Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 1 {Vegas!}

I've been receiving very angry texts from Amy, Tina, and Kristen. They only say the words "Grumble" but I know deep down it's "You complete bitch I fucking hate you, go to hell". But I made it! I had to ride the plane by myself which was slightly frightening (I promised Julian I wouldn't put him through the hell of making him sit and watch a wedding 100 times) but I was in first class so it wasn't that frightening. Everyone's really nice to you when you're in first class...the flight was only 4.5 hours so I got Dinner for Schmucks done. Paul Rudd forced us all to get some kind of copy of it and watch it. It was very funny! I love Steve and Paul so why wouldn't I love it? When I arrived in Vegas I was in complete awe. I left NYC at 5PM to make my 7PM flight at JFK and when I got there it was like watching a movie (The Hangover of course). Lights were everywhere, I was in New York, Paris, and Vegas all at the same time and it was just a complete culture shock. It was also slightly warmer there too. Even at night! I believe it was 29 degrees when we left and now it's 35 degrees so slightly warmer. How I envy you Orlando, Florida...(only during winter though because it's 67 degrees there apparently!) I arrived to a big reception at the Bellagio and the first thing I did was go into Kristen's suite (SPECTACULAR) and see her wedding gown. She looks amazing, I can't describe the dress now just because I don't want Fred to be reading this and know (it's tradition isn't it?). Speaking of tradition, I know I have lots of girls as my friends but I've just generally been more comfortable around guys and when it's "Tradition" for only the bridesmaids to help carry a 50lb case of chairs I really start missing Jason, Bill, Seth, and Keenan. It was...gruesome. After that I watched a bunch of them play slots because I can't prove that I'm 18 or 21 which was fun because I didn't have to lose any money! Anyways I must be off because we're going to go through our little speechs with the wedding planner person. Toodles!

Abby is dumb sometimes. Don't account her for everything she does. Ha ha, why do you think Bill left NYC early?