Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 4 {Jim Carrey}

Julian and I had an amazing day yesterday for several exclusive reasons. Yes, exclusive reasons. If you go see Julian's twitter you'll see some awesome pictures describing our love. Today I had a full day of filming! We filmed Black Swan and Soul Train, Black Swan was super easy because I had no lines but Jim Carrey was hilarious. The part was originally going to be given to Kristen but she's still on her honeymoon with Fred, they were back for 3PM today though but were exhausted and didn't film. Lucky ducks got to go to Greece...hmpf. I was skype-ing Tyson today! He's good, he's just having a lot of fun at the moment on tour. He says he misses me and I miss him too! He was a lot of fun to hang out with. Jimmy was in Rolling Stone! A HUGE spread was on him in Rolling Stone and it mentions Julian and myself and he's also on the COVER of Rolling Stone as well, now that's who I call a lucky fucking duck. I still have no voice and probably won't tomorrow so let's see how the show turns out on Saturday...yikes. The interview I posted on here yesterday got so much attention from other interviewers that my inbox is bursting (as well as Jules') with interview opportunities. And it sucks that we can't do them all, but we really can't. I'm doing a radio interview on Sunday with K-Rock so that'll be fun.

I had a super bitch-fit today because everyone was making fun of my voice so I yell-screeched at them and ran away to the pool and minutes later Seth found me and set his lap top down and we watched X-Men Origins and drank root beer. This is why I love Seth. He knows exactly what to do and when to do it. By the way in case you're wondering on whether I'm going to continue writing my little essay on SNL/Stroke members I might...if I have time...which I probably won't...yay...Kristen and Fred are back! They are tan and said they had a very nice time...maybe someday I'll get to visit...speaking of visits, I said this a while ago and now I'm reminding everyone; SNL is going to France in 75 days for 10 days! Excitement again!!