on until I became conscious. Julian (Barratt) then laid me on the ground and Noel put my feet up on this bench and Julian kept my head on his lap, pulling back my hair back smoothing it. Apparently they were all discussing whether or not to send me to the hospital and Dave Brown said that it'd be better to stay here because people who pass out are usually dehydrated or haven't eaten. Then Noel said that wasn't case because I had done both of those things. The on sight nurse came over and took my blood pressure and it was 50/30....yikes. That's so low that I could've died if I had stood up much longer. The nurse then said that there's nothing she could do besides leave me on the ground and if my blood pressure kept dropping that I'd most like suffer from severe brain damage. After a few minutes I came to and Noel was sitting on the bench resting his head on my legs and everyone started cheering for they all thought I was going to DIE. Ha ha, I'm okay everyone. Although I tried to prove this by getting up and walking back to the studio but I took one step and fell into Noel's arms and I laid down on the bench with him for the next half hour. During that time Mike gave me the phone and I talked to Julian (my boyfriend).

Are you okay??
Yeah I'm fine...I just passed out is all.
Passing out is not nothing! I'm flying out there.
No no no don't be ridiculous.
I'm not being ridiculous, you could've DIED.
No...I think it's cause I didn't sleep that much last night and that I woke up pretty early.
Oh my God Christina you're going to give me a heart attack.
What did Mike say on the phone?
He just said 'Hey you know Christina Essenelle right? Yeah well she's passed out on the floor what do we do? Does this happen often?'
Oh my God...It's a good thing I'm not filming today.
Then why did you come in to work?
They wanted to show me everything and they might need some extras.
God Christina...please be more conscientious of your surroundings.... 
I will sweetie, I have to go.
(sigh) Be safe. I love you.
Don't go mental, love you too.

With the setback we didn't start filming until 11PM and we didn't get all the scenes done. Only scenes 1 and 3. Which is good because I'm in scene 6 and I was not up to filming today. Paul came over to me as I was laying on Noel and said that this was in no way something that I should be embarrassed about-even though I definitely was crying on the inside-and that I can start filming tomorrow when I was feeling better. Ugh, I've never felt so dumb in my entire life. Noel made me a nutella sandwich for lunch. He's a sweetheart. Fortunately Rich Fulcher didn't have to see it considering he is in scenes 4 and 5 and couldn't come in to be an extra today. I really want to get to know Rich because he seems just SO COOL. But I feel like if I keep throwing myself onto him he'll push me off and be all GET AWAY YOU PSYCHO BITCH! It'll happen, just you wait. Apparently someone filmed me fainting for the DVD Extras so...BUY SERIES 4 DVD SOON FOR THE EXCLUSIVE LOOK INTO ESSENELLE'S FAINTING SESSIONS!
