Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 2 {Jim Carrey}

My boyfriend is an asshole at times. So I have completely lost my voice at this point and so Julian thought it'd be SO funny if he invited all his friends to come over and make fun of me. Yes my day was stressful. School was dull and bland and the dance audition went horrifically and I don't think I'm going to get in which really sucks because I'm positive Bill and everyone else will get in. I mean even Abby got called back to do a more difficult dance routine. Bitch. Plus because of my girliness it was more uncomfortable to dance today (if you know what I mean girls...) and on top of that I have text book flu and laryngitis. LORD HELP ME PLEASE. I'm not even sure if I can film tomorrow if my voice is still like this...I hope they still let me be in this week's episode...I'm going to the National Museum of History tomorrow for the first time (MONEY) So that should be fun...toodles!