Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jane Lynch hosts SNL

Big letters of something meaningful yet interesting

Chris is awesome. So today we were walking through Central Park and there was a festival going on there, and in that festival was a MASSIVE bobbing for apples contest, with 3rd place prize of an XBOX, 2nd place 2 tickets to SNL (didn't need that) and first place prize of 2 Broadway tickets for "Wiked". So the adventurous girl in me decided, hey why not! 5 dollars and 5 minutes later I was being cheering and adored by tons of people and being given the first place prize. Chris was so ecstatic. After signing a few autographs and some pictures we were on our merry way to the Fun Factory! That factory is one hell of a time. They have two roller coasters and a ferris weel, it's basically the Palisades Mall without the stupid New Jerseyians. Chris won be this lanyard bracelet that had batman symbols on it for me, I'm defintely not ever taking that off. 1 because it's tied too tight and won't come off and 2 because it's FREAKIN AWESOME. After that we were going to go see a movie when Nasim and Paul ran into us at the theatre, I agreed to seeing a movie with them because I assumed it would not be a problem until Chris pulled me to the side and said he didn't want to go see a movie with Paul. I was very confused for Paul has given me no other impression than extremely nice! But apparently Paul and Chris had this little battle a few weeks back before Paul wqas on the show and Chris now hates him for it. Chris never told me what the fight was about but it must've been crazy.

Initially we were going to go see "It's kind of a funny story" because Nasim wanted to so much and whatever Nasim wants and Chris doesn't want Paul will agree against Chris, however, the theatre did not have that movie so we watched RED instead. And it. was. AWESOME. Not sure exactly how to categorize it because it was definitely an action film, with definite romance, with obvious comedy, and very much drama and family ties. So it's a RomCom DramFam Action film. Oh yeah.

After that it was nearly show time and we rushed back to the NBC Building. The show went fabulously although one of the skits made Jane Lynch cry after it was over. The Digital Short for this week feautured Jane and Andy and Jane was a creepy therapist who randomly popped up next to him with her shirt off and in fact naked next to him. She was so upset because when they showed the audience that profile of her being naked everyone was all "EWW" rather than "OMG!!" so she was sad over that. And guess who had to console her back to her regular nice state. That's right, Fred, Abby, and Me. It was a tough job because she's really self-loathing but she came through after Andy gave her a big kiss on the cheek and said she was beautiful. Andy if you're reading this THANK YOU. Jane if you're reading this YOU'RE GORGEOUS.

Oh God the after party last night was insane. Like I said Matt Damon was suppose to be there because he had been on 30 Rock for the past few weeks and he had never been to SNL After-Parties. Although, the way I met Matt Damon was simply hilarious. I was walking over to Keenan and Taran when a hand smacked into my boob and an ounce of wine with it as well. I gasped and looked down and my now ruined baby-blue shirt. I didn't even look up to see who did it and he just kept on appologizing and then he said he knew where to find some Tide-to-Go so I said Okay and went with him down the hallway. It was till I was mid-way down the hall when I checked to see who had doused me in wine. (the format for this isn't working so I can't use different fonts and make things look like a script..damnation.)

CE: Oh, wow. I heard you were coming tonight.
MD: What's that?
CE: Oh I'm sorry that probably sounded really creepy, I'm Christina Essenelle.
MD: Oh, no no I know who you are. (laugh) Yeah everyone knows who you are.
CE: Well I wasn't sure since you're pretty famous...Mr. Damon.
MD: What people like me can't know people like you? And hey, (nudges me) we even work in the same building.
CE: (raising hands) Mr. Damon everyone works in this building.
MD: (laugh) Yeah I guess...and please call me Matt and I'm really sorry about your shirt-
CE: For the one millionth time I forgive you! Our after-parties always end with someone getting stuff on them. Plus this is SNLs shirt not mine.
MD: (laughs, and scratches back of head) well this isn't how I planned to meet you...
CE: You planned on meeting me??
MD: Well yeah, I was going to talk to you when you were on 30 Rock but everyone beat me to is it that you know everyone??
CE: Hardly, I knew Alec because he was the first person I hosted with, Tina was a host on SNL and we went to Alaska together-
MD: Yeah I heard about that, that was your first time out of New York?
CE: (laugh) Yeah I know hard to believe...
MD: Well you never really had a family so it's understandable I guess...
CE: Ah well, I turned out okay!
MD: (checking me out) (pause) definitely.
CE: (awkward pause) So, have any new movies coming out?
MD: Nah, I've been taking a break actually I wanna settle down for a while and then maybe get back into movies.
CE: (laugh) So, TV is your break??
MD: (laugh) Yeah I guess so!
CE: (laugh) Not to be super awkward but, you have the blue-est eyes I've ever seen.
MD: (quietly) aw gee thanks. I read your blog by the way.
CE: Oh really....I seriously need to not write so much information in that thing. I'm sure tomorrow this entire conversation will be documented.
MD: You must have a good memory then.
CE: (laugh) I'd like to think so. Although I tend to make people more dramatic then they seem. I'm sure I'll say you spilt a bucket of sharpie ink instead of wine.
MD: (laugh) I certainly hope not...Hey, wanna go out for coffee tomorrow? If you're not to mad at me that is...
CE: (laugh) calm down you! It's not even my shirt...and sure! When would you want to go?
MD: I can meet you down in the about at 1pm?
CE: Sounds great, and speaking of great tide-to-go!
MD: Told you I had some. (handing me the stick) Miss Essenelle.
CE: Oh, actually it's pronouced Christina.
MD: Oh geez I'm so sorry.
CE: (cleaning off shirt) It's okay, a lot of people make that mistake.
MD: (laugh) shall I accompany you back to the party?
CE: That sounds like a wonderful idea Matt.
MD: (holding out his arm) Perfect Christina, let's go.

And we went! Julian of course interrogated me and after I explained what happened he said okay and kissed me on my forehead and asked if I wanted to play Dance Dance Revolution. I of course lost because I can't hit the stupid pads hard enough. DAMNED GAME. The party was great though.

My friends, we have a host for this week. It's Leonardo Di-Freaking-Caprio. Who's excited? I'M EXCITED. And our lovely writers have the scenes already done. PLUS they know that one of the main reasons why Leonardo DiCaprio is even hosting is because of me that I'm in a LOT of scene this week, and also because I was only in 2 last week. WOOT! By the way, I'm not sure if you've noticed but whenever someone is coming to the show or is at a party and I know them because of their famous-ness I try to call them by either their proper name or Mrs/Ms/Mr last name. I do this because 1) it's polite and 2) it forces them to make me call them by their perferred name making me seem like their "buddy". Hey, I think it's a smart tactic. 12 scenes this week...I'm excited...

10am Taco Town (Andy, Bill, Jason)
3pm Laurence Welk (Kristen, Fred, Christina, Nasim, Abby, Leo)

10am DiCaprio Cheerios (Christina, Leo, Vanessa)
3pm Digital Short (Andy, T-Pain, Jorma, Christina)

10am He Likes You (Abby, Vanessa, Nasim, Leo, Bill, Jason, Keenan, Taran, Paul)
3pm Laser Cats (Leo, Lorne, Bill, Christina, Andy, Jay, Paul)

10am Lazy Saturday Remix (Chris Parnell, Christina)
3pm Update (Seth, Bobby, Andy)

10am Funeral (Abby, Leo, Bobby, Kristen, Jay, Taran, Christina)
3pm Kissing Family (Leo, Christina, Kristen, Keenan, Fred, Bill, Nasim, Paul)

Spring Break Cold Open (Kristen, Abby, Keenan, Vanessa)
Monologue (Leo)

The stats for this week are:

Abby 4
Andy 4
Bobby 2
Bill 4
Fred 2
Nasim 3
Jay 2
Jason 2
Taran 2
Kristen 4
Keenan 3
Christina 7
Seth 1
Vanessa 3
Paul 3

Which means it's my week!! This should be a very amazingly awesome show...I hope. Speaking of amazing awesomeness, I had a heart to heart with Julian last night, it turns out he loves me. YAY. Anyways, today was super fun. I woke up at 11am next to Julian, took a shower, ate cereal and went down to the lobby to meet up with Matt (Damon). We had a really nice time actually, Matt signed a lot of autographs though and it got a little annoying but he was really nice about it. We went to Central Park and took a little stroll, it was nice to step away from SNL for two seconds and talk to someone not involved/on the show. Although the step away I took was not very large considering he is still on 30 Rock. But he's seriously a really nice guy, and I'm glad I met him. He's going to probably hang around the SNL set now...or I'm going to hang around the 30 Rock one, who knows!

Well it's Amazing Race time, toodles!