Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 5 {Jim Carrey}

I stayed home from school today because there was no point in going if I'm sick and have to film to I got a nice day off and it's Martin Luther King Day on Monday so no school again for the Gwyneth Paltrow week.I saw her in Iron Man so I'm excited to meet Miss Pepper Pots...I've slept all day with a fever and Julian's been writing and making music with the rest of the Strokes and he got me lunch which was sweet. Today we're filming A Taste of New York and Amusement Park Ride, I'm in the 3PM one so that'll be fun. I watched Taran do his bit for the skit and it's hilarious. Very amazing actor Taran is, I'm surprised he isn't in more skits to be honest.

I'm most likely going to have to go to the doctor soon because my laryngitis is getting really bad...will I do the show? Who knows at this point, Jason has a fever and Keenan has chlamydia (joking) what else could go wrong...