Sunday, July 31, 2011


Don't you forget my number on the door.

I scare easily.

Last post of July! Gosh this summer has gone by way too fast. I can't handle the fact that I've been blessed with the chance to go on tour with The Strokes AND be apart of this wonderful phenomenon known as The Mighty Boosh. I've made lots of new friends and have been to so many new places. Let's recap shall we?

-The Strokes and I go to Sweden
-Paul King asks me to be on the Mighty Boosh
-Got my nails done with Ryan
-The Strokes and I go to Denmark
-The Strokes and I go to Poland
-I look at my views...5 million!
-The Strokes and I go back to Ireland
-I say goodbye to Jules
-We start filming for the Boosh
-I pass out on set for the Boosh
-I meet Rich Fulcher
-I get the nickname 'Fainty'
-I do a Boosh photoshoot
-Noel and I party hard
-Taken for a Fool music video released!
-Rich, Noel, and I go to a haunted house
-Julian, Noel, and I have a harry potter marathon
-I go visit Jules in Italy
-We finish episode 1!
-Noel and I get killed by paparazzi
-Julian, Noel, and I get piss drunk
-I bruise Noel's foot
-I meet Jules in Switzerland!
-Noel and I find a cat
-We give back the cat
-Paul talks about me in an interview
-We finish episode 2!
-I get my school schedule
-I write about my character of Stephanie
-Jules come to London!
-Julian, Jules, Noel and I go out to dinner
-Jules leaves London
-Mike, Noel and I go partying...again

Day 25 {The Mighty Boosh]

Happy Saturday folks. Today has been such a crazy day. So I'll type it out in parts. (I'm writing this on Sunday by the way, that's how crazy Saturday was) It started out at Mike's flat with his wife and then we went to get some wine and got buzzed which was nice. Being 21 and all. Then we went back to Noel's and ate spaghetti (Noel, Jules, Mike, and I) then we went back out again to a club and got completely WASTED. I never black out but Mike does and he doesn't remember anything from last night. I do have a picture of him at that second bar. Too much fun. Then we stayed up until 5:30AM. We ended up at Noel's place at around 1AM and made a blanket fort. He has this couch that up against a wall and a bar so we got all these blankets and stapled them to the wall and the bar and our fort was created. Mike, Noel, and I (in that order) sat on the couch and curled under the covers (and pillows for there were quite a plethora) and watched Rubber. I fell asleep on Noel after the first 10 minutes.

Have I explained to you the movie RUBBER? It's ridiculous. The beginning of the movie explains that the reason they even DID this movie is just for the fuck of it. To demand the question "Why?" and receive the answer "No reason." That is no way to start a movie idea. Let's make a movie about tires. Why? No reason. That's ridiculous. The plot of the movie is to kill the enemy. Well that enemy's is also a tire. Don't believe me?

Watch the trailer you slackers.

Day 24 {The Mighty Boosh}

Last night after dinner I was playing a game with Noel and Jules which was "Guess which video I'm watching" and I said some really nice comments about the singer and all that and Jules didn't know who it was but Noel checked my video history like a fucking cheater and found out who it was. SO, if people are asking (which they are) why Noel's tweet says "Christina wants me, wants me like an oven in a fence that only works for seniors x" that's why. It's Friday by the way.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 23 {The Mighty Boosh}

Friday the how is this summer almost over? Picture of the day is my slab mug, slab box, and pinch pot. No filming today! Which is a shame because this episode has 10 scenes instead of the usual 7. We still have to film scenes 4, 5, 7 and 9. You know who's here today? JULESSSSSS. I was sleeping on the couch (partied hard last night) and I woke up to Jules waking me up with his sweet, seductive voice.

We no doubt made out on that couch.

We didn't do much today. Noel went out to go get food and Jules and I took a shower. Then we went out to dinner (Jules, Noel, Julian, and I) to a very nice restaurant and actually had a really nice time. I thought it might be a little awkward considering how good of friends I am within our trio and that Jules might be an awkward fourth wheel or that maybe it'd have to be kind of like a double date where Noel and Julian were into each other and Jules and I were into each other. But it was grand, I had a very nice time.

Day 22 {The Mighty Boosh]

HAPPY THURSDAY. Jules told me that he's bringing pictures of my ceramic creations. I'm stoked, I'll put them on here too. Today we filmed scenes 8 and 10 (the Nabootique scenes). I love the Nabootique, I've been taking things around town and putting them secretly in the Nabootique. See that doll behind Julian?

Took it from the children's section at the library.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 21 {The Mighty Boosh}

Bonjour, aujourd'hui c'est mercredi! How're you all? Good? That's awesome. Not great? Talk to someone about it. Just not me, I get too many emails a day as it is. I GOT MY DATE WITH JULIAN (my boyfriend) CONFIRMED. It's Friday. And he's staying with me until WE leave for the weekend for Japan! So move over Julian Barratt, there's another Julian (my boyfriend) in town. From now on Jules is my boyfriend and Julian is Julian Barratt. Basically The Strokes are in New York City right now getting their things settled, making sure everything is okay yatatata, then The Strokes are staying in NYC and Jules is coming to London for my weekends. I think it's so cool that he doesn't care about airfare, but maybe he'll get some frequent flier miles at the same time. Jules was originally just gonna stay with me the whole time until Japan but then I have work and Paul said he didn't want more people on the set that would be distracting. Ah well. Any amount of Jules is enough for me.

Oh I also got my senior schedule for school! It's

1: Government/Economics
2: Concert Choir
3: AP French
4: English Seminars
5: Advanced Drama
6: Trigonometry/Probability/Statistics

So! Today we filmed scene 6 (another long scene) which was a lot of fun. It was just Julian, Noel, and I on set today so it was very mellow. It's funny Noel isn't in scene 3 but Howard thinks of Vince and so Paul put Noel in front of a green screen and had him dancing and prancing in circles. I watched the entire filming of that bit, it was hilarious. They had him wearing flow-y fabrics and...oh it was just funny. Noel at one point tripped over himself. It was wondrous.

I'd like to take this moment to describe my character of Stephaine. Paul wanted to pull an Alfonso Curon and force me to write an essay about my character and I was all "FUCK DAT" but now I'm doing it so whatever.

Stephanie. Stephanie is a 20-27 year old woman who went to college but dropped out and had to support herself. She's very artistic and worldly. She has lots of street smarts and is very witty and very attractive. She says very characteristic and sarcastic lines that evoke humor from her audience. She does what it takes to get the job done even if it means embarrassing herself. She likes to be outrageous and yet has a subtle awkwardness about her. She has a very witty one-liner personality. The relationship at the end of series 4 between Stephanie and Howard is very friendly. They are comfortable enough to hang out alone together and they have a nice familiar feel to each other. Similar to that of a brother or sister. The relationship at the end of series 4 between Stephanie and Vince is very close. Vince's personality of being a borderline simpleton with fashion sense and ebullience plays off of Stephanie wit and intellect. Their more of a team than anything. The trio of Howard, Vince, and Stephanie define the Mighty Boosh. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 20 {The Mighty Boosh}

Hello friends, what a merry Tuesday this is. I just got word today from my doctor lady person that I'm having required surgery on August 22nd and I am scared SHITLESS. They have to put my under and everything, yes they are giving me a vacation to Australia. What if that's what happened when they knocked you out? You just went to Australia. Fuck, people would get surgery more often.

Today we filmed scene 2. We were suppose to film scenes 2 and 6 but we couldn't fit it in the schedule. Scene 2 and 6 are very long scenes and they both take place in my flat! It's because Vince and Howard are in a fight and they both go to me to talk about it. I have a crap load of lines in this episode and I only messed up twice today. Paul talked about me in an interview about the new Boosh today!

Damien Marks
I sat down and had a chat with Mighty Boosh director Paul King about the changes in series 4 and new cast members.

DAMIEN: What's the main difference between series 3 and series 4?
PAUL: Well in this series Howard and Vince have a new neighbor; Stephanie, and they go on adventure with them and also helps them in times of need and what not.
DAMIEN: Who plays Stephanie?
PAUL: Christina Essenelle.
DAMIEN: Oh really? How has it been working with her?
PAUL: Oh she's fantastic, she actually takes working on the Boosh seriously.
DAMIEN: Do the other cast members not take filming seriously?
PAUL: (laughs) They do, they're just so comfortable with each other that a lot of the takes are of them laughing because we're practically family.
DAMIEN: That's a very hard environment to achieve. Has Christina adapted to the Boosh family? Does everyone like her?
PAUL: Oh absolutely, she actually knew Julian and Noel before the show, that's actually how she got on the show. I was her in London and they called me up asking if they could write a part in for her. I was shocked that they even wanted another person to be apart of the show.
DAMIEN: Have other people tried to be on the show and they haven't adapted?
PAUL: Yes, if you remember Mrs. Gideon in series 1 she was suppose to be in series 2 but they decided not to write in a part for her...she was very awkward on set so it was probably for the best.
DAMIEN: I can see why she wouldn't come back then! Other than adding cast members have you taken some away?
PAUL: No everyone is still there, although we don't have Saboo in too many episodes. Just one this season.
DAMIEN: Saboo! I loved the Shaymen council.
PAUL: Thanks, yeah it's a blast filming with these people and the addition of Christina is just wonderful. We were actually afraid that she would be difficult to film because she's so use to doing strict scenes with strict lines and filming for the's practically improv.
DAMIEN: I was reading in another interview with Noel Fielding that there is a love interest this series?
PAUL: Noel Fielding...yes there is. But we don't want to let out all about the new series. I know Christina has a blog and even she's not allowed to say much about the series, just that there is a new one and that she's in it.
DAMIEN: Very cool. How is it coming back to the Boosh after so many years of live shows?
PAUL: Very relaxing, it's so hectic backstage for the live shows and filming is so easy compared to it. You have that chance to redo everything.
DAMIEN: How's the budget for the new series?
PAUL: Very good actually! We're doing 7 episodes this series.
DAMIEN: I always thought it was interesting how you don't have many episodes to the series. How is the work day for the Boosh?
PAUL: Very hectic. We do have our breaks but we're very on schedule, I mean even now we get behind. We're trying to get the whole series done by October just because Christina is still on the Saturday Night Live cast.
DAMIEN: Right they're off for the summer, do you think there will be other series after this one?
PAUL: If Christina is willing to be in another then yes. We were discussing that the other day and so far the reaction from the fans that Christina Essenelle is on the show was very, very positive. Also, there is a love interest and we'd either have to drop that or continue it to the next series, which we'd love to do.
DAMIEN: What gossip, love interest for Christina Essenelle!
PAUL: I didn't say that!
DAMIEN: (laughs) I'm only teasing, is there still music for series 4?
PAUL: Yes always! The music is what makes the show, however we're still not going to have a purchasable soundtrack. Julian's orders.
DAMIEN: Aw not again!
PAUL: I'm sorry!
DAMIEN: (laughs) Well thank you Paul for stopping by.
PAUL: (laughs) Yeah, thanks for having me. Take care.

Day 19 {The Mighty Boosh}

Monday MONday MONDAAAAAY!! Welcome to episode 3, where the weird stuff just gets weirder. I only play Stephanie in this episode (I'm still talking to Paul about being a bear/gorilla) but it's a good Stephanie episode. I help Vince into exile and the audience finds out a secret about Vince. Today we filmed scenes 1 and 3 and I was in scene 1. Scene 3 was weird because it did involve the actors but it was mainly a little cartoon scene of how Bollo met his true love.

We found a cat. We're keeping him.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 18 {The Mighty Boosh}

It's Sunday and Paul asked Noel, Rich, and I to come back in to do close ups...again. Apparently when they were editing it they didn't get good enough close ups of Noel and I dying and of Rich killing us. Rich got there around 10AM and he was done by 12PM so Noel and I started at that point. I must've worked at that studio till 10PM we were there pretty late. It was pretty funny people, I was suppose to shout COOL! (Noel's character) as I was dying so Paul just said

Alright, now just call Noel's name and then don't fall down just drop out of frame, yeah?
Vince, I'm playing a character. His name is Vince. You ill?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 17 {The Mighty Boosh}

Merry Saturday Booshers. Had another crazy rager with Noel and I literally listened to all the Strokes' music videos and cried.

Think you love the Strokes?

Try talking to me for 10 minutes.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 23 {Summer Tour}

I'm in Switzerland and it's Friday! I got to the airport at around 11AM (it was literally the only flight that went through to Switzerland from London) and it was so great to see Jules again. I was just so in love. If I explained to your explicitly the love that was flowing between us this blog would be banned for being too awesome.

When I got off the plane Jules and I just stared at each other for a minute, then made-out in front of everyone. Or snogged I should say. I am British now. Jules and I had a whole conversation about how I've become to British now. I was explaining my character on the show by saying: "She's a young mod who lives in a flat and is completely apt to snogging Vince". Whereas in american you'd say: "She's a young hipster who lives in an apartment and wants to hook-up with Vince". Oh Christina why you so crazy.

Had fish tacos today. That wasn't a sexual reference I honest to GOD had fish tacos today. We walked the promenade hand-in-hand and cuddled on a bench for a bit. I did get to see my Strokes today though. I've missed them so much. I gave them ALL giant hugs. Even Nikolai (even though he hates hugs). Picture of the day is of Albert at lunch in Montreux and the other is of Jules being sexy. As usual.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 16 {The Mighty Boosh}

THURSDAY! So today we filmed the last scene (scene 5) and  Rich kills Noel and me! It's pretty crazy because Noel and I have to depict being cool and sexy so we have to die in that way as well. Have you ever died in a sexy way?! It's hard! Noel's was easy because he just had to die slowly in a very laid back sort of fashion and then I had to make loud moaning noises and then my dying pose was my body draped on Noel's with my head in his crotch. And there were SO many takes for that bit, mainly because Rich's laughter would get weirder and weirder.

We were falling all over each other and I accidentally stamped on Noel's foot....I felt so bad! I put a picture on here to show my evilness. I didn't do it on purpose but I was swooning as I was dying and stamped on his foot. It's funny Noel didn't scream or yell or nothin, he just grabbed his foot and opened his mouth like he was going to scream.

I've never felt so bad in my life.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 15 {The Mighty Boosh}

Woah...the Summer Tour and The Migthy Boosh days are getting pretty close. It's 22 to 15...and day 23 isn't until the 22...that means Day 23 {Summer Tour} will be on July 22nd and Day 23 {The Mighty Boosh} will be on July close yet so far away. Today we filmed scene 4 for the first half of the day and then did vocals for scene 3. The song is in scene 3 and everyone sings so vocals that took a bit of time. This is the first time I'm singing and getting that recorded! My song lyrics are on the post prior to the previous post. I love food in Europe. It's not CRAP. But it's not like New York City is a shithole. Noel wants to find an apartment there! I really hope it's close to 30 Rockefeller cause that'd just be amazing. All I know is that he's looking, and that when Boosh filming is done he might stay there for a bit.

Basically Noel and I are inseparable.

Day 14 {The Mighty Boosh}

Happy Tuesday everyone. Today we filmed scene 3. We were going to go on and do more but scene 3 just took forever. It's because in that scene is Mike, Noel, Rich, Julian, and I are in it and we ALL needed close ups. Plus Paul didn't want to redo this scene again because it was on the outlandish set and he'd rather finish this scene and then destroy the set and build it back up. However...we still need to use the set for another was kind of a pointless argument. BUT I had fun having a full day of filming. It's funny with the Boosh because they want you to say your lines, but they also want you to interpret them and make up your own lines that convey the same message. Like one of my lines today was:

He's done. He's going to a party, you want this sugar lips?
and I changed that a bunch of times to:
-Everything's finished, he's going to a party, come and get it sweet cheeks.
-It's all over, he's going to a fiesta, (placing the remote in between her boobs) come n' get it muchacho. 
-My task is completed, he's going to a soiree, (licking the remote) want this lover bean?
-All finished, he's about to go to a party, wanna take control?...over me? 
And it went a little like that. God I hope they have the awkward ball grab I did on the DVD Extras. I swear they are forever filming for the DVD Extras. It was definitely intentional for SCENE PURPOSES. Very exciting ball grab. Not gonna lie, it's nice. Who could say no to a face like this?:

partying with noel is like watching the angry beavers on acid

Day 13 {The Mighty Boosh}

Happy Monday y'all! If I ever say that one more time you have permission to shoot me. Aw, John Lennon...Today we filmed scenes 2 and 6 but I wasn't in either of those scenes so I was chilling around the set all day. The first scene is with everyone but me and Rich and the focus of the whole episode is mainly on Julian. I feel like this episode is VERY similar to "Journey to the Center of Punk" because we go inside Howard but only mentally. Naboo puts him in a trance. A sexy trance, wait no I'm sexy!

Noel, Julian, and I got SO drunk. I'm not condoning drinking but if you are of age...oh my GOD. It was just the four of us and we went to Noel flat and everything was just crazy. I don't remember a lot of what happened it just came in flashes (my memory) but whenever someone is bringing a memory up I know what they're talking about...if that makes sense. There are pictures but you are NOT seeing them. I remember at one point I rode Noel's back simply by saying: "WHAT IF I JUMPED ON YOUR BACK?" and then I did. I remember we all switched clothes and I looked like a sexy mo-fo in Julian's clothes (he wore Noel's and Noel wore mine xD) then I remember we heard police sirens and freaked out but there were actually no sirens...then we were jumping on the bed but my foot fell off and I thought I died....then we went on the computer and played Lady Gaga and Albert Hammond Jr. songs. Nice to know the Strokes will always be in my heart whether I'm inebriated or not (well Strokes in some shape or form). Then Noel and I walked home and I was practically laying on top of him while going home. I got home and fell on the bed and immediately fell asleep. I was so tired for some reason....oh alcohol. Why you so killing? By the way in case you're wondering why I was NOT in Portugal with The Strokes is because I really can't be flying back and forth even though it does kill me not to see my darling Jules (my boyfriend). But I talk to him everyday and have the utmost faith in him, I'll be fine.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 12 {The Mighty Boosh}

Happy Sunday! Noel made a Boosh family on the sims that consisted of Julian, him, me, Rich, Mike, and Dave but Dave as Bollo. But you can't put gorillas into the sims so we just made Bollo a huge dog. It's awesome. We live on this hill in this extremely regal house. It's very detailed. I've been watching it on hulu and I really like that Glee Project show! It's really good, these kids are so fucking talented!! I was watching the vulnerability episode and the one after that and I was watching the "last chance" part at the end and they amazing! Such great voices and I think it's crazy that they make people leave on such minute details. I wish I could be on Glee, but I'd only be on as a guest star or something, not as a stay-on character. That's why these kids are so lucky! I personally think Cameron is gonna win it, I think the director likes him a LOT. And if it were gonna be a girl it'd be brunette blue eyed chick. I only know them by black gay, fat ginger, midget, Irish, blue eyed chick, pretty ginger, and then Cameron. I'm sure there are others, but they don't stand out to me. I think that's the only reason why bitchface and lesbian black went home. They really didn't have defining characteristics. I bet you next week pretty ginger or blue eyed chick is going home. I don't think midget or fat ginger is gonna win BUT they will make it farther.

I've been listening to The Mighty Boosh soundtrack and I'm so freakin' stoked to be apart of such an amazing team of musicians. Isolation? One of my favorites. You know what I think is interesting? They brought back the Hitcher a bunch of times but I personally think that the Hitcher isn't as popular as Old Gregg. So far we've brought back Lester and The Moon but that's it. (so far) Although one of the new characters is Gratafico and he's so far my favorite. He's basically a bondage bear. That's episode....3 I think. Yeah, episode 3. I'm going to put the lyrics to some of the songs on here just because they're so freakin' funny. Episode 3 is a rap. It's so good. We're not even done filming episode 2 yet and I've already been looking ahead. To be honest episode 3's song is a lot like the Spider Lovin' song, sexual and fast...and weird.

Here's my lines in episode 2!

Scene 3:
(giving JAZZ SIDE a weird look) That's....gross.
(JAZZ SIDE slaps his hand to his face and SEXY SIDE bites her lip and whips her hair in AWKWARD SIDE's face. She turns to COOL SIDE and kisses his cheek while rubbing his legs) I wanna make you feel good. 
I got this one Louis Armstrong. (JAZZ SIDE looks down while passing the remote to SEXY SIDE) Alright...(taking the remote she places the remote to her mouth) Say 'You amaze me' and 'You make me think dirty thoughts' and 'I'm gonna take those off' and 'I wanna go slow...and lick you to ecstasy'.
He's done. He's going to a party, you want this sugar lips?
Hey, sexy here, I'm so wet thinking about you tonight. Hope that's alright, you can come over and kiss me over here I don't bite, there's nothing to fear. I got massive tits and a raging bod so if you want me you'll have to look like a mod.
Yeah I'd love to...I'm just gonna wear this mmkay?

That's not all of scene 3 because I did not have the patience to type it all up. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 11 {The Mighty Boosh}

The Sims and Noel Fielding have been acquainted; everyone rejoice.

Went to a party today and took a picture of Noel hiding from cameras.

Had a great time at the party, was one of the last few to leave.

I love partying in London, the festivities are always amazing.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 10 {The Mighty Boosh}

Happy friday! Happy no-filming day to yeh! Noel and I had literally the laziest day I've ever had. It started at 12:30PM when I woke up and went to the kitchen and fixed us some waffles, then at 1PM Noel woke up and we ate waffles while making fun of videos on the internet (a similar activity I did with Nick while on tour back last fall/winter), then we went to the park for a few hours and just baked in the sun, then we got ice cream, went home, built a blanket fort and watched Blazin' Saddles and Atonement and then had a community (of 2 people) nap-time while listening to Hans Zimmer's Inception and Batman soundtracks. Very amazing dreams, almost all of them being about New York and Harry Potter. (the premiere just being last night for us Americans). Having it all end is really depressing, I've snuck into every Harry Potter premiere and it kills me to see it all end. I'm going to try my hardest to not cry. But I probably will end up crying.

Picture of the day is of Jules performing in Spain at the Benicassim Festival. It kills me that I don't get to be there with him cheering him on. I'm his biggest fan and all I would want to do is by his side. Ah well, here's their set list if you're interested: (Is this it, Room of Fire, First Impressions of Earth, Angles, Other)

  • New York City Cops
  • Alone, Together
  • Reptilia
  • Machu Picchu
  • Last Nite
  • Taken For A Fool
  • Is This It
  • Under Cover of Darkness
  • What Ever Happened?
  • Life Is Simple In The Moonlight
  • Someday
  • You Only Live Once
  • You’re So Right
  • Under Control
  • Gratisfaction
  • Hard To Explain
  • Juicebox
  • Take It Or Leave It

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 9 {The Mighty Boosh}

Today is THURSDAY! My posts have been coming at weird times, so I just might title them with TODAY IS __________ DAMMIT! We've starting filming EPISODE 2: JOURNEY INTO THE SUBCONSCIOUS OF HOWARD MOON. In this episode I am not just Stephanie...but someone else! Very exciting. I'm in 5 of the 7 scenes. For a new character that's freakin' amazing, although I feel really bad because this is exactly what happened with SNL. People like Nasim and Taran were being gypped scenes which me being the new comer got more and now I feel like I'm gypping Mike and Dave of scenes. Although...I think they're okay with it.

Today we filmed scenes 1 and 7 (the Nabootique scenes) which I am definitely in but only as a far away shot and I have no lines (scene 1) but then in scene 7 I'm washing a car sexily while wearing jean shorts and a tube top. You'll see why in the episode. It's AWESOME. Noel and I have these two really cool characters that we made and then Rich plays himself for one of the characters. After filming Noel and I made his couch have shells all over it by glueing them onto the chair. It looks very beach-y. Ha ha, well we're going to dinner with Julian's crowd (girlfriend and kids), toodles!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 22 {Summer Tour}

I got off the plane at about 1:45AM and saw my beautiful wonderful boyfriend texting on his sexy iPhone (product placement? maybe) and he wasn't even wearing sunglasses. I felt very special, even more so when I noticed all the freakin' cameras flashing in my face. It was funny, Julian is never lovey dovey in public, it's just not him, but it had been a week and he stood up and let me jump and hug him for a solid minute as I breathed in his sweet scent and he held me as tight as he could. Then as a crapload of more people noticed who we were Julian grabbed my face and gave me the longest, most passionate kiss of my life, and to the awes of over 30 people. He then handed me some sunglasses (read my blog I see...) a hat and took my hand as we casually left the airport. I'm not even going to both putting a picture of that because it's all over google, look it up: "Essenelle at Italian airport" should do. It's funny, when we were walking down to get a taxi and we were holding hand I grabbed his arm too and clung to him like he was made of diamonds (which he inherently is). When we got into the car Julian gave him the address and we made-out in the backseat for about 20 minutes. Ride well spent.

We got to the hotel and socked the door. You know what happens next. We were in there for about...2 1/2 hours? It was well deserved. You'd think it'd be short because of all the wait but no...very awesome. We were listening to music and a Strokes song came on and it got a little weird then..but then once the song was over we resumed. Why am I telling you this, my GOD.

We went out on a fucking gondola. A mother fucking GONDOLA. God Julian is so romantic. Or cliche, either one. It was really sweet though, we couldn't keep out hands off each other. Sippin' expensive wine under the stars. That's the life I want to live when I'm done with everything. Living in Europe, doing nothing, being rich, and having kids be awesome. My kids wouldn't live in Europe though, I feel like American schools are better for individuality. Sorry rest of the world. Not to be all futuristic n' stuff with Jules? That'd be magical, we'd have the sexiest kids on the planet. But actually. I felt a little bad about not really seeing Fab, Albert, Nick, and Nikolai for more than an hour that one day but...I'm not in love with any of them so why would I? I know Nick had a little fit over that because know Nick.

I left very slowly and sadly. Julian and I had an actual conversation at dinner that was verbatim "You don't have to go...quit the show" "I just might...missing you sucks...". Although I then realized how ridiculous that would be to drop an amazing show just to be with my boyfriend who I'll definitely see sooner or later. I'm a romantic what can I say. It was a teary goodbye at the airport and not many people recognized us so the goodbye was more heartfelt than staged.

I guess this is it till Portugal huh?
Yeah... (she becomes teary eyed and he starts to frown and hugs her tightly, she cover her face in his chest) Ugh, I'm gonna miss you so much.
I love you more than anything. You remember that. 
(sarcastically) I'll try. 
I got you something when we were in Scotland.
(incredulously) Shut up...
(JULIAN goes into his pocket and removes a heart made of ceramic material) It's got our names on it and everything.
Did you make this?
On the first day, I'm actually surprised you didn't notice. But I fired it in Scotland. Your stuff is done by the way. 
You are the cutest. It'll be in my pocket at all times. (she kisses him quickly on the lips and then without saying anything she goes back and kisses him again more passionately)
(resting his head on hers sweetly) Go, you'll miss you flight.
Now is that REALLY a bad thing...
Go on miss popular. I'll see you in Portugal. 
I love you higher than the skies-
-deeper than the oceans...
(smiling she hugs him again) Bye Jules.
See you soon. (she wipes her eyes and grabs his hand, squeezing it once before letting go and getting on the plane. He doesn't leave the terminal until her plane leaves, and then places his hands in his pockets and walks out, rejoining The Strokes in their terminal for Spain)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 8 {The Mighty Boosh}

Today was a pretty mellow today because it was a call-in basis. I did, however, get called in after lunch because they (STILL) needed to redo a bunch of my lines because they didn't like how they turned out. Not my acting, just the lines needed to be changed. Or so Paul says....hmm...I leave for Italy tonight! WOO! According to Julian (my boyfriend) it's just going to be him at the airport because the Strokes arrive about a half hour before I do so they're going to go get a hotel and Jules (my boyfriend) is going to wait for me. WOO! (X2) Noel gave me a big hug goodbye too when he dropped me off at the airport. He'll have to be alone in his apartment for at least ONE night. I'm really glad that Paul gives us breaks like this, it's pretty mental. I don't even film 24/7 and I get days off? Crazy. Ah well, he's an amazing director (I think).

Noel and I went running naked through the sprinklers of his neighbors yard. Or at least we did in a dream. I think at the end we were attacked by this fish:

Day 7 {The Mighty Boosh}

Back to filming! Since Noel and I are taking wednesday off we had to finish filming all of my scenes. And since we only had one more scene to film (and I was in that one) we did that scene and then did all of the close-ups and touch ups for the other scenes. There were many. They also wanted to do several retakes because they like waiting a week to see if we've come up with other funny stuff while we were gone. I love filming with the Boosh though, they're hilarious. Apparently as a tradition for the last day of filming a scene Dave makes taquitos. I love taquitos  So if the transitive property still works then I LOVE DAVE.

I left for Italy tonight and am really excited to see Julian. God knows what I'll do when I see him, I might just have my way with him at the airport steps.

Here is a picture of a female pole vaulter.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I am

interested in cow print at the moment.
reminiscing X-Men: First Class.
in lust with James Mcavoy.
craving a massage.
realizing how cocky I can be.
sexually frustrated.
missing Julian.
in the mood for watching a good rape recovery movie.
dying to play my keyboard.
missing my fishies.
going to call Seth tomorrow...maybe.
anticipating a package at the moment.
remembering why I hate receiving packages...opening them takes forever.
in love with grammar
telling you that the last post was a lie.
telling you that the last post was a lie.

Day 6 {The Mighty Boosh}

My boys are in Scotland at the moment and I got off the phone with Jules (my boyfriend) just a few minutes ago and the game plan is that I'm leaving for Italy at 11PM and I'm meeting them all at the Italian airport at around 3AM. I. Am. Stroked. and stoked...ha ha.

Today was another mellow day! I liked it. I watched Harry Potter 3 and 4 at Julian's house and then went over to Rich's and we played video games for a bit, the some pool (I lost MAJOR time on that stupid freakin' game) and then Noel drove me to a soccer field and we laid under the cloudy sky talking about how much we hate the police.

I'd say it was a good day.

Day 5 {The Mighty Boosh}

No there was no filming today! No filming on fridays, I cannot tell you how many emails I got because of it. I....had a little panic attack last night. I just...ah, missed Julian (my boyfriend) SO MUCH! So I called him

JULIAN...I miss you like crazy! That freakin' video is getting me all excited for nothing.
(laughs) I miss you too, I'll see you on Monday though!
I's been too long since I've seen you though.
Agreed. What're you up to there?
I was just about to go to sleep, you?
We just got back from dinner, we all miss you by the way. Do you wanna talk to the guys?
Alright lemme get one of them...
CHRISTINA'm not done talking to you yet.

And it went on like that. I miss himmmmmmmmmm aahh!! Sorry, I know this is a Mighty Boosh post, but it's still on my blog. So fuck you. London is wonderful by the way, I'm really excited for being on Never Mind the Buzzcocks! I was watching little youtube clips and I saw the one where Preston walks off and that's crazy! British humor's just like that! Some people can't handle it but thankfully I can. I'm still called fainty on set. Fuck you Rich. Oh God last night, while Noel was drunk, he was slurring to me that he loved me and we should take our relationship to the next level. It's nice to know that when he's drunk, we're lovers. Ha ha.

Speaking of Rich I hung out with him today. Just him, me, and Noel. We hung out at Rich's first and that was...interesting. He has a very messy home, but we did decide make cupcakes and we all iron beads together. Noel made a rainbow star, I made a ying-yang sign, and Rich made a unicorn vibrator. Yes folks, a unicorn themed vibrator. 

I love these men. SO, we (Noel and I) were suppose to go to a party tonight but we were literally having too much fun with Rich that we stayed at his house and had a sword fight. Journey of the Childmen? I think yes. Noel is my best friend. We can sit in a room and do absolutely nothing and not be bored. It was funny when Rich was upstairs doing something on his computer Noel was piecing together his rainbow star and I was reading a printed out story I've been reading for a bit and every now and then I'd just make weird sounds and he'd match the weird sounds and make even weirder ones. Then we'd laugh and go back to silence. He'd occasionally throw a bead at me and I'd put it in my mouth and spit it back at him. He's great. Oh lord, at around 6PM Rich, Noel and I went to a haunted house. It was the creepiest shit ever, I was practically on Noel the entire time. Rich is just the funniest shit whenever something would legitimately scare him he'd scream and then make some kind of obvious joke to cover it up. Like when the Chuckie midget came running around it hit Rich (BECAUSE IN EUROPE THESE THINGS TOUCH YOU) on the leg and he screamed his ass off, and then said "I thought he was my nephew! Last time I talked to him I said I would take him to a baseball's never going to happen kid!"

Oh Rich Fulcher, you speak to my bowel chords.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 4 {The Mighty Boosh}

As you can see from Noel's twitter, he was drunk. I DON'T LIE TO YOU FOLKS, YOU'RE MY FAMILY NOW. Ahh, I really miss Julian (my boyfriend). I really, really do. I woke up snuggling my pillow to death and thought it was Julian. TIAL. Okay, what the fuck is up with TIAL and IHS it pops up in a LOT of my posts and I do NOT put them there!! I did it on purpose for one of my blog titles, but it DELETES ONE OF MY WORDS TOO. One time I said "So today I went swimming twice today" and it'll change it to "So today IHS twice today" ?TIAL?? Come on blogger.

The Strokes WOLD PREMIERE of Taken For A Fool was today and the video is amazing, another wonderful job done by Warren Fu. Love the background, and the multiple Julians. I'm biased on that I'm SORRY! This morning I had breakfast and didn't do too much today. Had a party at 8PM, I was invited but I took Noel with me. Dave was there actually and so was RUSSEL! I love Russel Brand more than anything in the world. When he was the world just awesome. And it was all the way back in February! But it wasn't awkward between us and THAT is awesome. Him and Noel...they're in love. I thought Noel and Julian were in love but I was wrong, Noel and Russel are in love. They have so many inside jokes that at the party I just walked away at some point and they didn't even notice, that's how entranced they were. It was a good party though! Made a lot of bisexual friends to be honest. Took a few fan pics too, I love that people in the UK know me. That's so cool! Anyways it's really late and I've got another party to go to tomorrow. See you!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 3 {The Mighty Boosh}

I woke up being suffocated by my sheets today. It was nice. TIAL. I love breakfast at Noel's because it's always some adorable elaborate meal. Like today he made toast with a heart in the center filled with EGG. Super delicious. Bacon, eggs, and milk are so much better in London. Actually, the stuff in NYC (especially the milk) tastes like fucking GARBAGE compared to the milk in London. Or Europe for that matter. I was lurking Julian's (my boyfriend) twitter and they didn't leave Poland! I thought they were leaving for Ireland...I guess they leave today.

Ah well, today we filmed scenes 7 and 4. 7 is in MY room so...woo! Okay, so that scene involves us RENTING 30 puppies and 30 kittens...oh my GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. They were just so playful and sweet and GOD I MISS MY DOGS AND FISH! I don't have a kitty though and I love them. By the way I meant Julian (my boyfriend)'s dogs not really mine. I still love Voltron and Balki though! Scene 7 was a lot of fun to film for that reason. And then scene 4 was...super awesome. That was the not stay-on set and it's basically a jungle. Really cool actually, they said it took them only a day to make it because they've used so many jungle sets before. This scene has a song in it too and the moon comes out to talk SO we had a lot to film. I'm not in scene 4 unfortunately. I'm not in scenes 1, 3 and 4. But scene 6 I don't say anything so does it count? Ah well. I love being apart of the Boosh because even though I was filming in the afternoon I still stuck around and nobody like...kicked me out or anything. If you showed up at a scene that you weren't in for SNL they'd make you leave. Photo shoots as well. I went to one and they kinda went psycho for it.

 So it was after filming was over when Noel decided we would go party hard in London. I'm not sure WHAT club we went to but it was a shitload of fun times. It was just Noel and I but we made a bunch of friends. We got home at around...2AM and Noel was still pretty drunk (I was tipsy) and we played war. I had my couch to hide behind and he had his box as we threw crap at each other while techno was playing in the background. Very awesome. Although his living room is now a MESS but we'll clean that up tomorrow. It's...pretty bad...we broke a mirror...that's 7 years of bad luck right? It was actually pretty funny when it happened because Noel is a sweet drunk. So I threw a pillow at Noel but it missed and hit a mirror behind him and it fell and shattered on the floor and Noel's smile didn't fade for a few second when he was looking at it then he just said "oh fuck" and threw the pieces away and got a milk jug from the refrigerator and threw it at me.

Oh Noel.
I miss Jules.

edited and unedited

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 2 {The Mighty Boosh}

In case you were wondering why there are no pictures of me on here is because I hate people who liter their blogs with pictures of themselves. It's ridiculous. So I'm never going to put a picture of me on here unless it was for a VERY special occasion. But I probably won't. Today was a lot better working on the Boosh. We finished scenes 6 and 2 so we're still a scene behind. Scene 6 has me in it as does scene 2 so I was a busy girl today. No passing out! Rich came into work today

Rich! Welcome back to the Boosh.
Good to be back-(noticing CHRISTINA) FAINTY!
(groaning she rolls her eyes) Oh come on...
(putting his arms up as if CHRISTINA was about to fall) Woah-WOAH! CALM DOWN FAINTY! SOMEONE-SOMEONE HELP!
(laughing hysterically he hits RICH on the arm) Oh leave her alone...
Nah I'm only joking (patting her on the shoulder) Welcome to...THE DREAM TEAM. 
Ha ha, nice to meet you...jerk.
(he looks at her and gives her a very serious look and then starts to cry backing away to her touch) Wh-what! I'm...please don't no...stop it! NO MEANS NO!
(laughing and pointing at RICH to NOEL) Is this guy for real?!
STOP TALKING ABOUT ME! (he runs away in a panic and comes back in a few seconds only to hug CHRISTINA) Nice to meet you, really.
(laughing confusedly she hugs him back) You're special.
Yeah whatever.

And that's how we met. Filming scene 6 was fun, I didn't have any lines but instead Naboo was just shaking my hand so it was a short scene. Scene two was the majority of my lines because that's when Howard and Vince meet me. It's funny, they made my room a stay-on set (meaning that it...stays on and doesn't get reused for another scene...meaning i'm going to have many more scenes in my room!) and let me tell room is AWESOME. It's not even furnished yet and it's awesome (I'm just moving in) and so it's just hard wood and shit but it's nice, I saw the designs for it and I'm getting really excited. For the second episode Vince is in my room for a scene and my room is going to be done by then, these lamps are in it too: 

It's really posh and cool and I really enjoy it. Since we filmed scene 2 today and I had to speak that meant that I GOT TO USE MY BRITISH ACCENT! Apparently it's good. Gosh a full filming day is so busy, here's my schedule (for double filming):


That's how the schedule should go, however at 3PM they started doing a photo shoot for the new season ads and they needed all of us so Mike and Dave went first, then Rich went, then me, then Noel and Julian. I'm kind of honored to even be apart of the photo shoot. It's funny when we're filming Julian calls me the bipolar actor because I'll be really nervous behind the camera and then be awesome on camera (or so I'm told). I guess I'm just nervous because I've never filmed for TV before, but I'm glad it doesn't screw up my scenes or anything. I'm pretty good on my first take. Good lord Julian really doesn't know his lines. It's kind of sad actually, because Noel and Julian will be doing a back and forth bit and we'd have to do it in like 20 takes because there would be a line forgotten and it comes to a point where I'd just rather him improv it then get upset about not getting the line EXACTLY right. Ah well, it's funny. Rich is the funniest damn person on the planet my GOD. I love that man. Noel, Mike, and I went to lunch at Cafe Pierre's and it was really quaint and good. A lot of people recognized us though. That's okay, I want Brits to know me....d'em london-ers...OH remember me saying that I was going to be on Nevermind the Buzzcocks? Well I am, but I just found out that Noel is one of the team captains and that's mainly how I got the opportunity to be on the show, SO I'm going to be on the team. 

I hope they ask millions of Strokes questions. I'll dominate over them all.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 1 {The Mighty Boosh}

Lay her down! Should we call an ambulance?

The whole month of July and August is gonna be strict Day__ {} and I'm VERY content with that. I'm gonna be making BANK this summer. But it's not all about the money. I mean COME ON. Ha ha, it's all about the money. Aw, Strokes reference...I don't know how I'm going to get through a WEEK without Julian. I remember Las Vegas was hard! And that was only a day and a half! Oy. I gave him the biggest kiss goodbye.  It's funny he didn't want me to leave and I didn't want to leave...well I did, but I didn't want to leave HIM I wanted to be in London but it would've been great if he could've came with me. Sometimes I think I'm too in love with Julian, but hey if he feels the same way then I'M DOWN.

(holding onto CHRISTINA he speaks as he leans on her head) Are you sure you have to leave? I'm gonna miss you so much...
I know...are you sure you have to be on tour? (she laughs)
Call me any chance you have, which I know won't be much.
I will, I have to go I love you. 
JULIAN're career is just starting up and I'm struggling to keep mine alive...have fun.
You are a rotten liar.
(kissing her on the lips) Have fun, I love you so much.
I love you too Jules. Go have some good ol' fashion Strokes fun. Just you and the boys.
Things are gonna get crazy. Write me little notes on your blog. 
I know and I will. Bye love.
Bye Christina.

That was your note Julian. I arrived in London at 11PM. The flight was good, not too much turbulence. I exited the plane a little disoriented because it was a little late. But I received such a nice reception outside the terminal:

(CHRISTINA exits the terminal and outside is a man wearing sunglasses sipping a cup of coffee holding a sign that says "Essenelle". There are several people with cameras waiting outside the doors and once CHRISTINA steps out they all ask to get pictures with her and she kindly agrees) Oy Christina!
(jumping into NOEL's arms he spins her around and then carries her through Heathrow) Noel! I've missed you! Where are you taking me?
To the car before more people recognize you.
I think more people are going to notice me if I'm being carried through an airport.
Yeah maybe...(he places her on the ground and gives her a hat and sunglasses) I brought you these! I also have makeup in case you want a stache.
No I'm good, I would never want to hide from people...
Yeah but you tend to cause sort of a disruption.
Hey when are your vacation days! We should plan ours accordingly.
YES WE SHOULD. Mine think I think mine are the 13th, the 17th, and the 22nd.
Those are mine now too. You're staying with me right?
Yeah, if that's alright with you.
Of course! Did I tell you I want you to be British for the show?
Oh God, you're really gonna have to teach me then. 
(laughs) Alright! (he opens the car door for CHRISTINA and the gets in himself)
Geez, I thought you wanted me to drive.
Oh right...different side in America.
Oh this is gonna be hard to get used to...but I will!

Then we went to Noel's place. It was very nice, very mod and vibrant. Fortunately there wasn't that problem of "Oh there's only one bed and I don't want to make you sleep on the couch you're the guest" "but it's your house" "but I'm trying to be polite..blah blah blah" because there WAS another. TIAL. It wouldn't even matter if I did sleep in the same bed as him because he has a big queen size bed so we'd be back to back at opposing sides. SO TAKE THAT! Tomorrow we're working on scenes 1, 3, and 6. I got word from Paul that I'm allowed to send you all my lines for the Boosh. So here they are for episode 1: Medicine of the Woods.

Alright! Sorry for the racket I'm just unloadin' here.
Yeah I do make a bit of noise with these heavy things.
No, I'm alright. Thanks though. (she dusts off her hands and walks towards the two of them) My name is Stephanie.
Yeah from Whales.
So what're you two like? Do you work downstairs?
(laughing) Oh nothing.
Yeah it's alright.
(pointing to HOWARD, to VINCE) Is he gonna be alright?
Understandable. But yeah gimme a ring and we'll go do something.
Oh I dunno...I like to shop, fix meself up y'know? Partying.
(chuckling to herself she closes the door) Cheers.
(disoriented) Wh-what? Vince! What're you doing here?
I...(sighs) I was getting medicine for Naboo too. I thought that if I got Naboo better that you all would like me I need a job so i thought this was a sure-fire way of getting me in. I'm really sorry Vince.. 
Yeah...are you alright? 
It's almost midnight! We only have 10 minutes left!
Go to hell you demon unicorn.
Howard you saved us! 
NO HOWARD DON'T! (thousands of puppies and kittens litter the room and attack HOWARD with hugs and kisses. He laughs as everyone now plays with the little animals) I told you not to open it...they're not mine. 
Well apparently there's a zoo nearby who's looking for animals...(they all give her strange looks) I NEEDED THE MONEY!

That's just the first episode. But to be honest they only have 3 episodes written right now. The fourth is still in the shop...but that's okay. Anyways I think I'm gonna hit the hay. Night kids. Noel says goodnight as well. Oh no wait now he wants to say something:

I think I'm the first one to use this font and color EVER. Yeah, so it's about 1 in the morning over here...we're gonna head off to sleep. As a message to me mum: Hey. It's been a while hasn't it? Not really huh? Did you like seeing my junk in Pete Sweet? You did? Oh wonderful. Anyways I outta sign off. Goodnight to all the masses!

I love how I titled this Day 1 but wrote nearly 3 pages about last night. Man, first day on the job and I just fuck everything up. I woke up at around 7:30AM and ate a grilled cheese sandwich, had some water then went with Noel to the studio. We got there at 8AM and immediately we watched over some graphic designs of what they wanted to do for some of the characters for the episode. That took about 10 minutes then Paul King (director) brought us over to some of the storyboards that were written and so we were standing for about 10 minutes and...everything started to go black and I turned to my left and grabbed (if it's a mighty boosh post assume Julian is NOT my boyfriend) Julian's arm and said "I'm going to pass out" and he didn't look at me but laughed and continued to watch Paul and then I, still clinging to his arm, feel down and he grabbed me and slowly brought me to the ground (from here on out is what everyone else said what happened) he was now panicking and carried me over to a table and sat me down on one of the stools there. I became somewhat conscious. At this point Noel was holding onto me and he searched for my phone and gave it to Mike telling him to call someone on my emergency contact list. Then Noel said I needed air and I had my arms around both of their necks and so I walked a little bit forward and passed out again to a point where Julian realized that he needed to carry me outside. Mike Fielding then got Julian (my boyfriend) of the phone and kept him on until I became conscious. Julian (Barratt) then laid me on the ground and Noel put my feet up on this bench and Julian kept my head on his lap, pulling back my hair back smoothing it. Apparently they were all discussing whether or not to send me to the hospital and Dave Brown said that it'd be better to stay here because people who pass out are usually dehydrated or haven't eaten. Then Noel said that wasn't case because I had done both of those things. The on sight nurse came over and took my blood pressure and it was 50/30....yikes. That's so low that I could've died if I had stood up much longer. The nurse then said that there's nothing she could do besides leave me on the ground and if my blood pressure kept dropping that I'd most like suffer from severe brain damage. After a few minutes I came to and Noel was sitting on the bench resting his head on my legs and everyone started cheering for they all thought I was going to DIE. Ha ha, I'm okay everyone. Although I tried to prove this by getting up and walking back to the studio but I took one step and fell into Noel's arms and I laid down on the bench with him for the next half hour. During that time Mike gave me the phone and I talked to Julian (my boyfriend).

Are you okay??
Yeah I'm fine...I just passed out is all.
Passing out is not nothing! I'm flying out there.
No no no don't be ridiculous.
I'm not being ridiculous, you could've DIED.
No...I think it's cause I didn't sleep that much last night and that I woke up pretty early.
Oh my God Christina you're going to give me a heart attack.
What did Mike say on the phone?
He just said 'Hey you know Christina Essenelle right? Yeah well she's passed out on the floor what do we do? Does this happen often?'
Oh my God...It's a good thing I'm not filming today.
Then why did you come in to work?
They wanted to show me everything and they might need some extras.
God Christina...please be more conscientious of your surroundings.... 
I will sweetie, I have to go.
(sigh) Be safe. I love you.
Don't go mental, love you too.

With the setback we didn't start filming until 11PM and we didn't get all the scenes done. Only scenes 1 and 3. Which is good because I'm in scene 6 and I was not up to filming today. Paul came over to me as I was laying on Noel and said that this was in no way something that I should be embarrassed about-even though I definitely was crying on the inside-and that I can start filming tomorrow when I was feeling better. Ugh, I've never felt so dumb in my entire life. Noel made me a nutella sandwich for lunch. He's a sweetheart. Fortunately Rich Fulcher didn't have to see it considering he is in scenes 4 and 5 and couldn't come in to be an extra today. I really want to get to know Rich because he seems just SO COOL. But I feel like if I keep throwing myself onto him he'll push me off and be all GET AWAY YOU PSYCHO BITCH! It'll happen, just you wait. Apparently someone filmed me fainting for the DVD Extras so...BUY SERIES 4 DVD SOON FOR THE EXCLUSIVE LOOK INTO ESSENELLE'S FAINTING SESSIONS!
