Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dear Viewers

In lack of my Day 3 for some weird reason (is it even thursday? I'M SO CONFUSED) I will make it up with a post from an awesomely weird fan who has a chubby Jules fetish (don't we all...). Yeah speaking of weird fetishs (other than that weird question Cosmopolitan asked me...) I might have to delete my email address from this website because I've been getting a lot of weird fetish pics of anything relating to me and/or SNL/Strokes stuff. I think I've already said this but I got sent a link for a website just showing pictures of Julian's acne when he was younger, I got sent a wallpaper for someone's desktop of just picture of me, I got sent a gift in the mail (!) of a scrap book of every time I've been in the news, and then a picture next to it of the person's reaction (<-- I actually laughed when I read it, and I read the whole thing, you know who you are creeper). Let's make a list shall we?

#1 creepiest thing I've ever received is a picture of me in my room and the picture was taken from outside my window (this is creepy because I live in a SKYSCRAPER) 
#1 weirdest thing I've ever received is a condomed (yeah I just created a word there) orange and inside the orange {yes, inside the orange} was a note saying I should use it to fist myself, but need I worry, it's okay because there's a condom on it.
#1 scariest thing I've ever received was a link to that maze thing and at the end a really nasty picture of myself popped up screaming. I actually screamed.
#1 most confusing thing I've ever received was a poem in German
#1 grossest thing I've ever received is lock of someone else's hair (gross because it was their PUBIC HAIR)
and the #1 most dangerous thing I've ever received was a live snake (All my mail gets sorted through so I only heard about that one, I didn't get to open it up and be eaten alive first. I know sender, your plan was foiled)