Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 4 {Matthew Goode}

I thought I'd take a moment to talk about the overall sexiness of Matthew Goode. His accent is...gorgeous, his body...gorgeous...his face...GORGEOUS! And when I said body, I mean he's shirtless in one of the scenes...looking sexy as's hard to be dating someone with my job...ahh the SNL life...Today we filmed Update and Acme, I was in the Acme sketch (by the way, I know I change between sketch, skit, and scene I just can't seem to find one I like) and that involved me being a crazy kid who wanted to buy all these thing to beat up the new kid on the block and Matt played the salesperson who was just hired and was iffy about the job, Jason and Andy played the two boss owners. Very funny skit, I enjoy that scene. 

I talked a bit yesterday about me going to California, Nevada, and Louisiana for The Strokes' shows and I recently looked online just how ticket prices are doing and the California and Nevada shows are completely sold out. Which is insane! Money money money....speaking of money, I had quite the day today. I, for the first time in my life, went to the dentist. Yeah, all thanks to Lorne. They had to drag me to the dentist, but they got me there, and believe it or not I have no cavities. While I was getting my teeth cleaned I watched "The Devil Wears Prada" and man is Anne amazing in that movie, truly stunning. Although I forgot to mention that even though I don't have any cavities I do need braces. Yeah, I'm definitely NOT getting those, I even told them right then and there, I said 

Look, I know you're trying to give me a perfect smile and all, and I appreciate it...but no way in hell am I getting braces. Ever.

They said it wasn't neccesary to get braces right after that so, I'm in the clear. I was surprised that I didn't have any cavities because I've never been to a dentist ever but apparently they said that goldfish, bread, and water won't rot my teeth (my only food source back then) so again, I'm in the clear. After watching it last night with Jason I've been watching a lot of Tosh.0. Daniel Tosh is a really funny guy! I hope to meet him someday. My photo of the day is of Kristen, Abby, and Anne together at the after-party (Kristen had died her hair THAT day by the way)