Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 1 {Jane Lynch}

Last night was SO MUCH FUN. We were to leave at 5:30 so at 5:30 Bill and I were in the conference room talking about random stuff like gay people's voices and what not and Bill tells me that Kristen is back, that she came back Sunday morning sobbing and ran to her room in which she confessed to Bill everything. She wants Fred back (obviously) and she wants to stay on the show (thank God). So the Fred and Kristen department is A-okay. After that conversation Bill and I were playing on Omegle (to those of you who saw us...hey) and I would play on the piano and Bill would talk to them via microphone and stay stupid things etc. anyways at one point I go into the cabinet in the room and see that there are six thousand candles in there and four million matches (i never exaggerate) so I take them and place them all around the piano, lit, and play songs for the fellow Omegle participants. Soon after came the lets-burn-some-tissues-for-fun game which led to a small fire in the conference room and now there are imoveable black stains on the carpet. No one will know where they came from except for Bill and I....anywho shortly after the stains I ask "Is there a fire alarm in here?" to which he responds "No there was but I'm pretty sure it's broken now" "Oh oka-" BEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP. Yup the fire alarm went off. We blew out those candles like a bat out of hell and ran into Bill room and hung out there. Omegle participants watched the whole thing. Julian, Abby, Paul, and Nasim arrived in the conference room at around 6 as did Bill and I. We were under the impression that Seth, Amy, and Fred would come get us at 5:30....nope 6:30 was the actual time they were coming. Fortunately there was no traffic and we got there at 7:20.

First we went on the Boomerang to which we split up into pairs of two, Julian and Myself in the very back, Nasim and Paul in front of us, then Abby and Bill, Seth and Amy, and Fred in the front. That was a fun ride because it had loops and went very fast. Then we went onto Supreme Scream, and Abby and Nasim didn't want to go on that one (psh wus) so that one we split into Julian and Me on the two seater, Bill, Fred, Paul, and invisible rider on the four seater, and Seth and Amy on the two seater behind us. That ride is the scariest ride out there! When you're going up it's scary as hell because it's the highest ride in the park and when you get to the very top it stops and then there this big POP and you fall. The scariest part is at the very top it says "Sponsored by TOYOTA" to which Bill screamed "THERE'S NO BRAKES ON THIS THING AAHHHH" and then we fell. We loved it so much we made Nasim and Abby wait again so we could go on it a second time. After that we felt bad for the two girls and went on the swings which is only fun when you're kicking the person in front of you making them fly twenty feet outwardly. After that we got a call from Kristen saying she was at the park asking if she could hang out with us and Fred said yes. We got her and immediately went into "The Doll Factory". It was a maze that fit every pedophile/rapist's dream house look. Super creepy, but the worst part was that the crew members in costumes would come out and scare you and some would just follow you all the way around the thing. REALLY CREEPY. Although Julian was the perfect boyfriend and fended most of them off. Score!

We grabbed some hot dogs and burgers after and went to Dr. Something's Freak Show. It was a freak show indeed, they had people with no legs and magic and hoop rollers. It was crazy. But nothing could beat the fact that Julian and Bill the entire time were screaming out random innapropiate words, for example the magician would ask "Can I get a volunteer from the audience?" and Julian and Bill would scream "MY PENIS WANTS YOUR BODY". It was all very random. After that Abby, Bill, Paul, Fred, Kristen, Nasim, and Amy went on La Revolucion and Seth, Julian, and I waited on the Silver Bullet because the line was extremely long. Little did they know we cut through a maze to get there and that second maze was SO much better than the first. It was called Virus 2 and was really, really creepy. Zombies and dead babies everywhere. The others took and extremely long time with La Revolucion so we actually got to ride the Silver Bullet twice. Soon after all the rides started to close because it was getting around closing time so our last ride was the Sierra Sidewander which was fun.

We decided to not go back home to New York and stay in a hotel in New Jersey and we were accidently late this morning to filming, Lorne was really pissed about that because everyone (except Jane Lynch) who was in that scene was at Six Flags. It was secret word with Bill, Fred, Kristen, and Paul. We literally all got texts from Lorne saying "It's Monday, you're working let's go" to which I replied "Yes I'm coming now" and he said "Good bring the others". Fortunately Nasim, Abby, Seth, and Myself got lucky because I'm not fiming till 3pm. A nice little commerical feauturing Christine O'Donnell. I have yet to meet Jane Lynch yet because I've been eating breakfast and what not, but I better go. Toodles!