Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 1 {Bryan Cranston}

Love isn't in the can't feel it....oh love. What have you done to the cast of SNL...I'm sure right now all of you are thinking "Oh no Christina and Julian broke up, the horror!!" No. Fred and Kristen called of their wedding because Kristen was beind stupid so she's decided to stay with her parents for the week in Rochester. Fred's a mess, he's probably only going to be in 2 or 3 scenes, whatever he can handle. I'm not exactly sure what happened because Fred has been cooped up in scenes today, but they're really short so it's not like Fred's going to be the lead of anything this week...maybe I don't know. Another love situation is Nasim and Paul. Nasim is a flirt, let me just put that out there before I say anything else. She gets what she wants by flirting her way there, so when I say that Paul and Nasim and "seeing eachother" it means that they're screwing eachother, and/or constantly hooking up, and Paul is hot so she's defintely got the details on that one if you know what I mean... Apparently last night while Julian was in my room with Nick asking to go "PARTY!" she was screwing him in the pool. Interesting! Although I don't think Paul is really like that, he reminds me of the guy in The Notebook, although no one knows of him, seriously there is no trace of evidence that this guy exists except for the fact that he's on SNL. Last love topic would be Abby oh boy is she in trouble. She's in lust with Bryan Cranston and it's getting very awkward on set. When we were filming our 3pm scene Abby, Myself and Bryan was in the scene and Abby the entire time was just trying to get closer and even purposely fell on him. Most likely because he was in his underwear in the scene but still! He has a wife and a daughter! Very innapropiate Abby...not cool. Hopefully she's not like Nasim and will do whatever to go whomever. For example, Seth and Jimmy were telling me a story where Nasim was in Jimmy's office naked with a rose in her mouth laying elegantly on his desk, and when the janitor walked in she screamed and ran out. Oh Nasim...

Today we filmed "The Bjellan Brothers" a skit featuring Fred and Bryan singing a really short song, and "What Up with That School Edition" with Keenan, Bryan, Fred, Taran, Jason, Myself, Abby, Jay, Nasim, and Paul. All good fun but it's been a long day. Tomorrow I've got a 3pm scene but I forgot what it was exactly....well I'm going to go make a bagel. Toodles!